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Hi Soonenough, I'm sorry to hear that it is such a complicated thing Sad I didn't buy placenta online, a colleague of mine went to Japan and brought them to me together with HA. I will soon run out of my stock and have to now think where to get them. I like placenta because I think it is giving results. I mean, I don't take PM after ovulation but my breasts keep increasing in size. Has to be placenta (all the growth factors in it, besides, usually placenta makes progesterone in pregnant women, I wonder if it stimulates progesterone increase if taken as a pill). Did you try on that Japanese site (richworld, I think)? Japanese women swear by placenta pills and HA pills. They take them for skin mainly (to prevent wrinkles).

Have you thought about combining herbs with PM? I mean, not taking them together but doing like Chilyumilk did. She was taking PM before ovulation and B-Up Drop after O. B-Up Drop is basically herbs we all know (see the ingredient list above). Besides, Wahaika kinda gives the same hint. I'm thinking about trying to add herbs but so far I see growth, not very keen on changing anything. Maybe just to speed things up Big Grin Yes, I know, I became greedy, booby greedy! Big Grin I just see that women who take PM through out the cycle get even better results but they are either on Depo or for other reasons don't have periods. I wouldn't like to screw my cycle though.


hi, I noticed lashes getting longer after about a month or so. I also oticed that I get something like a curl, sort of. My hair is absolutely straight, as straight as it can be Smile so either it has more volume or it got a wave! Smile

(04-06-2011, 18:37)Nila Wrote:  Thanks, Ginie. Your thread is chock full of informationSmile

Thanks! Smile I sometime think that I talk too much here in my program but then.. what if it helps somebody else?

Hi Ginie,

There is a placenta cream on the market in Europe: "B-form" from

The visual indentity of this company is a bit like the back pages of a cheap magazine, but they actually have a reputation for good natural products that work. They have sold this particular cream since their start up in 1973.

It is based on hops and placenta "from an animal source". Given the countries where they operate, I'd say that's pig, not sheep. It's not at all expensive, so I can just try, but how do I know it's good? What would you advise as a test program?

Incidentally, they also carry a borage cream: "Vivance" - the cream, not the capsules, they're from another herb. I'm thinking of trying that cream too for massage.

Hi Isabelle, that's interesting! I think I will give their borage cream a thought. Wahaika recommended borage as topical, as far as I remember. As for placenta I'm looking for pills (not cream) because of all the growth factors it contains. The cream won't do the same, in my opinion. Creams with placenta are targeted for aging skin, not increasing the size of boobs. There' re even placenta injections done in beauty salons. Here's the first link that popped up on google about placenta pills:
In Europe Swiss Lamb Placenta available, I think it must have similar qualities as pig placenta. Though I would have preferred buying pig placenta if it was sold here. Getting Japanese products is such a pain! Sad

So if you ask if I advise taking placenta capsules - then I definately do! Smile My skin is glowing, and also my hair has more volume yet it is smooth and shiny. And you know what? I think I'm getting really nice feminine curves! Before I was flat as a stick, had boyish figure though I'm a woman of 36 y.o! You can read above how this program of mine changed the shape of my buttocks, I don't know what I have to attribute it to but I would think placenta played a role here too! I take PM only 2 weeks a month but I take placenta, HA and other supplements throughout the month.

I will start using Aumenti again, it is a cream

Have you tried any creams containing Volufiline?

Thanks, Ginie,

I'll shop around for placenta capsules, rather than creams.

I've never used Volufiline. It's a trade name, I believe of sarsasapogenin, though I'm not really sure: do you know? I've never used another commercial sarsasapogenin either, or any of the plants that contain it, except, of course, asparagus. Others are sarsaparilla root and agave.

I was thinking about trying this though, mainly for its reputation as an antidiabetic. Some antidiabetics act specifically against insulin resistance, and insulin resistance is linked to abdominal fat. If sarsasapogenin does this, the first thing you should see is a decrease in waist size. Do you?

I had no idea! Smile I just used Aumenty on my breasts and hips for a couple of months. I liked it, I even think it gave me a little bit of a size increase but I don't know if it was permanent or not because when I stopped using it I started with PM (pills and cream) and I kept growing. Don't know what would have happened if I just discontinued with Aumenty and didn't start something else.

Ginie, do let us know what you will use for the placenta pills when you run out of your supply. I'm actually now taking the Japanese girl's supplements - collagen powder and hyaluronic acid. I have the progesterone cream (waiting to use on the luteal phase) and waiting on the pm cream. The one that I couldn't (or wouldn't just because it's too much hassle trying to get the placenta pills from Japan) is the placenta pill supplement.

Thanks so much.

I will. Chiyumilk was also using enzimes and protein shakes. Are you taking them? I'm considering adding enzimes.

Time to report. The growth continued last month but it was weird. I switched to Siriporn, both cream and pills. I didn't change anything apart from that. I still take pills until my ovulation and cream throughout the cycle. Ever since I started PM I had 1 - 3 days delays but this month it was 8 days! I don't know what to think about it - maybe Siriporn is stronger? Maybe creams do have a systemic effect anyway? The second strange thing was the growth. It was much more than the first months, can be that PM kicked in seriously or that Siriporn has more effect on me than St.Herb. The third thing - and this is really weird - is the feeling of my breasts. I normally didn't have any tingling or pains no matter what I took (herbs, BO, PM), I had growth but never had any pain in my boobs, no tingling, nada. This time it all started with super sore nipples. Then my boobs became painful to a touch 5-7 days before the period AND (here comes the stangest thing) they are still sore even though the period is long ago over, today is day 9 of the cycle. They are still sore! I have to wear bra now because if I run or even walk fast or if I go down the stairs they bounce and it is painful. I don't know what is going on there but the increase is very noticable. This month I used NB just 2-3 times a week and stopped using it when my breasts became sore.

Another thing I struggle with may sound crazy, totally nuts. I can't adjust to my boobs. I used to be flat and now I have boobs. Nothing super big, C cup or something between C and D. I think when I started NBE I wasn't thinking how I will feel if I grow boobs. Now I don't think I like big boobs on me very much. At least now I feel this way. I wasn't wearing a bra before and now I must wear it, men look at my chest which they weren't doing before and most importantly I am aware of my boobs all the time! Especially now that they are sore few weeks in a row! So, I'm continuing taking supplements and using cream but I think I will take a break next month. Just to understand myself better. Do I really want big boobs or is this the time to stop?

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