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Chicken Feet Soup


Fengshui How Do I Prepare & Cook Chicken Feet & How Long?
March 1 2009 at 12:38 AM Delicate41 (Login delicate41)


I have never, ever seen a chicken foot in person. At least without the rest of the chicken attached. My family never cooked it. I am going to buy some but I don't know what to do with them when I get them. Have you ever eaten the feet?



(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Fengshui How Do I Prepare & Cook Chicken Feet & How Long?
March 2 2009, 5:14 AM

If you want to eat the feet, simmer for 90 min should be long enough. If you don't want to eat the feet (then you don't need to remove the nails when preparing), simmer for at least 2 hrs or longer, then discard the feet.

I used to eat the chicken feet, but I don't anymore. The chicken feet actually taste really good even just with salt. I used to sprinkle some minced garlic and soy paste on them, yum~~~~

(Login delicate41)
Re: Fengshui How Do I Prepare & Cook Chicken Feet & How Long?
March 2 2009, 4:14 PM


Now I feel like I work on CSI or I am a Secret Agent
Mission: Locate Chicken Feet.

Wish me the best

(Login double_ace)
Re: Fengshui How Do I Prepare & Cook Chicken Feet & How Long?
March 3 2009, 7:01 AM

Delicate... you never seen chicken feet eh? Wait till you buy them in a bag and see them start moving on their own.

Jk... They taste really good if you season them ;-)

(Login delicate41)
Re: Fengshui How Do I Prepare & Cook Chicken Feet & How Long?
March 4 2009, 12:42 AM

Hi double ace.
If those feet could move I hope they also have some ears as well cause I am going to tell those chicken feet to walk straight to my AAAAAAAAAAA chest. LOL


to tiger LILY
December 6 2006 at 11:55 PM leigh (Login glee220)

im also from taiwan, i grew up there and now i am living in california. i am soo impressed with your growth that i have also started to massage like you do. however, i wanted to ask you, is it hard to find chicken feet? and what kinda of chicken? u know, like black chicken in taiwan, or regular? thanks!

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: to tiger LILY
December 7 2006, 10:39 AM

Not hard to find chicken feet, you can find at asian market. Chicken feet with oyster sauce is famous dish and other recipes too. Easy to find wherever I think. About the black chicken, this is famous in Chinese medicine, but any chicken feet works. I see black chicken might be good, because it has 5 toes instead of other chicken has 4, ha! Black chicken precious, but when use chicken feet any will do.

(Login Annie)
Re: to tiger LILY
December 7 2006, 8:50 PM

Talking of black, chicken feet with black bean sauce is an inspired dish.

Question to Tiger Lily~~
May 22 2007 at 5:38 AM DoGfreak (Login dogfreak)
Dear Tiger Lily,

pertaining to your recipe on Chicken feet broth, I am wondering if I am able to make normal chicken feet "SOUP" rather than "BROTH"? As for us in the country, we use "BROTH" for Thick soup and "SOUP" for the normals ones which we usually cook and drink at home. SO, is there a difference whether i drink soup or broth?

Also, u meantioned abt putting Rice wine to improve taste, if i don not have those, can i use salt/ soya/ ginger/ garlic?

We do not have Borage Supplements here and so instead I am using flaxssed oil, i am hopin that it will help to give a boost.

Thank You

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: Question to Tiger Lily~~
May 22 2007, 8:40 AM

Hi, DoGFreak, I will try to answer this for tiger Lily since she hasn't logged on as much these days,
you can eat the chicken feet soup whatever way you want, the "broth" I meant was the soup,when I wrote "broth" in the other forum was because I thought the feet soup alone might be hard for westners to accept, so by broth I meant using the soup you can cook something you like with, without eating the chicken feet (if you feel comfortable to eat them will be the best). And the rice wine and ginger are optional, just for better taste, you can use any seasoning you like. Hope I answer your question.

About borage oil(omega 6???), I used it as a boost cause It was quiet popular in Taiwan's forum, it contains GLA, I don't know if flaxseeds are the same or not, but i think some girls here have used it. And I remember pansyclub used omega 3-6-9 and got growth from it (I think flaxseed is omega 3???).
Hope this helps.

(Login dogfreak)
Thanx to Fengshui
May 22 2007, 11:03 AM

Dear Fengshui, thx for your initiative to respond on behalf of Tiger Lily, your answer is highly appreciated, TQ!

(Login gingerD)
Re: Question to Tiger Lily~~
May 22 2007, 11:30 AM

Hi dog-Did you know borage is also called starflower
Just thaught it may help you find it easyier

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Question to Tiger Lily~~
May 23 2007, 8:36 AM

Thanks Fengshui for answering question for me, your explanations are excellent as always. Yes the borage is good for omega 6 and the flaxseed for omega 3, but maybe the 3-6-9 mentioned is a good solution too.

Hello from Taiwan
August 5 2006 at 3:00 PM Tiger Lily (Login tiger.lily)
Hello everyone. Not any big news to report, only today I am 24, that all. But still I am following booby program as always and growing is slow but certain and I made more progress. Good luck to all.

(Login fengshuiTW)
happy birthday!! :-)
August 5 2006, 9:49 PM

happy birthday girl!!!!
how have u been? i am still on the programme too, not much progress (well, a little) either since my stall.
oh i am so jealous that u r in TW, cuz i have read lots of herb tonic receipes but not easy to find them in USA.
good luck, keep us updated. :-)

(no login)
Re: Hello from Taiwan
August 6 2006, 12:10 AM

Tiger Lily,
Is it okay to add seasoning to chicken feet soup? Do you have any preference? Also, what makes chicken feet good boobie food? How much should I eat daily?

Thank you for your time in answering questions.

(Login jellyboobs)
to sassip
August 6 2006, 8:14 AM

hi sassip, I'm not tigerlily but I might be able to help with the chicken untill tigerlily answers your post if thats ok ???? its the gelatine that cooks out of the chicken feet that is good for booby growth occording to the eating method so thats why spaire rib pok soup and milk fish and theres another fish too that are all recommended for boob growth. I am taking gelatine from the packet in hot drinks and since i did that ive grown 1/2 a cup but of course i cant say for sure its the gelatine that did it !!!! hope this helps a bit love jelly Deeeee....

Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
Re: Hello from Taiwan
August 6 2006, 4:14 PM

To SassiP. Yes you can add seasoning to make better flavor. Anything to make better flavor and also better smell is good, whatever you like you can add. About how much to eat, I eat the chicken feet broth every day and the amount I use is 4 feet every day.

(Login SassiP)
Re: Hello from Taiwan
August 8 2006, 5:32 AM

Tiger lily,

As for the pressure point massage, how many minutes should it be done in a day? What time of the day is best?


Tiger Lily
(Login tiger.lily)
August 8 2006, 11:34 AM

All my massage take at least 20 minutes a day. But massage every day is a chore I must say, to be honest, but still I do every day without fail. To avoid chore too boring, I split massage up, 10 minutes morning and 10 minutes evening. That way easier for me. because 10 minutes massage seem like along time. Maybe 20 minutes altogether would be better, I don't know. But difficult for me, so I prefer 10 minutes twice a day.

chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
May 31 2009 at 12:40 AM
may (Login Cselestyna)
hey so this is a question to all who've tried the chicken feet soup method.

have any of you tried it but had no results?

i'm currently taking the soup every night.

so i'm wondering how many of you DID get results and how many DIDN'T .

thanks all!

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
May 31 2009, 1:14 AM

Did get great results.
Side effect I believe is from chicken feet soup (collagen):
(note, I am a heavy smoker--1.5 pack/day)
No wrinkles or fine lines on my 40-year-old face.
Get carded once in a while when buying cigarettes-->could be the hoodie fooled people.

And this one is my fave......................hahaha (sorry, can't help).....>
Went shopping with my 45-year-old girlfriend (the person who got me motivated for NBE because she always laughed at my small breasts--no more laughing now, eh?), sales person thought she was my mother.......come to think of it, I should thank her for laughing. Smile

(Login mrshuy)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
May 31 2009, 7:28 AM

OMG.chicken feet soup brought me pimples on face, back and breast. It also caused more severely oily skin.

All of them occured after I ate chicken feet soup in about 10 days. I immediately stop eating chicken feet soup.
I did drink the broth and eat the chicken feet only except for bones. 4 feet per day.

Now I start eating it again. but I only drink the broth at less quantity.

(Login Cselestyna)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
May 31 2009, 2:44 PM

fengshui how long did it take you to start noticing/get results??

(Login SaggyNymph)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
May 31 2009, 5:55 PM

I have been having chicken feet soup three or four times a week for the last 3 months. I two weeks or so in between. I am not sure if with my frequency or blip in consistency that I can say I am seeing results from it for sure, but I think in my case my breast skin is thickening up. It used to be very loose and empty. Also, I have naturally moist skin that can get monthly pimples and this cycle I had no pimples while drinking the soup, taking my herbs and borage oil.

(Login double_ace)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 1 2009, 10:04 PM

Mrshuy, I can relate to the acne problem. I had no idea that it was the chicken feet that could ahve caused it until you brought it ot my attention. I only started having severe acne problems after starting CFS and MSM powder together. It is all worth it at the end of the day, although I have 100 pimples on my forehead, I should start decorating them and giving them names since they seem to insist on staying longer than most pimples.

(Login Cselestyna)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 3 2009, 1:53 AM

lol, decorate them and give them names? lol too funny.

i heard on a natural health board that using diluted organic apple cider vinegar as a toner can help with pimples and aging, also if you mix 2 tablespoons in water with honey and drink it then it cleanses out your sytem and is good for you skin as well! (just hold your breth while you drink it, it's kinda foul...but worth it!)

(Login LaReve)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 3 2009, 4:14 PM

Chicken feet soup is amazing. I grew a little over an inch last month and I don't think I could have done it without the soup. Mostly it helps fill out the boobs. I ran out of CFS about a week ago and my breasts feel less full... I need to make a new batch ASAP.

There is definitely something about it, I have no idea how it works, but it does. And to me it's very tasty and easy to make into a daily habit. Absolutely worth the effort.

(Login Cselestyna)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 5 2009, 12:08 AM

yeah i find it easy to work with, and it's so versatile...a bit time consumming but definitely worth every minute!

(Login devchonka24)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 5 2009, 4:27 AM

I have a quick question. As I understand many of you ate CFS and the feet. Has anyone grew just by eating CFS along?

(Login fengshuiTW)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 5 2009, 5:29 AM

I have read there were girls grew on eating chicken feet (stewed) alone on TW's NBE forum (where I learned food + massage method from).

(no login)
Who is TW nbe forum
June 5 2009, 7:06 AM

I'm sure I've grown with chicken feet soup. Definite results.

(Login devchonka24)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 5 2009, 3:29 PM

Hello Fengshui,

I don't think I can eat the chicken feet at all but I love soups and would eat the CFS without a problem. My question is, would that be at all helpfull to NBA if I don't eat the feet?

(Login LaReve)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 5 2009, 4:46 PM

I never eat the feet. I make a thick rich stock, freeze it in small portions (ice cubes!) and make a broth with two ice cubes every day and drink this. YUM. And very effective.

The recipe I use is in the reference section.

(Login MemeeGurl)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 5 2009, 5:38 PM

I went to my local asian market and found some chicken feet, de-boned! So anyways I got some, chopped it up and made my soup with it. Now I just eat everything and so far, it's only been 3 days but I do feel a difference from drinking only the broth from before and now eating everything. The tingles came a lot faster and stronger, so there is definitely something to it.


(Login Cselestyna)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 6 2009, 6:07 PM

yes i agree, i cannot bring myslef to eat them, not that they tase bad, they taste rather bland, like drumsticks that havent been flavored, it's just that they look so much like those halloween hands!

but i've been drinking just the broth for the past couple weeks (missed some days Tongue) and i feel a difference....but you have to remember, massage, positive affirmations are very important as well!

good luck!

(Login devchonka24)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 6 2009, 7:54 PM

Thank you ladies for your input, very appreciated. If I could only find deboned (denailed also would be helpfull) CF that would be a different story. I wish I didnt care like some of you brave once and ate what I had to but I don't have a gut to do so. Not yet at least. Maybe after I make this soup over and over again my mind will change.

Thank you again. Best growth to all.

(Login Cselestyna)
Re: chicken feet soup- growth or no growth???
June 8 2009, 1:00 AM

i've never seen them dboned, but i know i always vut the nails off before i cook them

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