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Japanese Women Up 3 CUP SIZES in 1 to 2 years!

doesnt the placenta contain stem cells? maybe thats why..if thats the case, you would need a bio-identical source to help facilitate the absorbtion of stem cells...just a guess...

The only reason that comes to light is all this stem cell research controversy....

Lois, the breast enhancement that comes from PM is a side effect in itself. A label really makes no difference.

Gorgeous Blonde,
Your experience has been really helpful for me. I've taken notes on your program!

I have a few questions: You are using PM after menstration (day 7-14). But I thought you are supposed to do PM from day 1-13/15. Why are you starting after your menstruation?
I'm planning to buy Siriporn too, and am not sure how many to take. I have never taken PM before but I know 1 or 2 a day may not be enough. How many did you start with and how long did it take before you increased your dosage?

At which phase do you take SP? Only during luteal?

Thanks a lot and best wishes on growing! Big Grin

There seems to be a translation confusion.. Gorgeous says Chiyo took PM after menstruation, days 7-14. But I personally read that she starts from day 1 and ramps up the dose after her period ends.

BUT Gorgeous did read this from her old regimen page which has unfortunately disappeared and leads to a 404. Huh

Perhaps Chiyo changed her regimen over the years or there is a misunderstanding.

Hi I would also like to know when to take PM either on Day 1 or after mentruation, and another thing, what does msm stand for and how does it help with NBE? Same with goat's rue. Im planning to take PM, wildyam, l arginine, maca , collagen, placenta and hyaluronic acid. Would goats rue help with my program? Huh

For everyone who's following chiyo's program you've probably heard that she was using a special kind of bra to gather all the fat to her breasts, well she mostly used bradelis bra's, this is the online store:

So I was thinking about buying one but it's kind of expensive so I found something similar on ebay:

and this one is just the bottom part so you can add it to your normal bra:

I've already received the first one and so far so good..and it gives me a super dooper cleavage lol

So has anyone tried the bradelis or anything else similar?

(26-04-2012, 00:21)shyfly Wrote:  Hi I would also like to know when to take PM either on Day 1 or after mentruation, and another thing, what does msm stand for and how does it help with NBE? Same with goat's rue. Im planning to take PM, wildyam, l arginine, maca , collagen, placenta and hyaluronic acid. Would goats rue help with my program? Huh

I started taking it on day 1, and I was kind of following Ginie's program (she followed Chiyo)... I don't really think it's that important if you start on day one or after your menstruation, I mean the girls here that started on day one grew and I belive the ones that started later are growing too..Rolleyes The instructions that come with PM pills say to start taking on day I guess you just have to experiment and see what happens.
MSM is this:

I bought mine from here:

It's the worst thing I've ever tasted btw, I mix it with juice and take it. It helps with NBE because it helps with connective tissue andd stuff...erm ok not sure but everyone says it helps so give it a try Big Grin besides it's cheap.

(27-04-2012, 16:06)adrianna23 Wrote:  I started taking it on day 1, and I was kind of following Ginie's program (she followed Chiyo)... I don't really think it's that important if you start on day one or after your menstruation, I mean the girls here that started on day one grew and I belive the ones that started later are growing too..Rolleyes The instructions that come with PM pills say to start taking on day I guess you just have to experiment and see what happens.
MSM is this:

I bought mine from here:

It's the worst thing I've ever tasted btw, I mix it with juice and take it. It helps with NBE because it helps with connective tissue andd stuff...erm ok not sure but everyone says it helps so give it a try Big Grin besides it's cheap.

Thank yo for your response Smile how many days do you take PM from day 1? How many mg a day? thanks again

Hmm don't know, I'm not using it but you can read about it here:

I would suggest you start your regimen with just basic things:
PM, vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid, msm...see if it works and then add other things slowly Rolleyes

Hi Isabelle,

I was reading another thread and they mentioned maca being high anti-androgen. Well I looked up red maca and it said it help the prostate which makes me think it does block androgens, here is part of what they say if you can explain it better to me:

Growth of the prostate is a hormone-mediated phenomenon regulated by both androgens and estrogens [27]. However, data showed that Red Maca affect ventral prostate size without affecting serum testosterone or estradiol levels. This is not surprising because previously, it has been published that dietary phytoestrogens may affect prostate size without modify circulating testosterone or estrogen level [28], but affecting the androgen action in the rat prostate [27]. Our data on effect of Red Maca on ventral prostate size in rats previously treated with testosterone enanthate suggest that this cruciferous is acting by interfering the androgen action. Maca is characterized by its higher content on aromatic glucosinolates [19-21]. Recently, it has been described a metabolite of the aromatic glucosinolates that specifically antagonizes androgen receptor [18]; therefore, it is possible that effect of Red Maca on ventral prostate size may be due in part to an action of glucosinolate metabolites on androgen receptor. However, further studies will be required to clarify mechanism of action of this cruciferous plant.

here is the link of all the info:

sounds like red maca is better to take or a combo of all, yellow, cream, black.

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