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Long time hops & FG user

Hi lled34aa

About the coconut oil I have heard it does help loss weight..I hope I dont when I start using..but I wanted to said you lost weight did it effect the girls growing..did you lost some titas or booty..if you want I can bump another thread to answer so we dont take over on Isabelle's progam thread..k edit: never mind about a coconut thread so either continue in one of your threads or mine..k

Hey Isabelle,

So you up the FG...hmmm...we shall seeCool...OOOhhh I cant wait..Tongue

Felt shoots again Big Grin behind my left nipple. Three hours after I upped maca to 4,000 mg this morning. And I threw a tablespoon of broken flax seed in the tita porridge last night. Anyway, so excited Smile Thank you for pulling me through this again, Susan Blush

The coconut oil discussion has gone here

Susan found this really good skinny on hops safety:
I had the rash and the cough. Still looking into what hops does in insulin sensitivity and diabetes prevention.

(07-08-2011, 15:03)Isabelle Wrote:  Felt shoots again Big Grin behind my left nipple. Three hours after I upped maca to 4,000 mg this morning. And I threw a tablespoon of broken flax seed in the tita porridge last night. Anyway, so excited Smile Thank you for pulling me through this again, Susan Blush

Hey Girl Goodmorning..haha almost noon here..

Hey your feeling is it from the combo of the maca and FG..what do you think of the flax seed in the porridge last night cause I remember you did that once before and the next day you had tingling..

The coconut oil discussion has gone here

Yes I seen it, thank you...I just havent been feeling good, I am feeling a little better now that is why I am posting now..I will go to my program and explain how I am feeling..k

Susan found this really good skinny on hops safety:
I had the rash and the cough. Still looking into what hops does in insulin sensitivity and diabetes prevention.

Height: 178.5 cm = 5' 10"
Weight: 83.5 kg = 184 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 83.5/1.785/1.785 = 26.2
Breast: 105 cm = 41"
Under: 97 cm = 38"
Waist: 95 cm = 37"
Hip: 101 = 40"
Waist to hip ratio (WHR): 95/101 = 0.94

Day 11/7 26/7 08/8 2014 2016
BMI 26.5 26.4 26.2 23.0 23.0
B-U 8.00 5.00 8.00 15.0 20.0
WHR 0.95 .945 0.94 0.80 0.70
B-U = Breast - Under in cm

Improved on all three! Smile

Hi Susan,

Sorry I took a while to answer this:
"Hey your feeling shoots..
so is it from the combo of the maca and FG..
what do you think of the flax seed in the porridge last night
cause I remember you did that once before and the next day you had tingling.."

This is what I took:

Saturday August 6
Beer yeast and vitamin C
3,000 mg maca
2,000 mg fenugreek
+ 1,000 mg fenugreek before dinner, no swelling
2,000 mg hops + 1 tbsp flax seed

Sunday August 7
multivitamin "super hair formula"
4,000 mg maca, shoots 3 hours later
4,000 mg fenugreek with dinner, no swelling
2,000 mg hops + 3 tbsp oat flakes

Monday August 8
4,000 mg maca, dull shoots 1-2 hours later. Excellent sex drive 5-6 hours later
4,000 mg fenugreek before dinner, no swelling
multivitamin "hair skin nails"
2,000 mg hops + 1 tbsp flax seed

The shoots are within hours after maca, but before fenugreek. So I think it's the maca. Flax may have helped by increasing SHBG. SHBG bound the free testosterone, and released it later so it could become estrogen. This is different from what I thought was happening when flax worked well before:

The oat flakes decrease SHBG. The DHEA from the maca the next morning becomes testosterone in 5-6 hours, and there is less SHBG to bind it. That would explain the sex drive. I will continue to alternate oat flakes and flax seed, to see if this happens every time.

What doesn't seem to work is the fenugreek. I will take it hours before dinner tomorrow to see if it causes swelling.

Hi Isabelle,

Oh you reminded me to take my maca ..just got home ..Thats ok it took you a while I m in and out all day...I have been out shopping (food) just got back and light exercises..and walked to the store with the back pack empty and then had like 20 lbs plus what I was really to workouts..Big Grin

so your up to 4000mgs 2500 mg does it go by weight or hormone level ...IMO when I took FG I dont know if it was because it was the first time taking it or my body liked it..but I got tingling and shoots ..hey fireworks going you say the shoots go away the after FG or just dont get anything..after I take maca I feel something but nothing to do a dance and it goes away but it may show up for a second out of nowhere..even at night after PM same no dancingBig Grin just a small wooo hooo ok do get to much..I am now making an observation..I workout and did all that walking to when I got home my body was really circulating..after taking the maca I feel more shoots then usual..I notice that also if I do a light excerise or just moving things around for a good 10-20 mins I will get shoots with after just taking one of the herbs or just out of the blue...

Ok..Isabelle..why didnt Prettymama get any action what so ever in the titas..but you and I are.. you have high testosterone in general..I am premenopase sp? ..just a thought..

Ok I personally feel like if I up my PM I might feel something but try to do by the chart you did for me..I was wondering if you should up the FG or lower the maca, I think up FG..or leave out or adjust the other stuff you add..I cant remember if you did this combo with hops..I know you love that hopsBig Grin...

Thanks Susan,

Food for thought Smile

How much maca you can take depends on an enzyme: if you have enough aromatase to make estradiol from testosterone, you can take more maca (DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone):
If you get to the limit of your aromatase, you'll break out.

The shoots go away before I take the fenugreek, and the fenugreek itself causes no swelling. It should. But before June, I used to take 10,000 mg on the day of the party. Maybe I need to try that again, or the batter.

Circulation can be the reason too, yes: got the shoots while I was walking and running. But after dinner, I don't exercise. I'll try if that helps swelling from FG.

Prettymama may have lower testosterone than we have, but I think she takes too much SP. Because of SP, she makes no DHT out of testosterone. DHT is necessary for sex drive.

Prettymama's program also misses something that increases estrogen for growth. There is only hops, Wild Yam, or PM. The WY should work for her, because she was an E during breastfeeding: her ovaries know how to make lots of estrogens, and they did it before Smile

I tried flax with hops before, but that was no success:
You are absolutely right that I should tune FG first, and try flax and oats later. I will use these symptoms to get prolactin right by adjusting FG:

Wow what you wrote about the maca and aromatase..I looked up aromatase and a deficiency of it causes amenorrhea (which is absence of a I wonder if that is what is up with me..thank you..when I read that it made how do I up aromatase..going to find out..Big Grin cool ..I hope I can do it with food..

Yes I was thinking Prettymama had lower testosterone..

That is interesting about the prolactin..that is hard to figure if your low or high..I guess when I start taking FG I will know then...

Alot of good stuff here..Big Grin that FG lowers SHBG..hmmm..sorry just making notes so you can see what I am thinking..Big Grin
OK..your fav..Hops..raises SHBG..ok I am seeing a pattern of your I know why you add oats too..this is what Wahaika wrote, which you probably already know or follow this..

Hops 1800mg/day - Should be 1=1 with fenugreek - See Eve's Program for an example of a successful program using hops.

Hops is known to raise estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels. It specifically lowers testosterone levels in men. If it is raising estrogen levels then this will result in elevated SHBG. SHBG has a binding preference to testosterone, then estrogen, in that order. So, the more estrogen, the more SHBG, the less free testosterone.

In men, the leydig cells in the testes are inhibited.

The way to counteract the SHBG effect is to take wild oats extract with it. This will bind to SHBG making it unavailable to take up free testosterone.

It is the binding, and therefore lack of, free testosterone can cause loss of libido. Hops is also known to make women "weepy."

Thank you, Susan,

I hadn't read that. It's what I have been doing for the last 6 years. My testosterone is waay too low for a man now.

FG releases insulin. Insulin binds to SHBG. Less SHBG is left to bind free testosterone. The testosterone increases libido. Oats also decreases SHBG.

I didn't put flax in my porridge tonight. Hops and flax increase SHBG. Flax also inhibits aromatase, so it decreases estrogen and increases testosterone. But the SHBG will bind to the free testosterone. With the hops flax combo I try to balance estrogen with libido while keeping SHBG high. I use this to balance estrogen:
Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list

I just had shoots at the washing machine: so the exercise, hops (1 hour ago) and FG (6 hours ago) are balanced. I'm still worried about taking twice as much FG as hops. Wahaika even advised Hope to take at least as much hops as fenugreek. That's why I was thinking oats. The good libido this afternoon shows that it works. Eve M's program has both oats and flax.

Too much hops doesn't make me weepy, but it does ruin my ability to cope with stress, because DHT is needed to build resistance against stress. Because I have stress, my cortisol goes up. Cortisol decreases insulin sensitivity, and that builds visceral fat. Estrogens (hops) decrease cortisol, and fenugreek increases insulin sensitivity.

So the hops/FG balance affects stress and libido. For NBE growth and waist slimming, both hops and FG should be high. With the prolactin symptoms list, I hope to find out how much FG is too much. Then I can add oats for libido.

I use maca to balance too much hops. I don't know how the stress and weepiness and sleep were balanced in Eve M's program, but I think it's the soy.

I would like to try just Eve's program without maca for three months next year. The more I look at it, the more I understand just how clever it is Smile

THank you again Isabelle,

I saved that linkit was much more clear to figure out what is what.. I believe I am estrogen def...which makes sense if I should have gotten my period..I am stilling seeing if it comes soon..but not caring if it does or 2 days I suppose to up the PM to 2 according to the chart..curious how its going to work out..oh thinking of either keeping maca at 5 pills 2500mg or down to 4 2000mg ..just a feeling..I am actually feeling pretty good right now..Big Grin

You really have your regimen almost down..what is stopping you to do Eve's program now..every time you add of change something you refere sp? to Eve's prog. ..just your getting your nervous about the not keeping them balanced..well what does he mean by balanced in mgs or according to your body..Blush Doesnt say if it needs to be adjust to a indiviual need..if not then why arent we all taking the same exact amounts..Rolleyes just the curiousity in me..Big Grin

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