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Long time hops & FG user

Thank you Pansy Mae,

I was also reluctant to go on maca, and Susan and I were worried about Prettymama too:

Maca does not "balance hormones". What it does is add DHEA. DHEA is a source of more testosterone. Aromatase makes estrogen from testosterone, and 5α-reductase makes DHT from testosterone.

The estrogen may cause depression and anxiety, and the DHT will cause breakouts. So DHEA is out of the question for anybody who suffers from estrogen excess or dominance. And anybody using it should use an anti-androgen, or at least have one handy in case of breakouts.

The use in the article you linked, for PMT, is in my opinion asking for trouble. Progesterone decreases from day 24, and this is what causes PMT. On day 25, estrogen also decreases slightly. So the maca brings on more estrogen, causing a bad case of estrogen dominance.

The poor lady did take vitex with it, which is a source of progesterone. But what was she trying to do? Extend her cycle forever?

I would stay away from vitex, even if I was a lady suffering from bad PMT. Vitex agnus castus helps in PMS, increases progesterone, and decreases prolactin:
But it stops your growth!

If you do want to start maca, you will not suffer breakouts, because you take enough SP. Problems like excess estrogen or estrogen dominance (headache) could arise, if you time maca and PM unfortunately. What I do is take the maca in the morning (no sleep problems) and hops in the evening (getting depressed, moody, anxious, and libidoless doesn't bother me too much while I'm sleeping). It helps there that hops promotes sleep.

Susan also commented that the "estrogen peak" on days 9-11 is a bad time to also increase maca. Prettymama's maca schedule was a good inspiration: 1 maca a day in the first week, ramp up 1 a day each week during the following weeks, and break in week 7. I ramped faster because I got depressed from hops, and I plan to continue through week 8. My program break starts in week 9.

Goodmorning Isabelle,

I am tired right now but needed to post this, then later I will answer the other questions...if for some reason I am not on here for a good week then that means my man picked me up..Big Grin..anyway in the link that Pansy Mae posted, thank you Pansy Mae.. if you scroll down to the replies a women Fran repled with this that I thought was interesting and makes sense so I am going to reduce my dose for this reason and because I am getting some of the sympotms mentioned but not giving it up cause I do believe it helps since being on Paxil at one time, maca is way better:

Hi Emma,

Hmm, I’m not particularly happy that your herbalist told you this. First – for girls it’s important that you ONLY take maca on days 1-14 of your cycle (day 1 being the first day of bleeding). Take it on the other days and you may get worse pmt and breakouts which is what happened to me.


Thank you Susan,

Fran is the lady who posted the original article. Apparently, she's not really getting what happened to her. In my view, the breakouts were from not taking an anti-androgen. The symptoms of estrogen dominance were from continuing a high dose of maca when progesterone was going down at the end of her cycle.

I do agree that maca is for the first half of the cycle. I don't think it needs to go to zero in the second half. The important thing to avoid what happened to her is to go from 2 maca to 1 maca on day 25.

Have fun with your man. You usually come back here with good energy. Well, maybe a bit sleepy the first day Big Grin


OK..that is what I was going to do with the maca..what you wrote makes sense..of course..

not sure if getting together with him today just hoping he will surprise me, he better come get me if not today tomorrow..well really tired still going to try to nap, if I cant do that then jump in the shower..Big Grin

we will miss you but I hope you have fun! I bet that week will just fly by super quick for you, lol! Tell us if he sees any difference, I know that you said that he is the "boob and butt" meter. HA HA.

I am taking maca to get a bigger butt, I am doing what prettymama was doing, adding an extra pill each week. I am currently on my 3rd week of using maca and I am currently taking 4 pills a day. Today is Day 15 of my cycle, so should I stop taking maca completley? or should I just reduce it? If I should reduce it, how much do I take?
Thank you!

Hi Melissa,

Reducing to 2 maca would be fine. Reduce to 1 maca on day 25. Your cycle may be longer than normal. The best way to time the next cycle is to reduce from 4 to 2 maca on day 12. You could even make the descent steeper by taking 1 maca on day 12, and 2 on day 13 again.

Hope this works Smile

(14-08-2011, 16:42)Isabelle Wrote:  Thank you Susan,

Fran is the lady who posted the original article. Apparently, she's not really getting what happened to her. In my view, the breakouts were from not taking an anti-androgen. The symptoms of estrogen dominance were from continuing a high dose of maca when progesterone was going down at the end of her cycle.

I do agree that maca is for the first half of the cycle. I don't think it needs to go to zero in the second half. The important thing to avoid what happened to her is to go from 2 maca to 1 maca on day 25.

Goodafternoon Isabelle,

Isa.. I was taking 4 maca and reduced to 3 then 2 now at 2 is that good you think. And what did you mean above I made it bold. You asked how long my period cycle was ..well if I figured the currect last period date about 36 have much energy..well I do but feeling anxious to wanting to know if my man is going to have me over tonight..miss him alot..maybe it is the herbs making me feel..blah..dont feel depressed..frustrated not getting calls for jobs and wanting to live either on my own or with my man..just getting annoyed with living with my dad, not to sound ungreatful just too long being here..Blush need my space..Big Grin

Have fun with your man. You usually come back here with good energy. Well, maybe a bit sleepy the first day Big Grin

Isabelle and Melissa,

Well the man is hoping today or some time this week he will pick me up...just hope soon, need time away..

I have another question..does maca help with progesterone or not, if so is that way I should keep it at least 1 maca near the end of the cycle the start upping it after ovulation..confused.. also feeling like I should up my estrogen..with what ..I keep wanting to start FG now or add another PM sooner the the 20th dont know just inpatient.

Hi Susan.

Feeling anxious, missing him, frustrated about not getting calls for jobs, annoyed living with your dad, needing your space: these are all signs you are taking enough maca. Maybe too much, but I would not lower it now. Lower it on day 12, to help start the ovulation. After ovulation, go to two again.

Fran could have avoided estrogen dominance by decreasing maca on day 25. If you look at Wahaika's drawing again, you will notice that progesterone goes down to almost zero from day 24 to day 28:
Estrogen naturally goes down too, but she continued to take a high dose of maca, and her body made estrogen from maca. That made her estrogen dominant. It would not have happened if she had lowered maca on day 25.

Testosterone and estrogen are made from maca. Progesterone is not.
The reason why you can stay on 1 maca towards the end of the cycle is that in Wahaika's graph, estrogen does not go to zero completely to zero at the end of the cycle.

After your period, you can up maca and PM. But remember you are already on 2 PM. If you take 3 PM from day 5 to day 11, you may get headaches. Maca follows pm on your chart:

I would not start FG before day 12. Again in Wahaika's graph, progesterone is almost zero from day 28 to day 11. FG ups progesterone:

Hey Isabelle,

I need your help.. I have been feeling like I am prego, I have been nausea on and off mostly on for the past 2 weeks.. it is worse when I eat mostly a carb meal like cereal..I believe it is insulin related.. Should I take a FG..will that help.. remember I said I was getting the sugary taste and slight shakiness sp? and lightheaded...well this is what happens with the nausea and I am craving weird things.. I had a hamburger with sour cabbage on it.. ketchup ketchup..sugar or for the craving that usually goes way by now but the sugar thing still there..

I am actually not noticing anything negative from Maca, should I still reduce the amount? I am currently taking 4 pills a day and you told me to reduce it to 2.
I want to copy prettymama's routine, is that ok?
Like I said I am not feeling anything negative, let me know, because I am a little confused, I am not smart like you!Big Grin

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