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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Susan,

Cortisol is made from progesterone, yes. I noticed that during my break, when I became progesterone dominant. The cortisol healed my rashes fast.

But cortisol also stores fat in a "spare tyre" all around my waist. I used to notice that in my bosses: cortisol is also the stress hormone. The more stressfull the boss' job, the bigger his spare tyre.

Cortisol is also a challenge for those with PCOS. Like lled34aa, she's very alert about cortisol.

In men, the testes make androgens (testosterone and androstenedione), as in the chart. Aromatase makes estrogens from the androgens. In women, most estrogen is made in the ovaries, and in the placenta, but also from the androgens:
This text also says that estradiol is the primary estrogen, except in menopause, when it's estrone, and in pregnancy, when it's estriol.

My daughter's cosplay went very well. She didn't compete, but she was here yesterday for a celebration with friends. They hardly sleep in summer Smile

First I would like to say I posted a new thread that I thought was interesting and we could maybe use that thread as a guide to figure out what we are all looking for..meaning just a link about hormones, that is the main point to make progress..anywho..I am thinking after what you posted above maca has a place in the mix of herbs.. now I read that FG can interfere with SHBG.. that is why we need an hormone threadBig Grin and then a list of herbs that interact with each hormone and do this and mentioned the spare tire thing, is that above the belly button or below..if above then no worries yetBig Grin

I think most people dont sleep much in the summer..I love this time of year..ahh the beach!!go figure havent been there yet once this summerDodgyAngry Did you they have a good celebration.

Their celebration was great. They had some Dutch vegetables. I got them into matching music they didn't know yet, like Blue Oÿster Cult's "Harvest Moon" and bossa nova.

Chrissie keeps writing PM moved hers below the belly button. Mine has been below the belly button for quite a while, but then I've been on hops for six years.
Reply quick ? before you go to bed.. Well my pouch is below my belly button came on just in the past few days or so which this is durning my progesteron peaking point..what would that translate into, making too much, if so if would it be bad or good to add maca or do I need to reduce something..

Did they like the music you pickedBig Grin

Hi Susan,

It means some of the progesterone became cortisol, and that deposited some fat into the spare tyre. Maybe the progesterone peak was too high, but if you manage to keep a good looking belly over a few cycles, it may be just right.

Hey Isabelle,

Ok..thanks..last night I ended up taking 1 PM and 1 FG and 1 SP, today I did the same but added 1 maca and another FG I will not take anymore today, got a headache I think it is from working out yesterday or the maca.. I may do maca every other day, suppose to take 3 FG today but I may start that tomorrow..

How are you doing, you break is coming up soon, I may take a week off not sure, but still do massages.. or did you say your not taking one well at least a long one.

Hi Susan,

My break starts on October 5th. It will be a month on milk thistle. I will start decreasing maca after September 5th, then hops, then fenugreek.

I don't want the hops to make me depressed again. So I don't want to continue it for too long after I stop the maca.

Did you see this post by GorgeousBlonde?
She found the study that says estrogen builds the milk ducts, and progesterone rounds the breasts out.

80 kg this morning!

It is years ago since I last weighed 80 kg. At 79.6 kg, my BMI will be 25. A healthy weight is a BMI between 18.5 and 25.

A BMI (Body Mass Index) is calculated from weight in kg and height in m:
BMI = 80/1.785/1.785 = 25.1.

My height is 5' 10" = 5*.3048 + 10*.0254 = 1.78 m.
My weight is 80 kg * 2.2046 = 176 lbs.

Hi Isabelle,

Sorry for not getting back sooner.. got my hair done again..took 7 hours..anyway.. Yes read that link above an so thinking progesterone should be in the equation sp? to some degree..

Your height and weight seems to me it is a good ratio..

How long will your break be..til spring..

Hey..will be gone for a few man is picking me up tonight..woooo hooooooooBig Grin Guess what the other day I had a gut feeling to tell him something and I didnt want to do it over the phone but something he said pushed me to tell him..I told him I love him and in love with seemed like he already new and the next day I didnt call him just to see and give him space and a break from my voice..I thought I would either not hear from him for a while or at least a few days but he called the next day, I was suppose go yesterday but he got home late from work (working outside he gets really really exhausting, rather have him with energy to you know...hmmmBig Grin)..I wonder if he was wanting or waiting for me to say that to him..usually that chases the man away..He has been really really screwed in the past and his trust for women is really hard for him to get past..cant wait to see him..Big GrinBlush

Good! Sooo happy for you. Maybe you two just deserve each other Smile

How's the hair?

I think estrogen is for teenage titas, and the cycle between estrogen and progesterone is for adult ones. Also, someone trying to grow from zero should concentrate on estrogen for a few years, like women younger than 21: they have little progesterone.

I'm still in doubt about the months November to January. I could try a ramp up like this one, and add L-arginine for HGH. I also have a tanning bed I could use for more full spectrum light.

I also have a month's supply of my old hops formula left. At a maintenance dose, that would easily last me 3 months. But I think I'd start taking FG and maca with it anyway. I love the rapid weight loss from maca and the waist slimming from FG. This is just sooo addictive. Get the body you always wanted in months Big Grin

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