Not to mention the shape of those things. Eight of them
I linked three pages of a book here
Those pages explain insulin sensitivity from all angles in a short text. It may not be clear at first, because a lot is in medical jargon, but if you read it a few times over, the essentials sink in.
Ahh well, I can explain it shorter. Fat in the belly is a vicious circle. It decreases sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is the hormone the pancreas makes to make energy from blood sugar. If sugar does not become energy, it becomes fat, in the belly.
Fenugreek stimulates the pancreas to make more insulin, and fenugreek increases sensitivity to insulin too, so it cuts the circle in two places. This makes it the most effective waist slimmer.
Goat's rue increases insulin sensitivity too, but it does not stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. Insulin binds to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). SHBG releases free testosterone to make room for the insulin. So fenugreek may cause break outs in people who do not take enough anti-androgens. Goat's rue won't.
Fenugreek and fennel increase prolactin. Prolactin makes milk, so it causes swelling. Fenugreek contains
diosgenin, which increases progesterone. Turmeric and fennel contain phyto-progestins. Progesterone and progestins round the breasts out, by developing the glands and alveolas. So with this bomb of swelling and roundness, you're surprised it hurts?