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Eve's Program


Eve's Program
April 3 2006 at 8:47 PM
Eve M (Login EveEM)
Eve's Group


I am only taking herbs for maintenance purposes now, but to meet popular demand I am going to post details of my former program here. I will also try and find a reasonable photo to act as a before picture and then I will see about posting pictures too.

Author Reply
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 6 2006, 10:05 PM

My program for breast enhancement was devised by my grandmother who used to be a practising herbalist.

Herbal mixture taken 3 times daily consisting of the following: Barley, Bere, Fennel, Fenugreek, Hops, Linseed, Oats, Soya.

Teas to be taken in rotation: Barley, Fennel, Hops. Each taken with Soya Milk. (There were certain other ingredients in the teas which I can't remember, but as far as I know they were either fillers or just for taste).

Lotion for massage twice a day consisting of the following: Hops, Oats, Soya, Starflower.

(Login unhappy80)
EVE MEMBERS re: Eve April 7 2006, 5:44 PM

hi eve! thanks for this forum. it's really informative. I know I should't write my message on this page but i really wonder If you can write what is bere? I could'nt find what it is. I searched about it on the net in turkish and english but I couldn't find anything about it.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 7 2006, 7:00 PM

Bere is also known as beremeal (it's a seed from a cereal plant).

(Login momamav)
EVE MEMBERS How long? April 8 2006, 9:05 PM

Hi Eve! You look awesome! Can you tell me how long it took you to get those results?, and where do you get all the ingredients for your formula you take? and how much? thanks for posting your pictures. I'm currently a 32 a and would love to find something that has obviously worked for you. Thank you!

(Login happeetooth) Hi Eve April 8 2006, 9:14 PM

Eve, can you tell us more specifically how many mgs of each you take perday? THanks alot =)
ps: you look great.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 8 2006, 10:14 PM

Thanks for your compliments. Although I have posted my program here I have actually completed it and I am only taking herbs for maintenance purposes now. It took 18 months to achieve my results and I'm now taking only a limited amount of herbs, as I say purely for maintenance. I don't know if this is necessary or not, but for now I'm choosing to be on the safe side.

(no login) Hi Eve April 9 2006, 9:27 AM

Eve, I know we strictly speaking should't post on this page, but can you tell us what is starflower? I haven't seen it mentioned in the forum before. And I wonder what size you are now, a C cup at least?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 9 2006, 10:07 AM

Starflower is the same as Borage which you probably have seen mentioned in the forum. In answer to your other question, I am a 34C.

(I'm not concerned about anyone posting here, especially as my program is completed, but it's important to remember that several others have asked that people not post in their personal program threads, and where this is the case we should all respect that and if we wish to contact them should do it through the main forum).

(Login unhappy80)
EVE MEMBERS re: eve April 10 2006, 5:56 PM

Eve, you look great! wonderful! when I saw your photo I can't believe in my eyes. Congratulations!
I want to ask a few questions. I know everybody ask you but
i really wonder something.
you wrote your personal programme. you talked about herb mixtures teas and massages.
first about mixture herbs.
what are the dosages? you wrote 3 times a day but how many herbs did you once a time?
second about teas. how did you make the teas? did you boiled water and then add the herbs, wait some time and drink or did you boild all of them at the same time or together?
third about massage. are the hops ( is it hop or hops, oats and soya butter or their juice?
and I can't find starflower and bere in Turkey.
is it possible that I can buy from you these massage and tea mixture in some way?
maybe this sounds ridiculous but I don't know what I can say

(Login unhappy80)
EVE MEMBERS reSmile April 10 2006, 6:13 PM

uups! I shouldn't post this page! I'm sorry !

(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 11 2006, 10:20 AM

Yes I'll try and answer all the questions in the main forum, otherwise this thread could get very clogged. Just a note about the herbs for massage - the starflower or borage mentioned is starflower or borage oil.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 12 2006, 1:42 PM

Here is the program again with the quantities of the herbs now added:

Herbal mixture taken 3 times daily consisting of the following: Barley 800mg, Bere 400mg, Fennel 400mg, Fenugreek 1800mg, Hops 1800mg, Linseed 1000mg, Oats 800mg, Soya 1000mg.

Teas to be taken in rotation: Barley, Fennel, Hops (each tea made with 2g of herbs plus fillers). Each taken with Soya Milk. Sometimes a tea was replaced by drinking a cup of soya milk instead.

Lotion for massage twice a day consisting of the following: Hops, Oats, Soya, and Starflower or Borage Oil.

(Login Surf.)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program April 12 2006, 3:09 PM

Eve, To clarify, were you taking these amounts 3 times per day or were these the total daily amounts? For example, did you take 600mg of Fenugreek 3 times per day (to total 1800mg) or did you take 1800mg of Fenugreek 3 times per day (to total 5400mg)? I think I'm being thick in the head today and don't get it. Thanks!!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 12 2006, 3:47 PM

The amounts given are the total daily amounts (e.g. the Fenugreek was 1800mg a day, which would have been 600mg taken each of the 3 times).

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 12 2006, 10:12 PM

One final thing I can add is that the herbal teas were made up of about 75% of the main herb with 25% other ingredients (sorry I can't list those other ingredients now, but I don't think they are too important). I can't list any quantities for the massage lotion and I didn't always use the same amounts anyway. I think the information really is completed now.

(no login) herbal mixture ?? May 15 2006, 5:53 PM

Eve, you wrote: Herbal mixture taken 3 times daily consisting of the following: Barley 800mg, Bere 400mg, Fennel 400mg, Fenugreek 1800mg, Hops 1800mg, Linseed 1000mg, Oats 800mg, Soya 1000mg.

What do you mean by "herbal mixture"? Capsules? Dried plant? Thanks sooooo much!!!

(no login) Re: Eve's Program May 18 2006, 7:20 AM

you have several ingredients which are listed but not "put to use" in other words. what do you do with the fenugreek, bere and linseed? are they part of the teas or part of the lotion?
i'm not familiar with how these herbs come... in capsule form i assume. do you just bust open the capsule and pour it into the water?
is the herbal mixture the tea or something you eat 3x a day plus the herbal tea? and when you say in rotation do you mean you take the barley in the morning, fennel at midday and hops in the evening? or does it matter...
sorry i'm a little confused still.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 18 2006, 7:27 AM

Stilltrying, the herbs were dried and powdered, but not in capsules. If they had been in capsules it would not make any difference to how they worked (but it might have made them easier to take).
Heather, the fenugreek, bere and linseed are eaten. They are not used for teas and they are not used for lotion.
Herbal teas do not come in capsule form. They come as loose herbs or as teabags, the same as real tea.
The herbal mixture is not the teas, it is eaten. The teas are additional.
Yes rotation means that the teas taken one by one and are not all drunk at the same time.

(Login chocogirl)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program May 21 2006, 3:59 PM

Eve where did you find dried and powdered soya to put in your herbal mixture?Did you do any massages to your breasts or did you just took herbs orally?Thanks!

(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 22 2006, 6:55 AM

I'm not sure where the soya came from now, but soya products should not be difficult to find. Yes I did massages every day and the massage lotion is as described above (based on starflower or borage oil).

(Login alice_a) Re: Eve's Program May 24 2006, 4:48 PM

so sorry i know people keep asking you loads of stuff, but what size where you before you started? thanks!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 24 2006, 6:57 PM

A loose B cup, i.e. too big for an A cup but not big enough for a B cup.

(no login) here. May 27 2006, 4:09 AM

Hi...I'm struggling with NEB. I've been working on it for 6 months total. Eve I read that you started at a loose B...where did you end up? I'm a sad little A cup...I'd kill for a B.



Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 27 2006, 7:37 PM

Hello Imagae. I have a picture page - you can see my 'after picture' and finishing size there.

Pink tatsu
(Login pinktatsu)
EVE MEMBERS Awesome results Eve !! i have a question June 3 2006, 10:30 AM

Hello, im new in the forum, but copngratulations in your results!!! u look great!!! You sure give us hope tio all of us!! Im a 34-A cup, or may be less.. it would be nice to achieve your size! i think im going to fallow your routine, hopefully i;ll have good results too, my only concern is, well i am married, so i am on the pill, do any of you think that any of the herbs on "Eve's Routine" will interfiere with my Bcp??

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program July 4 2006, 7:12 PM

I have no reason to think that any of the herbs I've taken interfere with birth control pills.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program July 4 2006, 7:16 PM

After taking herbs for 18 months, I have been taking a much lower amount as maintenance. Today will be a year since I switched to maintenance, so I have decided to stop now and hopefully I will manage without any maintenance at all. I always felt a little nervous about losing results that took 18 months to achieve and I kept up a maintenance dose for that reason, but as it's two and a half years now on herbs in total I think it's time to try and manage without any. Today (4 July 2006) completes a year exactly of maintenance, so I think that's a good amount of time and a good time to stop. I'll just be hoping that after so long on herbs my body doesn't respond badly to not having them anymore and that I'll keep my results as they are.

(Login sandi23) question about greenbush.... July 12 2006, 2:15 AM

Hi Eve! How's it going? Your pics are amazing! I just have a couple of questions for you. I was reading through the forum, last year Sept. 25, 2005 you mentioned there that you were using Greenbush. My question is which one (package)? I have visited their site and was interested in which program you used. Also, how long you used it before switching to a program that your gramdmother helped you with. I've tried taking the fenugreek and saw palmetto but the fenugreek was just to much for my system. I'm older, 42, and I tell you if the smell wasn't bad enough I started having night sweats (nightly). Also I am looking into taking la, lo, and lc because of my age. Sorry to burden you with all of these questions just looking for something that works for me. Thanks so much for your help.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program July 13 2006, 9:44 AM

Hi Sandi, unfortunately I can't help you with your enquiry, because the Eve you mention who used Greenbush is a different Eve. You can tell my postings from hers, as I always make my own posts under the name of "Eve M". As for the fenugreek, I noticed that some people here have reported problems with that herb, but personally I had no problem with it at all. In fact I didn't have any adverse effects of any kind from any of the herbs that I took.

(Login sandi23) Thanks Eve... July 13 2006, 8:07 PM

Hello there Eve. Thanks for correcting me, I wasn't sure as I did go back to last year. Well, I guess I'll just keep exploring to see what might work for me. Have a great day and thanks for sharing your knowledge! Sandi23

(no login) Where do I find your program please? October 16 2006, 3:35 AM

Hello Eve,

I really would like to know what you did to have such great results. But dumb me! I can't find the posting of your program you said you have on the main page of your forum. Could you point me in the right direction? Many thanks!

(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 16 2006, 8:32 AM

You've found my program already. This is my program page you're reading now, that's why it's called "Eve's Program".

(no login) Re: Eve's Program October 17 2006, 3:22 AM

Eve, thank you so much for your reply. I am trying to locate all the herbs you mentioned in order to follow your program. I can only find oat mixed with some other ingredients in powdered form, and organic green barley in powdered form. Are these ok to use? If so, do you have a good idea as to measure out the right weight for daily consumption? They come in fairly large bottles. I have no idea where to get linseed oil other than what's listed on ebay - linseed oil extract:

The stores do have flax seed oil, which I was told are the same. Is that true? Can I use flax seed oil as a substitute for linseed oil? For the life of me, I have not been able to find bere or beremeal or hops. Could you please give me a clue as to where to get them? Thank you very much for your help!!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 18 2006, 5:53 PM

It would be better if you posted some of these questions in the main forum, because others will see them there and might be able to help. First of all, yes I believe that flax and linseed are the same thing. I can't really tell you where to get things, because I don't know what country you're in. However, oats and hops should not be difficult to find, nor should barley in tablet form. They are common herbal ingredients.

(no login) Herbalist November 1 2006, 5:14 PM

Hi Eve,

Your results are amazing! You must be very happy, I would be! You say your grandmother devised your program, do you think it would be a good idea to go and see a herbalist and explain what I am trying to achieve?

Hope you have the time to answer and congratulations x

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program November 3 2006, 8:15 PM

I'm not sure of the answer to that one. I don't think that all herbalists are keen on using herbs for breast enhancement, so it's not every herbalist that could help. Anyway I like to think that in this forum we have gathered together all the available information on the subject and that anyone can find the help they are looking for here. Certainly a few years ago it would have been advisable to visit a herbalist, as there were very few alternative sources of information then. I know some of the girls who have posted here have seen a herbalist, but none of them seem to have received information that was better than what we already have here.

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
SENIOR MEMBER Question November 15 2006, 9:23 AM

Eve --

Did you start out taking all the herbs you listed in your program (at those exact dosages) all at once or did you start out with a 1-2 herbs and then slowly increased to 3-4 and so on?

Also, how old are you and what was your finishing cup size? I checked your picture page but it didn't say. Sad


Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program December 15 2006, 8:46 AM

I took all the herbs together in the stipulated quantities right from the beginning. I am 26 and a 34C.

(no login) do reply eve ! February 16 2007, 7:54 PM

well 1stly congrats 4 ur results .2ndly thanx 4 da forum .

and now ur success is merely da story of herbs(which r so difficult to find in countries like india).
and most of the products thst we speak in this forum r all pills else creams.
so u clesrly din try nething like bgp,zoft,or............wonder up right ?
but still base on ur experience and knowledge can u tell which product wud b better to try as of now ?
wonder up? coz dats wat seems to b ruling this forum .
and also babes ur prog is a real tough task to handle rather make it possible 4 we from india.suggest sumthing !

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program February 18 2007, 8:06 AM

I don't endorse any particular products, simply because I haven't used them. However, Wonderup would be closer to my program than the two others you mention, since it is a European formulation rather than American, and my grandmother's herbal techniques are all from the European tradition. American herbalists tend to use different herbs to those used in Europe, as you can see by looking at any product's list of ingredients. I can't help you very much with what herbs are available in India, but I know that India has a great herbal tradition of it's own in Ayurvedic treatments, so herbs must be available there, even if they are not the same herbs that are used either in Europe of the Americas.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program February 18 2007, 8:12 AM

A note on bere: I know bere is difficult to find, and not available at all in many countries, but for those who have asked me about it you can always substitute it with alfalfa, which I understand will do equally well.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program February 18 2007, 5:39 PM

herbal mixture are cooked herbs? I`m a raw foodist. they would work if I eat them as sprouts?

(no login) Re: Eve's Program February 18 2007, 5:44 PM

What massage technique do you used? Thanks.

(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program February 20 2007, 6:02 PM

None of the herbs I took were cooked in any way, unless you count the making of herbal teas as cooking.
Regarding massage techniques, I did not know much about the subject of massage at the time, so I didn't use any special technique.

(Login Nani4) Re: Eve's Program February 24 2007, 9:54 PM

Is each tea to be taken once a day, Eve? And how do we have a notion of the weight of each herb each time taking them, since the amounts are so tiny?

Thanks in advance.

(Login Nani4) Re: Eve's Program February 24 2007, 9:56 PM

(About the teas, I meant only one of the teas per day.)

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program February 27 2007, 9:37 PM

Yes each tea was taken once a day. In answer to your other question, my herbal mixture was prepared in a large quantity, so the amounts used to make the mixture were actually not that small. Then it was divided up for daily consumption. Some people are taking the same kind of herbs but supplied in capsules, which obviously makes things easier as you know the exact quantities you have and don't need to do any weighing.

(no login) RE: Wow February 27 2007, 11:33 PM

Hi Eve,

Wow, what wonderful progress. I've been on three herbs for about 2 months and I'm thinking of tweaking my program to suit yours somewhat. I hope you don't mind telling me whether you did anything else like take the herbs on and off according to your cycle, or take them on an empty stomach, or do any massages etc, or did you simply just take them.

Also, did you have growing pains? How long did it take for you to notice any changes?

(Login DeniceC) Maintanence February 28 2007, 5:33 AM

I was wondering, if everything is going well since you stopped your maintance program.

(Login Boobala2007) Re: Eve's Program March 3 2007, 9:10 AM

Eve, Can I please ask how old you are? Or, more importantly how old you were when you started your program?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 3 2007, 1:48 PM

No I didn't take herbs on and off, I took them before meals, that's all. I didn't know very much about massage at the time, so although I massaged I didn't use any special technique. I didn't have anything that resembled pain, but I had some tingling and dull aching. I saw changes early to middle of the second month.

Yes everything has been Ok since I stopped taking anything for maintenance. I have been meaning to get another picture done in order to compare, but everything certainly seems fine at the moment.

Yes you can ask how old I am. When I started taking the herbs I was 23 and I'm now 26.

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program March 7 2007, 8:41 PM

Hey Eve,

Is there a difference between Oats and Oat Bran? Someone said that Oat Bran doesn't contain any phytoestrogens, only fiber, so it wouldn't help -- Is this true?
What exactly did you use?
Did you incorporate the Oats for estrogenic purposes or was it for something else?


Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 8 2007, 3:11 PM

No it wasn't the oat bran I took, it was the oat seeds - avena sativa seed. (You have to remember that I didn't devise my program myself, but I believe the oat seeds were included for the phytochemicals they contain).

(no login) Where do you get these ingredients? March 20 2007, 8:23 PM

Hi Eve,

I was wondering, where do you get these herbs? Do you order off a website? Thanks!


Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 22 2007, 8:35 PM

My grandmother was working as a herbalist at the time, and so had all the herbs available already. However you should be able to find them at any of the main online herb sellers. Some of them are very commonly found.

(Login lil_dunny) Re: Eve's Program March 25 2007, 9:56 PM

Hi Eve,
I'm very encouraged by your growth and herbal-only routine.
I have two questions about your program; hopefully you can answer these:
- did you take breaks off herbs? how often/how long? did the size increase maintain after breaks?
- did you follow any kind of special diet, e.g. high protein? lots of meat? no caffeine? no refined sugars?
please let me know!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 9 2007, 8:59 PM

In answer to the first question, no I didn't take any breaks (I therefore can't answer the rest of that question). In answer to the second question, no I didn't follow any special diet, but as I was drinking so many herbal teas I wouldn't have much caffeine at that time and I don't take sugar anyway. I hope this helps.

(Login beautifulluna10) a bit confuse May 8 2007, 10:26 PM

eve when u took the teas where the herbals in tea bags or did u use the plants and add them to the water? also how did u take the other herbs did u just eat them? can u put an example the procedure u would go through to take the herbs. thnxs

(Login lil_dunny) Re: Eve's Program May 18 2007, 7:26 AM

Hi Eve!
another couple of questions: how long were you on the herbs before you started noticing growth? were there any ups and downs, especially monthly fluctuations, or did you grow consistenly and gradually? did you notice any "side effects", such as acne, or mood swings, or weight gain? many thanks for your answer and the forum!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 18 2007, 8:26 AM

Yes the herbal teas came in teabags and were very easy to make. Regarding the other herbs, there was no special procedure for taking them. Herbs are just foods, they are swallowed like anything else that you eat.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 18 2007, 8:48 AM

Hello Dunny. I didn't see any difference during the first month, but I did see a significant change during the second month. I really didn't see many fluctuations, just a few small ones, and I would say my growth was reasonably consistent, although I have to say that the growth seemed to stop for a while several times and then eventually start again. On the whole I would say it was fairly consistent, but I would describe the inconsistent moments as more stop-start than up and down. Finally, I had no adverse side effects at all.

(Login tibetan113) just need the other names May 29 2007, 11:51 PM

hello Eve, I am new to the forum and was wanting to know the greek names for the beremeal(cereal seed plant), and the barly. Can't seem to find any where, but just as food at the store.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 30 2007, 8:27 AM

I'm sorry, I don't speak Greek. Bere might be hard to find in Greece anyway, but barley is a common herb and should be easy to find.

Black Sheep
(Login tibetan113) Re: Eve's Program June 21 2007, 6:17 AM

hello Eve. Did you experience any soreness or tingling while having growth spurts?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program June 21 2007, 10:10 AM

Not a great deal. Actually I'd describe it as more like aches than tingles or soreness, but most of the time I could hardly feel it.

(no login) How old were you when your growth happened? July 17 2007, 7:42 PM

If you don't mind me asking Eve, how old were you when most of your growth happened? You appear to be very young and I was thinking that this may have contributed to alot of your growth.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program July 18 2007, 5:57 PM

Hello. All the growth I achieved was when I was 23 and 24.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program August 1 2007, 10:02 PM

Hi Eve,

One question I don't think has been asked yet.... is how much did you weigh and how tall are you. I'd just like to know your BMI.


Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 2 2007, 8:59 PM

I'm 5' 4" and I weighed about 115 lbs.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 5 2007, 11:49 AM

I should add that I was 8 1/2 stones exactly when I finished (119lb), so I did gain a little weight during that time, but of course that might have been simply a gain in breast weight.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Eating herbs August 29 2007, 11:21 AM

Hi Eve,

You say you ate dried herbs (I have trouble swallowing capsules) - did you just have the powdered herbs and eat it with a spoon or did you mix it with water or yoghurt or something to make it less like eating powder? Sorry if I've totally missed the point!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 29 2007, 1:06 PM

Putting the herbs in yoghurt always worked very well, but after a time I didn't want to eat anymore youghurt so I had to find other ways. Using a little mashed potato for example was a pretty good solution.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program August 30 2007, 8:49 PM

Thanks, one more question, the cereal grains you ate were they like actual whole oats and whole barley grains or something powdered? Could I make some sort of booby porridge with soy milk?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 31 2007, 8:47 PM

The herbs I took were all dried and powdered. As for soy milk, you can use it for any purpose that you use cow's milk.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program September 3 2007, 6:59 PM

Hi Eve and congrats on your growth!
I would like to ask you about the way you were making the teas. Did you boil the recommended herbs in the soya milk? If so, for how long?
Thanks for your reply.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program September 4 2007, 5:30 PM

No I didn't boil the herbs in the soya milk. The soya milk was used just like any milk is used when making any tea, i.e. just added to the tea.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program September 5 2007, 11:03 AM

Ok, then how long did you boil the powder herbs in the water to make the tea?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program September 6 2007, 9:56 AM

Herbs should never be boiled in water. The water should be boiled first and then added to the herbs. After adding the boiling water, I always left it for 10 minutes (although 5 minutes may have been sufficient).

(Login tibetan113) Re: Eve's Program October 6 2007, 7:42 AM

Hi eve, I was wondering if you noticed any painful menstrual cycles with this daily dose of herbs over the time you were on the program?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 10 2007, 6:40 PM

No I didn't experience any negative effects of any kind.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program October 14 2007, 9:04 PM

Hi Eve,

Sorry to have to ask you another question as you have already given a substantial amount.
If you could help me on a couple of things that would be great!

1) The Oats and Soya you took as part of the herbal mixture I understand was in powdered form. Are you aware of whether they come in capsule form also?

2) For the massage lotion, did your grandmother provide you with Oats, Soya and Hops in a liquid form?

Thanks for your help.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program October 14 2007, 9:19 PM

Sorry I forgot to ask the last question on my previous post.

Do you know what type of Soya you took? There seems to be a few varieties;
Soya Isoflavones (contains phyto-chemicals & phyto-estrogens); Soya Lecithin (includes choline and inositol) and Soya Lecithin Fat Emulsifier.

Thank you so much for your help.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 17 2007, 9:03 AM

1) Yes Oats and Soya are available in capsule form.

2) No I didn't have Oats, Soya and Hops in a liquid form. They were dissolved in the starflower oil and mixed in the blender.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 17 2007, 9:09 AM

The helpful ingredients in Soya are the isoflavones. These are not found in lecithin.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program October 17 2007, 9:06 PM

Hi Eve,

Roughly what quantities of herb and oil did you use for the lotion? Do the herbs dissolve completely?

Did you let it steep for a few days?

You said you didn't know much about massage - did you just rub the boobs? Roughly how long did you massage for and how many times per day?

Thanks x

p.s. did you ever try a heat pad of any kind?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 20 2007, 8:31 AM

It's hard to say exactly what the quantities were now, especially as I was making it in bulk. Yes it was left to steep for a few days and the herbs did dissolve completely more or less.
No I didn't know of any special massage techniques then, so I just tried to massage thoroughly right around the breast. I did this once a day for 20 minutes. No I hadn't heard of heat pads.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program October 21 2007, 5:01 PM

Thanks, one more thing, what sort of consistency was it? Just liquid like oil, or jelly or thicker like cake mix?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 22 2007, 9:02 AM

I would describe it as a thick oil as the base was starflower oil. It definitely wasn't like jelly or cake mix.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program October 28 2007, 6:28 PM

Hi Eve, I'll really try to make this the last question! You said the herbs you had were all just a powder, I've ordered some bulk powders but some of them are just dried herb, others are 4:1 or 10:1 powdered extract. Were yours definitely just 1:1 strength? Don't want to overdo it!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 28 2007, 7:42 PM

Everything I took was the whole herb because my grandmother did not believe in using extracts.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program October 30 2007, 5:57 AM

Hi eve were the powders put into liquids and drank?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 31 2007, 9:19 AM

Only the teas were drank.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program November 2 2007, 3:07 AM

so how were the powders used

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program November 4 2007, 7:17 AM

They were eaten.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Think I've cocked it up! November 4 2007, 5:10 PM

Hi Eve, sorry to post yet again....I ordered Barley grass powder as it had the same latin name as the barley in wonderup. Now I've got it through the post it's green and smells of grass! Is this the powdered grassy bit compared to the powdered seeds? What was your powdered barley like?

(The hops and oats powders smell horrible - have a lot of respect for you for getting that down 3x daily for 2 years!)

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program November 4 2007, 5:14 PM

Sorry, when we make the teas do we use a strainer or something to get the powder out or just mix well and drink the powder too? 2g sounds like a lot.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program November 5 2007, 9:52 AM

Yes the barley I took was barley grass.
I didn't worry too much about the smell of the various herbs I took, as I found I got used to them quite quickly.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program November 5 2007, 10:24 AM

Making a herbal 'tea' should not be any different to making real tea. Think of it as the same process.
I don't think 2g is a lot and in fact the teas I used included other herbs too, so they were more than 2g in total.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program November 9 2007, 8:10 PM

HI Eve I would also like to say thanks to you but I would also like to say to you that I'm sceptical about hole this especially because I live in small country and I can't find all this lotions and tablets I can only find a few herbs in there original form. I can only make tea of them and maybe make some lotion of them. You say that you just used herbal teas and massage. Please can you tell me what kind of massage you used and is this possible that I could enhance size of my breast with only massage and herbal teas? i would really like to know is this possible or it isn’t worth of trying
Thanks :-)
I would really appreciate your help

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program November 12 2007, 6:29 PM

I didn't use any special massage technique, for the simple reason that it wasn't something I knew very much about at the time. It was only when information about specific massages was posted here on this site that I knew about them. Before then I didn't know there were different kinds of massage.
As for herbal teas being enough, I would say yes you could take herbs in tea form and nothing else, but probably you would have to drink a great deal of teas to get enough of those herbs. So I would say yes it's possible to do that, but I'm not sure that it's the most practical way of taking those quantities of herbs.

(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program November 12 2007, 9:10 PM

Sophia, if you read higher up this thread Eve describes how she took dry herbs in food as well as the tea so she didn't just have tea and massage. Maybe have a look at Tigerlily's program - she just ate certain food and did massage, her massage is also explained.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program November 12 2007, 11:23 PM

Hey louisse, thanks for your help but tigerlily also used in her programme borage oil and I'm not sure borage and naga soup. I'll look up for the recipes of dry herbs higher up in eve's program. I hope this will help

(no login) Re: Eve's Program November 13 2007, 3:59 PM

thanks eve

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 23 2008, 9:08 PM

Update: I have posted a new picture to show that my results have lasted okay since I stopped taking herbs completely. The new picture was taken on 6 March which is 20 months since I last took any herbs.

(Login Hopeful88)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program March 23 2008, 9:16 PM

Wow, just saw the pics, good for you that it all stayed... Those are amazing results Smile

(Login classyfashh) Re: Eve's Program March 23 2008, 9:29 PM

Oh my god, you look great!

(no login) Re: Eve's Program April 6 2008, 4:21 PM

Eve, I've read all the messages, probably I missed this point, but how did u prepare ur lotion? Please, describe in details.

Thanks in advance.

(Login stilettos)
SENIOR MEMBER wow! April 7 2008, 7:15 AM

I saw your before and after pic. Wow! You look awesome! Congratulations for a successful NBE program! You serve to inspire all of us who visit this forum.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 7 2008, 8:34 AM

There was no special technique of preparing the lotion. It was just mixed using an ordinary kitchen blender.

(Login raleighzia)
SENIOR MEMBER Herb forms April 7 2008, 10:59 PM

In what forms were all of the herbs you took?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 8 2008, 7:23 AM

The herbs I took were dried and powdered whole herbs.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program June 25 2008, 12:31 PM

Eve, congrats to your result, you look amazing.

I know you've achieved your results in 18 months, and your result has stayed after you stopped all the herbs after 2 years. I was wondering how long does it take you to see some growth? Have you experience any growing pain or tingling as other girls has mentioned here?

I've been on NBE for 3 months now, I only take PM at the beginning, 2 months on have no result, so I've added Fenugreek, Ginkgo, calcium, Omega & EPO, still have no result, so I've started liver cleanse few days ago, because I've put on so much weight....I'm trying to lose that 3kg I've put on and get rid of all the toxin out of my body, but I'm still taking PM and hopefully my body will start to respond to PM. Have you do a liver cleanse at all while you are on herbs? I'm planning to switch to your programme once I finish what I've got and do an other cleanse, then will start your programme.

Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks again.

(no login) eve July 30 2008, 10:28 PM

i was wondering if you could tell me what your maintainance dose was and how long you took it for? thanks!!

(Login Cselestyna)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program July 31 2008, 9:24 AM

hey eve! i was just wondering, on a previous post you said:

I didn't have Oats, Soya and Hops in a liquid form. They were dissolved in the starflower oil and mixed in the blender.

and the person to whom you were talking asked if you steeped the herbs on theoil for a few days, i believe you said you did.

1) i am wondering what your process was of making your lotion and were the herbs in powdered form when you mixed/blended them into the oil?

2) also, i have tried just mixing powdered herbs into oil/cream and using that, but it dries up on my skin over night, flakes off and its VERY itchy while it's on, did you have any of that trouble when you had the herb-oil (lotion) on?

3) when you were taking herbs for maintanence, did you cut the quatities of the herbs in half or keep taking them as usual like you had while growing?

thanks, and cangratulations on your fantastic growth and keeping it upSmile

have a great day!Smile

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 1 2008, 9:04 AM

To Babe, thanks for your kind comments. In answer to your first question, I started to see results during the second month. Yes I did experience some growing sensations, but in my case they were very mild compared to what some others have reported. I could not say that anything I felt was a pain, but I did feel some aching from time to time.
I did not do any liver cleanse myself, but in your case it may be a very good idea, given how much you have already taken.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 1 2008, 9:15 AM

To Kay, I took herbs for maintenance for exactly a year.

This was my daily maintenance program: Fennel 400mg, Fenugreek 1800mg, Hops 1800mg, Linseed 1000mg.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 1 2008, 9:29 AM

To May, in answer to your first question, yes the herbs were in powdered form and were mixed into the oil. I used a kitchen blender to do that and it seemed to work pretty well. I usually made about a week's worth at one time, in order to save having to keep on doing it every single day.
In answer to your second question, yes I did experience the drying and flaking that you mention. In my case I would say it was more drying than flaking, as it only flaked occasionally, but I didn't experience any itching. I could certainly feel the mixture when it was on, but it didn't itch.
For maintenance, I took the folowing daily: Fennel 400mg, Fenugreek 1800mg, Hops 1800mg, Linseed 1000mg.

(no login) CELLUITIS August 6 2008, 7:57 AM

Hello Eve.

In the first place, I want to give your thanks to create this forum. And, congratulations by the wonderful results that you have obtained.

A month ago I began the same routine that you did, although with some difference…

My question is very simple:
¿it appeared to you cellulitis during the time that you made the routine?

Thanks and see you...!

P.D. Sorry, my english is very bad...Sad

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 7 2008, 9:16 AM

Thanks for your kind comments.

Cellulitis is an infection of the skin cells caused by bacteria entering a break in the skin. Perhaps you meant cellulite and not cellulitis? If so, the answer is no I haven't ever experienced cellulite.

(no login) celluite August 7 2008, 12:55 PM

Sorry, I am a disaster with the english… It meant cellulite… Sad

I have a little but it worries to me that it can leave more…

A greeting…!

(no login) Sceptical August 10 2008, 9:02 AM

Hi everybody. I'm new to the forum and I stumbled upon it when browsing about NBE. I'm a 34A but literally fed up, as my hips are quite curvy and I can describe myself as pear-shaped. I was considering implants but your boobs will still be fake like that. Eve you look great and I admire your persistence. I am sceptical about these things but when you see results...then it's different. My mum too has a small bust, so I wonder how much NBE will help. What do you think?

Also, I hope that I will manage to find all the herbs Eve listed in her programme. I assume that one can find them at online companies.

(Login Vicky34A) New August 10 2008, 9:26 AM

Hi Eve and all. I stumbled across this forum by chance when starting my quest about NBE. To be honest I used to think that one has to choose either between implants or pills and that's it. Here I came across herb eating and much more! I'm a 34A and with a curvy figure (size 12) except in the top part. I'd love a C cup but honestly I think that it's close to impossible through NBE. I'm sceptical as my mum also has a small bust. Eve you look great though! I admire your will and persistence. I'll have to check re fenugreek as I have hypothroidism and I've read that they clash.

I also hope that I'll manage to get all the herbs Eve mentioned. Might find them on internet.

(Login Cselestyna)
SENIOR MEMBER EveM's program Borken down August 22 2008, 11:58 PM

okay ladies for all of you who are just trying to figure out what EveM's program is step by step and how to find the herbs i have writen it all down in another thread here is the link

i hope this helps.

good luck and keep on smiling Smile

(Login tits2b) barley grass v whole barley August 25 2008, 7:06 AM

Hi eve,
iVe managed to locate all the herbs in your program n grind them up myself with a spice grinder - (except oatseed which i got in liquid form).
however Barley is confusing me, i got whole barley (with husk) from the health food store, but i read on this thread higher up that you used 'barley grass'- is that seeds of barley grass or the actual grass dried? what does it look like? would whole barley be ok as a substitute or is it just not going to cut it lol?

look forward to your reply!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program August 25 2008, 7:51 AM

Barley grass is not the same as the barley seed. If the grass is dried it makes a greenish powder.

(no login) just wondering September 3 2008, 12:48 AM

hey, your begining pic is pretty much exactly what i look like now and i love your results! i was lookin into ordering all the ingredients that you used and i found this website
i was wondering if you would be willing to go on there and tell me if the way they sell the herbs would work, and how many lbs you suggest getting of each. i really really want results just like urs and im just trying to match what you did exactly and i know that you used fresh herbs. (i believe thats what this site sells). thank you soooo much for your time!!!!!
i really hope i can make my dream of bigger breasts a reality with your help and inspiration Smile

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program September 4 2008, 7:53 AM

I'm afraid you're mistaken about what I took as I didn't use fresh herbs. All the herbs I took were dried and powdered.
The herbs sold on that site are either whole or simply powdered, so they are not equivalent to what I was using. That doesn't mean they won't work equally well though, but you need to find out the conversion of what is sold on that site into dried herb.
I'm sure that site has what you need, but it's a case of getting the quantities right.
The amounts of herb for what I took are given in each case as dried and powdered herb.

(no login) thats a bummer September 4 2008, 9:49 PM

darn... im really wanting to start your program but i dont know where to get the best quality herbs in the same form you took. do you have any suggestions? i was also wondering if you were on any birth control while you did your program? thank you sooo much!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program September 9 2008, 7:15 AM

The herbs I took are mostly common herbs and should be easy to find. You don't have to take them in the same form that I did. Fresh herbs would be find but you would have to find the conversion rates for the quantities.
In answer to your other question, no I wasn't on any birth control at the time.

(Login bez-hash) Do *any* of those products out there work? September 17 2008, 10:31 PM

Hi Eve,

It seems like you had excellent results in what you did. I also know that a lot has to do with body composition.

I am currently taking pills that I ordered from Greenbush. I think it's the breast enhancement pills. Plus I massage every night. So far, I have not seen any results at all. Suffice it to say that it's very easy to get demoralized. When I do a search online for natural breast enhancement, I see all sorts of products with great testimonials and money back guarantees. My question is, are they all bogus? Is there anything I can take that's ready made and works instead of taking some of this and some of that?

I'm sorry for sounding so desperate, but I am ;-)

I appreciate all the help I can get,

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program September 18 2008, 7:12 AM

The simple answer to your question is that some women here have been successful with ready-made formulas. This isn't the place to discuss the subject in detail, as it's my program page, but you can get more information by reading the rest of the program pages or of course by posting in the forums.

(Login double_ace)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Eve's Program October 1 2008, 12:35 AM

Hi Eve,

You said your granmother helped you out, did she create the NBE program or did she give you info which you used to choose and pick the herbs yourself? and with her being a herbalist, did she know what herbs were specifically good for breast growth? Because those herbs you mentioned may be common and easy to find, but I don't read about people taking these herbs as often as SP, WY, FG, Fennel etc.

I'm just wondering if you were one of the first to discover that these herbs can help with breast growth or if they've been around but are rarely used for NBE?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 1 2008, 7:05 AM

The program was created by my grandmother. There wouldn't have been any point in me picking the herbs when she was the herbalist, so I just took what I was told to take. As far as I'm aware, the program was based entirely on traditional herbal knowledge and didn't involve anything that was new.

(Login ssunflower) Re: Eve's Program October 7 2008, 8:00 PM


did you ever take any sort of hormone test? wheather is was a symptom check list; salvia or blood test?


(no login) Re: Eve's Program October 12 2008, 6:06 PM

i just ordered the herbs to start ur program. i was just wondering... i bought alfalfa powder... is that the same as bere?

(Login Crissy-BH) To Eve, Saw Palmetto?? October 13 2008, 6:33 AM

Hi Eve,
I was wondering if u have ever used saw palmetto, and if so do u think it gave u results in your growth?
also would u recommend it to add it to your program?

(no login) bc October 13 2008, 6:40 PM

sorry but i forgot to add that i am on seasonique bc. will that effect the herbs, could it make them noneffective?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 14 2008, 12:33 PM

To Sunflower,

No I didn't take any sort of hormone test. My grandmother assessed me from knowing me, that's all.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 14 2008, 12:35 PM

To Kay,

Yes alfalfa can be used instead of bere or beremeal. All the herbs I took were in powdered form.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 14 2008, 12:40 PM

To Crissy-bh

No I didn't take Saw Palmetto. I didn't take anything other than the herbs given in my program at the beginning of this thread. As I didn't take Saw Palmetto, I don't think it's for me to recommend it to anyone.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 14 2008, 12:46 PM

To Kay,

I'm afraid I can't give you definite answers on birth control, but I don't think any form of birth control renders herbs ineffective as such. It's more a case that the actions of birth control might interfere with the actions of the herbs in the body, but how likely that is I don't know. If you don't get results I think it's possible that the birth control might be the reason.
When I was on my program I wasn't on any birth control.

(Login ssunflower) Re: Eve's Program October 16 2008, 4:28 PM

Hi Eve,

I'm thinking of starting your program. I know you said you never had a hormone test. Can you tell me did you have any symptoms? Was your period regular, did you have pms, bloating, clutting, anything?

I think I've gotten my hormones pretty balanced and I'm wondering where you were when you started out?


Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program October 19 2008, 8:36 AM

No, when I started my program I had no real problems or symptoms of anything being obviously wrong.

(Login Urshy) Re: Eve's Program November 7 2008, 11:17 PM

Hi Eve,

I want to ask you something considering herbs you were taking.I saw you used linseed,barley,oats,soy.I don't understand why is important to order a special herbar mixture/capsules on the internet?These herbs are actually some kind of cereals and can be easily found in stores as flakes/seeds(oats,barley,linseed)
I'm currently eating oats,barley,linseed,soy flakes with joghurt in the morning.Is that the same as taking them dried and powdered?Are they more powerful and concentrated in capsule form?

Thanks for the answer and great site by the way Smile

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program November 8 2008, 6:11 PM

I didn't order anything on the internet and I didn't take any capsules either. I used dried and powdered bulk herbs. It sounds as though you're taking whole herbs, which since they are not dried would not be as concentrated. Accordingly, the equivalent doses would be higher as the herbs still have water content.

(no login) question about lotion and bere January 13 2009, 7:45 PM

Hi Eve.
At first I'd like to thank you to make this web site. it's really informative and your result is cheering. I hope I can achieve my goal.
I've a question about the lotion. What degree should I put into the borage oil and starflower oil for each herb? Do you have any measure for herbs? I'm worry how can I make the lotion. Should I mix the herbs with oils only or do something in addition? If you can help me I will be glad to you.
thanks already now.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program January 16 2009, 7:30 AM

I didn't measure any exact quantities of the herbs when making the lotion. I erred on the high side and if the lotion looked too thick I just added some more starflower oil and kept adding until it had the right consistency. As you can see, it was more of an art than a scientifically measured preparation.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program January 16 2009, 7:32 AM

By the way, I let the lotion steep first and then used a kitchen blender to mix it properly.

(Login Genie239) Re: Eve's Program February 28 2009, 7:05 AM

Hi Eve,
I know this is the silliest question ever!!!
1/ Where do you buy the powder of herbs? (not from online)
2/ How do you make herbal tea? Do you need some bag to cover the powder, then put it in boiling water, or you just put powder directly into the cup and drink it?

(no login) help Sad March 3 2009, 7:09 PM

hey eve,
ive been doing ur routine now since the end of october. the only changes that i made were the following: take the herbs twice a day instead of 3 times, cause i cant fit 3 times in my schedule. also, i havent been massaging cause i dont wanna smell like the herbs (i will start if you think i should). i added 1.5 g of the herbs you drink in tea to my mix daily instead of drinkin the teas. also i couldnt find the correct amount of soya so i havent been takin it. i take all the herbs in a powered form. i mix them all in a container and mix a lil choc milk w it and drink em. (im not good at takin pills). ive only grown 1/2 an inch in each breast in the 4 months that ive been doing it. and you cant even notice it. i was wonderin if this was the rate the you grew or if the changes i made might hinder my results? thank you soooo much!

(no login) Re: Eve's Program March 16 2009, 5:55 AM

Have you maintained your 34c cup size as of now, without any use of herbs? Thanks!

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 24 2009, 9:31 PM

To Genie:

1/ The herbs I used were bulk herbal powders that you can get from a herbalist's shop.
2/ The herbal teas I took were in the form of teabags, so making them was really very simple.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 24 2009, 9:39 PM

To: Kay

I'm sure I grew more than half an inch in 4 months, but you have to remember that everyone is different and it's hard to compare results from one person to another.

Most people who are knowledgeable about NBE seem to think that massaging definitely helps, so I think you should really consider doing that. Of all the things you changed, that's the one that stands out as being something you might need to think about again.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program March 24 2009, 9:42 PM

To: sandre

I took herbs as maintenance for a year, but I have not taken any herbs since then and have still maintained my size.

(Login Phalene) Question April 7 2009, 3:47 AM

Eve the soya Milk and soya producs you say I cant find are you talking about soy milk if not where do you think I can find soya milk and producs or brands. Thanks and have a nice day or night.

(Login Phalene) Re: Eve's Program April 7 2009, 3:49 AM

O yeah I'm from the U.S. Sorry

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 7 2009, 9:20 PM

I used to get soy milk from the supermarket.

(Login Phalene) Re: Eve's Program April 8 2009, 6:00 PM

K thanks I didn't know what soya was.

(no login) Re: Eve's Program April 9 2009, 9:35 PM

What kind of Oats?
What kind of Linseed?

Is there other names to these two?
I can't seem to find these two things.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 15 2009, 7:50 PM

To Phalene

I didn't only take soy milk, I took powdered soy as well, which you should be able to find in a health food store.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program April 15 2009, 7:58 PM

To Papillon

The oats I took was the oat seeds. Oats is also known as avena sativa.

Linseed is the seed as you would think and is also known as flax or flaxseed.

May created a very helpful thread concerning my program, which you can find here:

(Login mslananh) Re: Eve's Program May 25 2009, 2:32 PM

hi Eve !

Can i know where you buy your herb? You buy oil or crushed form ?I think one capsule contain the powder of the herb in it ,am i right ?

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Eve's Group Re: Eve's Program May 27 2009, 9:40 AM

I was using dried and powdered herbs in bulk, not capsules. The only oil I used was starflower oil and that was for massage. If by crushed form you mean powdered, then yes the herbs I used were (dried and) powdered. Yes herbal capsules contain the powder of the herb, but I did not use capsules myself, I used bulk herbs.

(Login mslananh) Re: Eve's Program June 22 2009, 5:35 AM

hi eve !

In the beginning do u start with lower dosage ,and then you increase gradually it into the dosage you gave .I have very small breast ,maybe AA cup,smaller than you so i wonder :should i start with lower dosage and then increase it.

As a few people have asked about my program, I thought it would be useful to start a program thread here and include all the posts from my original program thread in the old forum. So first of all above are all the old posts.

(03-05-2010, 09:44)msla Wrote:  In the beginning do u start with lower dosage ,and then you increase gradually it into the dosage you gave .I have very small breast ,maybe AA cup,smaller than you so i wonder :should i start with lower dosage and then increase it.

Hello. I'm sorry I didn't see this question until now. The answer is that I didn't personally start with a lower dosage and then increase it. I took the full quantities of herbs given in my program from the beginning.

Hello Eve!

First off, i want to thank you very much for this website, and inspiring so many girls. Breast growth has been a life changing experience for lots of people, including myself. (Even if i didn't grow much yet, knowing that i will grow makes me more confident)

I have a question, after stopping your maintenance, did you lose any of your growth? Do you do regular maintenance, like a few months a year, or so?

Thanks in advance.


(03-05-2010, 17:01)Linda_K Wrote:  after stopping your maintenance, did you lose any of your growth? Do you do regular maintenance, like a few months a year, or so?

No, I haven't lost any growth. At one point I even looked slightly bigger!

I only tooks herbs for maintenance for a year. After that first year I've taken very little in the way of herbs and nothing on a regular basis, but in that one year of maintenance I was very dedicated to doing it consistently and taking the herbs regularly for the whole year.

Hey Eve Smile

I looked over all the messages in you first post, so sorry if I missed this question and am repeating it, but I was wondering how long it took you to start seeing results. And about how much change did you notice? Did you have growth spurts or did you grow little by little?

(19-07-2010, 04:16)hourglasswannabe Wrote:  I was wondering how long it took you to start seeing results. And about how much change did you notice? Did you have growth spurts or did you grow little by little?

I started to see results during the second month. For me I would say growth was a gradual process. I didn't see any great growth spurts and I didn't used to feel much in the way of growing pains either.

Eve I am thinking of starting your program and adding the four staple herbs of greenbush (SP, Fenugreek, Wild Yam, and Fennel). What do you think of this? I know personally you've had no experience with these herbs from reading your thread, but I was wondering with the experience you've had with NBE and your program what you think about this.
Thanks so much.

My program did include fennel and fenugreek, but not wild yam or saw palmetto. Fenugreek was (equal with hops) the most taken herb in my program.

okay, I didn't know if you heard that SP Or WY would react with any of the herbs in your program?

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