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Long time hops & FG user

I see you talk abotu HOPS alot Isabella, and seen you say you credit a lot of your feminization to the HOPS what exactly are HOPS and where do you get them, i can't seem to find them anywhere online or at the store. Just curious.
Plus did you ever use PM and if so what were your results and opinions on it, just curious cause you definitely seem to know your products and would like to know a "professionals" opinion and experience

(24-07-2012, 23:24)Isabelle Wrote:  Isn't there any orange dust at the bottom of the pot or the bag?

Nope .... no dust (or powder) There's lots of Dried Flowers that are orange in color, but no dust. The bags a 1/4 pound bags .... clear in the front, aluminum/plastic in back with a zip lock seal at the top.

Great post about FG by the way. Another "copy-n-paste" for my reference library.

Thanks .... karen


Hi Isabelle!
I've loved loooved your post about the fenugreek! I've bookmarked it!
I wish you could write more posts like that one, about other herbsBlush

I wanted to ask you something: You say 500mg may increase testosterone a little, and I remember you said something similar in other thread: that 600mg is too little to increase prolactin and that it is the dose gym guys take.
Does it depend on body weight?
I take 610mg (one capsule) FG and I weight 50kg. Will that dose give me too much testosterone?
I'm a bit worried about increasing testosterone because I have high androgens: hirsutism, acne, etc.
I'm also taking Hops, SP, and Barley Grass: all of them anti-androgens if I'm correct¿?? So I shouldn't worry about the testosterone effect of FG?

And will 610mg of FG give me enough prolactin or should I double it? Because I fear 1220mg for 50kg of body weight will increase progesterone too much and stop my growth (to be honest I've tried high doses in the past and seems that low doses work better for me. Or so I think)

Too many questions, sorry Blush

Hi Tiffany,

Hops is just the herb that's used to flavor beer. I get mine from

Karen used Nature's Way extract, and if you scroll back through this thread, you will find an organic farm in Oregon where she got the herb itself. You can also try shops that sell home brewers' supplies.

Hops is selective for estrogen receptor α, which is in cells in the breasts only. I was already feminized before I started hops, trying out things like soy for smooth skin (estrogen receptor β), hair skin nails multivitamins, red clover, fish oil, saw palmetto, black cohosh, ginkgo biloba, damiana, dong quai, exercises for posture (steps, yoga, pilates, tai chi, body pump), and skin and hair care routines. Many of the herbs listed don't work for NBE, or are even counterproductive, so I'm still happy I separated feminization from breast growth.

I never used PM, for reasons I listed here:

Good morning Karen,

Well, your hops is obviously good, since it works. Nothing to worry about.

Scroll down:
There's a nice USDA picture of what it looks like in a fully grown hops strobile.

No problem Alicia Smile

I do try to write more of these posts, but I learn very slowly. Hops is the only other herb I know well. About the others, I have more questions than answers.

This was the thread:
I think the dose of fenugreek that can increase testosterone depends on body weight, yes, but there is not enough literature to confirm this.

One capsule of 610 mg will not give you too much testosterone. The increase in the article I linked in the other thread was only 7 %. You are taking enough anti-androgens: hops, SP, and barley grass are very effective, certainly together. There are others in flax seed, and rye (black bread), and zinc is one too (oysters), and vitamin B6.

You are right: you don't need to worry about the testosterone effect of FG. The article I linked in the other thread is one of a kind. At this dose and in this experimental situation, they measured an effect, but it's quite clear the study was set up to demonstrate this effect, to promote fenugreek as a supplement for juice heads. If any of the conditions of the experiment were changed, I'm sure they would find something very different.

I have started goat's rue and black seed (nigella sativa) to get more prolactin without adding progesterone. Fenugreek is the only source of progesterone in my program. I only increase fenugreek if I have symptoms of estrogen dominance. For me, that's mostly lower back pains, sometimes insomnia. When I increase maca or hops, I sometimes get those symptoms, and when I increase fenugreek, they stop. Using this method, I always ended up with a fenugreek dose that is equal to, or a little lower than the hops dose, which is what Wahaika always recommended.

Thanks a lot for your reply Isabelle!!

I became very interested in Goat's Rue when you wrote about it a few pages back, I might give it a try in the future if my current program doesn't take me where I want.
What dose would you recommend for a dwarf like me (148cm, 50kg)?

Just one more question please, if you don't mind... although it's a random one:

I'm 32 years old. Do you think I should take a supplement like GABA or L Arginine? Or will Hops and FG help me release enough HGH?

Thanks again! Smile

You're welcome Alicia,

I measure an effect from goat's rue above 3,000 mg, so for you that would be

3,000 mg * 50 kg / 84.5 kg = 1,800 mg

I have taken up to 10 g goat's rue on a single day, and the swelling still increases with higher doses, from 3 g to 10 g.

I have never tried GABA, because it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier, so many of its benefits can't be obtained by supplementation. I did ramp up L-arginine by 500 mg a day to 10 g in three weeks, and got growth. Then 40 days at 10 g added nothing, and I lost most of the growth after stopping L-arginine. If I ever try it again, I would just do the three week ramp up. That's € 21 in capsules, which is more than what I spend on my whole program in three weeks.


Ah yes, I know what you mean, I have a bottle of 50 capsules of L-Arginine, 500mg each and it cost me 5€. If I had to take a dose of, let's say, 5g the bottle would only last 5 days. 30€ per month!

I've definitely added Goat's rue to my wish list, that never ending swelling sounds promising Big Grin

You're so helpful, Isabelle, thanks for answering my questions. And for your patience!

(26-07-2012, 10:30)Isabelle Wrote:  I do try to write more of these posts, but I learn very slowly. Hops is the only other herb I know well. About the others, I have more questions than answers.

You wouldn't know it! I always just assume you know everything about everything. I have so many of your posts bookmarked on my computer and on my phone. You're a real life-saver around here!

Just read your FG response. So much knowledge! I know you've always said that FG is a waist-slimmer, but I had no idea it could help build leaner muscle and make you warm. I'm glad I'm taking it now, because I've been working out lately as well! No wonder I'm getting such great results, even with my protein shakes!

As far as L-Arginine...
I tried it once. Bought a bottle for real cheap. Thought it would help a lot. But then I realized the recommended dose was about 5-6 pills at a time! Yikes! I only used it twice while working out to help my body release HGH but decided it would be more trouble than it was worth.

Just the other day I came across A-AKG. It contains L-Arginine and some other promising stuff. It's a lot easier to take and isn't too expensive. You might want to look into it. I plan on buying it and at least using it 2-3 times a week when I workout, maybe even more often if I can afford it. The reviews on it are MUCH better than those for regular L-Arginine.

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