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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Susan,

FG may make it better for the next few days, but much worse for the next few hours. It will increase the cravings for sugar and for vinegar. Your period must be over by now. Since you are still on 2 PM, I would increase maca.

Hi Melissa,

Prettymama's routine is the best I know now, but Prettymama was not taking PM with it. PM postpones the period, and maca may make that worse. To trigger a period, trigger an ovulation by decreasing maca and PM mid cycle, preferably on day 12. The ovulation follows two days later, and the period follows exactly 14 days after ovulation.

After the ovulation, you can increase maca again until day 25. But you must take care to stay progesterone dominant then, so don't take 4 maca, but only 3. After your period, you can go to 4 again.

(16-08-2011, 21:48)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Susan,

FG may make it better for the next few days, but much worse for the next few hours. It will increase the cravings for sugar and for vinegar. Your period must be over by now. Since you are still on 2 PM, I would increase maca.

Hey Isabelle been busy?

Yes I took 3 maca today just had a feeling to do that man we on same page.Big Grin so FG will give cravings for sugarHuh , vinegar I dont mind but sugar what an oxymoron.. FG suppose to help with insulin but yet it can give you sugar so well as for vinegar that is cool me vinegar is good because I crave salt too..well the nauseous feeling is better but still appitette sp? is not so good but I have some energy to work out and force myself to drink my protein shake..I so need to eat more enough good food and good fats no big titas..DodgyBig Grin

Yes period is just about gone..thank goodness, actually it works out good if I go to my mans (well this my gross some out but it hasnt stopped us, yes we are just plan old horn the past few days when I talked to him and I keep telling him I am going crazy here getting cabin fever, and then say when are getting together this week..and he says all the time I well let you know when we will get together..that usually means soon.. could be tonight ..I am thinking maybe more like tomorrow cause he doesnt have to go to work til 4pm tomorrow, but works til 8pm tonight but he has picked me up after work too..well whenever it is I hope soon and anytime with him is worth it..I hope tonightBig Grin anyway..FG well lets see I think I may take a capsule and open it and take half..and do it slow..cause those are 612mgs or 615mgs something like that ..too lazy to see exact..hehe..ok going to do it nowRolleyes

Yes, been busy all day. I was an extra in a movie my younger daughter is starring in.

Please be careful with the FG. It lowers blood sugar. That may cause cravings.

Last Saturday, we learned it increases prolactin and progesterone. Prolactin causes the swelling. Progesterone rounds out your breasts, and it is also the pregnancy hormone. Here in the Netherlands, pregnant women always have jars with salted cucumbers on vinegar. They snack on them.

Some buy a jar, open it, and only then think they better get a pregnancy test Big Grin

Wow that is so cool..we have a movie star on here..whoo hoo..Big Grin I didnt know you had a daughter..I though just boys.. so what is the name of the movie..

Thank you for taking the time out to answer my question.. cucumber on it is a pickle and they are my most fav to eat, dill ones not the sweet...yuck...

oooo full rounded titas..does it stay I hope, but for now who caresBig Grin When I was preg (and by the way it feels like I have been for 2-3 wks cause my titas never got that swollen since high school, the past 10 yrs or so no swelling like I have had recently or since high school) I didnt have the child so never breastfeed and my titas got swollen big time and they never shrank after that they kept getting bigger and of course when I gain weight and weighed at my highest 150 but when I lost weight it barely left the titas..but for some reason since this weightloss I lost the titas maybe cause I was malnutrient sp? far so good with FG just took after a cap..with my protein drink so it wouldnt be too much of a shock..take it slow, is better (kinda like sex..well fast too..ok really really really need to see my manBig Grin)

Hi Isabelle,
Silly me!!!
I am not taking PM, I am taking BO. I understand now from your postings about reducing Maca is for PM users.
I guess I can continue with prettymama's routine!
Thank you so much for clarifying it for me, I was a bit confused, but now I know. Thanks!

Thank you Melissa,

You are right: on BO/NB, you can just follow Prettymama's program. Have you come to a conclusion on PM yet since starting this thread?

And woww Susan,

looks like your program is really going well Smile

Your man may need patience. You have become one hungry woman on maca Big Grin

The movie is Sehnsucht, a really weird arthouse tragi-comedy:
The glasses and pimples are not hers. Her character is un-Hollywood anti-glamorous.

Hi Isabelle.
I am on generic BO right now, I want to give it a fair shot before I turn to PM. I will give it 3 months, and then I think I will try UB for 3 months. You see, the first year of my puberty, I became anorexic, I really would love to go through puberty "all over again" with BO. That is the main reason why I started with BO. I wanted to see if BO can actually help with my breasts. From what I have read about BO, I am a good candidate. I have underdeveloped small breasts. So I will give that a try. I think I will try PM in about 3 or 6 months, depending if I try UB or not. I want to try PM really really bad, but I think with PM, you have to take a maintenance dose otherwise you lose the growth, but that won't stop me from taking it, LOL, I know Ginie tried different methods before PM and she grew a little on each method, I want that! I will try different things. I have gathered as much info as I can about PM thanks to Ginie, you and others here, so if I do start on PM, I think I am prepared. I really would like to leave PM to be my last option, since it requires a maintenance dose. I would want to try what Ginie did, different methods, and growing a little from each.
I really want to fix my breasts with BO, even when I was pregnant and breastfeeding, my breasts were NEVER round and full like most ladies are with pregnancy/breastfeeding. They just sort of became bigger but still saggyAngry
Do you have any clue why I was like that?
I also had a normal size areola for a woman, when I got pregnant, they became bigger and more puffy. Huh
Gosh, I hate the puffiness!

Hi Melissa,

It looks like you were low on progesterone. Maybe Ginie's experience with PC can help there. The imbalance test and the lists of symptoms can help your orientation. Follow the links in this post to dr. Lee's test and progesterone toxicity:
Follow the link to estrogen excess and deficiency:
Follow the link to prolactin excess and deficiency symptoms:
I haven't found a detailed list of symptoms of progesterone deficiency yet, but dr. Lee's test and the symptoms of estrogen dominance should give you an idea Smile

Here is why I think a slow maca ramp like Prettymama's works best. Scientists just found maca takes a while to work:

Hi Isabelle.
I took the test, you are right!
It shows I have Progesterone Defciency and Excess Estrogen.
For Group 1: I have Insomnia
For Group 3: I have Insomnia and Migraine Headaches

So I think during my pregnancy, I should have used Progesterone Cream. Ginie wrote that some doctors recommend PC for pregnant women who are low on progesterone. I guess if I get pregnant next time, I will use PC cream.

I am on BO, do you think I should go off of it? or should I add PC to my BO program????

Gosh, Isabelle, where would we be wthout youTongue


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