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Long time hops & FG user

@Karen, great list you have there Big Grin do you mind to share if you're using red clover herbs, extract, or pills?

@Isabelle, thank you for the advice, will try fenugreek soon Big Grin (Actually I tried flaxseed oil first as GNC runs out of fenugreek, but it's coming in next week so I'm gonna try FG soon). By the way, 2.5g RC + 1g FS makes me swell for 2 weeks, I am very curious what will happen when I add FG next week Big Grin

(12-07-2012, 12:17)karen Wrote:  So lets say that I'm not blocking any DHT creation, my Estradiol is in a normally low range (being a male) And I'm taking lots of phtyoestrogens ... both my limited Estradiol and the phtyoestrogens binds with my estrogen receptors ... but since the number bound with Estradiol is small and phtytoestrogens aren't that strong the reaction is little (meaning NO BOOBIES) OR slow to come by BOOBIES.

But then I start to block DHT ... leaving more Free T to make Estradiol. Now I have phytoestrogens and MORE Estradiol bound to my receptors ... the Estradiol, having the greater affinity cause MORE OF A PROTEIN REACTION .... YEAH FASTER BOOBIES

So it would seem to me that the primary GOAL for any NBE program (for men anyway) would be to get DHT lower (where they want it) so that there is always more Estradiol binding to receptors. And anything that you can do to increase Estradiol is good.

Does this sound like anything reasonable?

My head hurts ..... Karen

for my clarification, does that mean that the DHT that T makes prevents T from converting to E?
if so then why would we need all the other herbs since estradiol is so much more powerful by itelf? is that because there is not enough of it made since not all the DHT is blocked?

(11-09-2012, 08:57)Alexis Wrote:  for my clarification, does that mean that the DHT that T makes prevents T from converting to E?
if so then why would we need all the other herbs since estradiol is so much more powerful by itelf? is that because there is not enough of it made since not all the DHT is blocked?

I think the point is that EXCESS T can be converted to E and in other fields this is what gives rise to the body-builders 'bitch-tits, because excess pumping iron increases the production of T to above the level that can be completely converted to DHT and some of the excess then gets converted to E and boobs are the result!
So, apart from stopping the production of DHT and thereby reducing the secondary male characteristics such as body hair and mpb, if T is still produced at a 'normal' rate then that gives more available for conversion to E.

However, I'm not aware that it is a linear alternative, because the T-->E conversion depends on the availability of the aromatase enzyme to facilitate that conversion and just because you give your body twice as much free T, doesn't necessarily mean that it has the ability to use all of it in the conversion.

from my experience hops is something that must be cycled or taken with brakes.

Hi guys. so I looked at the article Isabelle posted on page 3 of this forum.
based on what the article says about maca and sp it seems like a good idea to combine both herbs to achieve a bigger butt without the dramatic increase in the DHT. It would either be this option or maca and hops since hops would reduce all the extra T from maca and increase more E.
any thoughts?

(24-09-2012, 02:26)Alexis Wrote:  Hi guys. so I looked at the article Isabelle posted on page 3 of this forum.
based on what the article says about maca and sp it seems like a good idea to combine both herbs to achieve a bigger butt without the dramatic increase in the DHT. It would either be this option or maca and hops since hops would reduce all the extra T from maca and increase more E.
any thoughts?

I can't remember why, but I'm pretty sure that fairly shortly before she disappeared from the forum, Isabelle had changed her mind about the effects ( or side-effects possibly?) of maca and had stooped taking it.

Hello guys.
Sorry if I butt in here. what do you guys think of Cornsilk?
my mother is incontinent and I have found that most of (if not all) the herbs used to treat incontinence/bladder problem are anti-androgen!
I am thinking of treating her incontinency with Cornsilk and at the same time, I could drink the tea as anti-androgen for my NBE Big Grin
hoping to hear some good infos about Cornsilk for NBE Smile
thank you.

Hi all - This thread is so long, it is hard to wade through all the information! I have a couple of questions about hops.

1 - What are the best suppliers (price, quality) for hops in the U.S.?
2 - Is it best to take it in capsule form, extract, or raw?
3 - If taken raw, what are the best ways to make it palatable?
4 - Is its effect short-duration like fenugreek, which seems to spike soon after taking it, then tapering off?
5 - If periodic breaks need to be taken, what schedule is best?

Can u take bo with herbs?

Hi, Isabelle.

I've been looking for before and after pictures of you, but I couldn't find any. Do you have any on this site? If so, where can I find them?


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