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Long time hops & FG user

Thank you isabelle you and beachbumbythesea have been soooo helpful!

(09-08-2011, 22:00)Prettymama Wrote:  Thank you isabelle you and beachbumbythesea have been soooo helpful!

Hey Prettymama...what brand are you ordering of PM.. If it is the brand I am using ainterol let me know cause there is a place before you check out you can choose ship from USA pick that it would come within the week, cause I didnt do that and mine took 2-3 wks..

Hi Prettymama and Susan,

You can try Ainterol from their own site or via e-bay. I listed PM sites here:

My program is fixed. I'll keep the dosages for a while now:
4,000 mg maca
4,000 mg FG
2,000 mg hops

Libido was a bit on the high side this morning. Wait and see how it develops.

I promised to look into hops and diabetes prevention and treatment. Well, the jury is still out. Only more recent work really studied hops in depth for diabetes.

2005 Xanthohumol, the chalcone from hops is anti-diabetic. Xanthohumol attenuated diabetes in mice:

In 1999, researchers from King's College, London, and the University of Gent (prof. Denis De Keukeleire) identified a potent phytoestrogen in hops, 8-prenylnaringenin:
Professor De Keukeleire went on to develop a hops extract for menopause. In 2009, he wrote that hops acids are "challenging candidates for the treatment of diabetes mellitus".

In 2009, Japanese researchers found that isohumulones, the bitter component of beer, improve hyperglycemia and decrease body fat in Japanese subjects with prediabetes.

Goodmorning Isabelle,

Wow nice work..once againBig Grin

So you got a plan for dam hard..and what you picked, they all make sense..and on that note I have a question..I feel very very slight shoots in the titas but the fullness went down some and it is holding at 32 my orginal measurement..last yesterday I took 1 PM I always take if at night it just 1.. today starts 2 PM ..I took my first one this is the question is my body regulating to this dose and that is why I have no fullness I have more energy then I had yesterday and the day skin looks better..I do have a small belly (pouch), I didnt have hardly any chin hairs..I am thinking could my hormones be totally balanced but I need more estrogen..or is my body changing from none, to one, then soon to 2 a day PM..should I not worry I dont have enough estrogen to grow..or am I just in patient and wait and see tomorrow after I take my 2 PM pill...or do you think I should throw in the FG now..for the first time since starting NBE I dont have a complete gut feeling on this answer..but FG is a prolactin better for when you said to take and it my raise free testosterone..not sure if that is good at this point either...Huh

Thank you Susan Big Grin

Tough question.

First off, you haven't taken the 2nd PM yet today, so your body thinks it's still one a day. Most of what you feel is a consequence of a week on low estrogen. How much maca did you take today and yesterday? The higher energy could only come from there.

You will feel shoots or tingles behind the areolas tomorrow. Swelling normally starts on day 16 or so. In Chiyomilk's program, FG is for after ovulation. But I don't see a reason why you can't start it. Except: ain't never been done before.

FG will release some insulin, which will bind to SHBG. The SHBG will release testosterone (break out the next day?) and estrogen. If the estrogen together with the 2 PM is too much, you may get a headache, 2 hours after FG. If you do, you can try a SP to prevent the break out.

If you don't want to gamble on break outs and headaches, FG is safer to start just after going down on PM, like on day 14. Then the swelling would come in the second half of the cycle, which is more normal.

But hey, you've never waited for anyone to try something before you Tongue

Hey lol

Wow..laughing to myself..I dont know how you do it but you seem to explain things just right for me..and how you explained what you wrote out of my one run on sentence of lol yes you can see me at the gate ready to go full throttle and take FG..but I am not because it made sense of what you said but it also cofirmed if I wanted to it would be what I am going to do and see what happens tonight into tomorrow and all day tomorrow...tonight will be the second pill..ok got to go check my burger before it back soon.Big Grin

Actuallaah, Susan,

Shortcake beat you to it, and got in trouble Big Grin
She took her first FG in the ramp up, and immediately threw hops on it, which is worse than PM. The FG reduced SHBG, and that released testosterone and estrogen. Then the phyto-estrogens from hops added to the estrogen that was released from SHBG. And because hops is also anti-androgen, it blocks the testosterone from becoming DHT. The only way out for testosterone is becoming estrogen then. If all that happens at the same time, whooo, headaches!

(10-08-2011, 20:37)Isabelle Wrote:  Actuallaah, Susan,

Shortcake beat you to it, and got in trouble Big Grin
She took her first FG in the ramp up, and immediately threw hops on it, which is worse than PM. The FG reduced SHBG, and that released testosterone and estrogen. Then the phyto-estrogens from hops added to the estrogen that was released from SHBG. And because hops is also anti-androgen, it blocks the testosterone from becoming DHT. The only way out for testosterone is becoming estrogen then. If all that happens at the same time, whooo, headaches!

LOL LOL..I read it last night and thought I see Isabelle all over this situation...but above you explained it better again about the hops and FG..I have a question with when I start taking the FG and PM together..dont forget I will still be on maca too..but the question is should I add hops..I know the site of PM says not to add other herbs but I am getting more going on since adding maca unless it is because I am almost at the 2 month mark of PM kicking in ..IMO..I think it is both but mostly maca..dont know back to the ? about adding herbs to PM ..IMO it is just a Phytoestrogen...yeah it maybe be the strongest..but what if you get a good combo with PM and other herbs..that would be wicked awesome..if most havent done it then how would we know if it would work..right..Big Grin FYI..when I took FG I got wicked headaches here and there..but it may have been with the SP..anyway..My mind is thinking adding hops to the mix...Big Grin..cause it sounds like it would balance out what FG will do and ramp up the estro..but only take it when taking the FG...but I am going to see first how I feel with the FG add could add you thoughts...hahaha like your not Big Grin

Hey Isa..

I just thought of something..when I got back from my sisters I was taking FG and the night dose was PM and after that if was only I kinda was taking them together..I had tingling on FG and when I switched to PM it still contiued with the shoots/tingling..then it didnt do much until I added maca...

Hey how is you herb plan working are you feeling..Shy

I'm doing great, for the first time since starting hops!

Shoots 2 hours after maca in the morning, 2 hours after FG in the afternoon, for days now. I want to stay on this wave for a few weeks Cool

You can do hops with FG in the second half of your cycle, if you don't take hops 5-6 hours after FG. I take FG before lunch, and hops 2 hours after dinner. You can also take them together. Just explained to shortcake why she got unlucky with timing.

Use enough fennel tea with the hops. You have to remain slightly progesterone dominant over the second half of the cycle.

Keep me posted on what the FG does tomorrow Smile

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