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Long time hops & FG user

Well lostacres6,

It's not something I would try. Ginie and Chiyomilk took so many other things with it. It's hard to tell if the placenta had any effect at all.

thanks isabelle for the clarification, would it be safe to pre-mix the herbs in orange juice in the morning, and drink the mix later the days (i.e. give or take a few hours in the fridge)? reason I ask is that my work schedule has been longer lately and I end up missing dosages (i don't really feel like explaining to my co-workers why I am mixing all of these herbs together) AND im trying to make the consumption of the herbs easier on my taste buds lol (they are all in powder form). Just wasn't sure if the herbs would be less efffective or that the mix would go bad from bacteria, so I was just interested in getting your thoughts.

Hi ssag124,

Pre-mixing is OK, but orange juice is supposed to be an androgen. As long as you get no pimples, you're fine.

Hi Isabelle, what would be the worst side effects of Hops when used in nbe? Its is used mainly to cure sleeping disorders (sedative)...won't it interfere with my normal sleeping pattern?
Thanks Isabelle

Hi Isabelle,

Just wanted to say Hi .... miss you Blush

Hope all is well and you're just enjoying a "change of pace"

Hugs ... Karen

Hi Isabelle!
Sorry to pop in Blush but like Sophia I also have a hops related question, hehe.

I'd like to know your opinion on this...
What do you think is better?
- A single dose of 1550mg Hops p.m.
- A dose of 620mg hops a.m. and a dose of 930mg hops p.m.
- Other?

I know it sounds simple lol, but I thought perhaps it's more effective one way or the other... Because you take a single dose, I think¿?? and it has worked so well for you!!
Thanks! Smile

Hi Sophia and Alicia,

Hops definitely makes me sleepy. That's why I take a single dose in the evening, about an hour before bed time. In that way, the sleepiness is easy to deal with. The worst side effect is depression. I take maca for that, and it helps.

Hi karen,

I'm enjoying a change of pace indeed. I helped the kids out with the last week of the school year. Earlier today, I took the younger two out shopping for clothes. That helps to get them into vacation mode. And I'm having repairs done on my house. The things that better be done in the two really dry and warm months we have in a year here.

The new hops is easy to dose because it's whole strobiles. Six tablespoons a day stop the need to cross dress, and also stop the worrying about why I'm doing this. Suddenly I'm in a very quiet place: not busy with NBE and gender issues all the time. Gives me time to attend to other things.

Miss you too,


Hi Isabelle Big Grin
I was looking into finally buying menohop when I realized that it doesn't seem to contain a probiotic anymore. I think it now contains only standardized extracts of hops and soy. Do you know if this is correct? I've been wondering if it's still worth purchasing if thats the case. If they sell a standardized hop extract without soy, I might still buy from them.

Hi mochaccino,

Well, something has changed. Suddenly, it says "New Formula" on the box:

If the probiotic is no longer in there, you can buy the hops extract anywhere. I see Metagenics have started selling separate probiotics, but I don't know if they are for the right bacteria.

What you need to look for specifically is "Eubacterium limosum" ... at least for the hops "helper".

Eubacterium limosum activates isoxanthohumol from hops (Humulus lupulus L.) into the potent phytoestrogen 8-prenylnaringenin.

I'm looking for a "product" that will supply it ... if I find anything I'll post ...



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