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Long time hops & FG user

Yes, I would use broth with turmeric only in the second half of your cycle. You know, it adds up: a little turmeric in the chicken broth, a little oregano in the pizza, a little thyme with the meat...

Thank you for the ingredients list. Hope you still have the box with you Big Grin : does it say if FG is an extract? If FG is the whole herb, you can take additional FG with BS: 219 mg FG is not much. But if it's a 10:1 extract, there is enough FG in BS already.

(05-08-2011, 21:18)Isabelle Wrote:  Yes, I would use broth with turmeric only in the second half of your cycle. You know, it adds up: a little turmeric in the chicken broth, a little oregano in the pizza, a little thyme with the meat...

Well that makes true..well put

Thank you for the ingredients list. Hope you still have the box with you Big Grin : does it say if FG is an extract? If FG is the whole herb, you can take additional FG with BS: 219 mg FG is not much. But if it's a 10:1 extract, there is enough FG in BS already.

Oops it does say extract right after the name(it doesnt say anything about ratio, but it also says trigonella foenum-graecum) and so is Mothers, Black Cohosh, and hops... my single FG's are 610 mgs

You can try it out: take 3 FG and see if you get swelling. Take a pic. The next day, take 3 BS. Check how much swelling you get: compare the pics.

It's work, but then at least you know what you are taking. Or maybe they'll just tell you if you e-mail them Big Grin

You can take FG now, because it has no phyto-estrogens or phyto-progestins. The BS is for two weeks from now.

I was just thinking to forget about the BS and replace it with just the FG I have taking that with PM..dont know if you meant to drop PM but I like PM..Big Grin meaning following your chart with this.

Sorry for taking over your program thread..

So upping your hops later on tonight or is it night for you know and already took more..are you going to add anything else..just curious cause your kinda like me..lets try this kinda mind..Big Grin

I took it before dinner, and it's 11:10 now. It's almost bedtime.

I've been thinking about adding something, but try to find the balance first. Look at it this way:

hops: anti-androgen, phyto-estrogen
fenugreek: prolactin, insulin, insulin resistance
maca: DHEA

With these three, I have everything I need.

Checking the online test and my symptoms, I don't need more anti-androgen or a progesterone blocker. The next thing I could try is cycle SHBG. Wahaika wrote a clue here:
If I add oat flakes to my tita porridge, SHBG will decrease, and it will release free testosterone, but also estrogen.
If I add flax seed, that will increase SHBG. Then free testosterone and estrogens will bind to SHBG. They will be released again when I take oats.

So with maca, I can keep pumping DHEA into the system. My body will make testosterone from DHEA, and estrogen from testosterone. By alternating oats and flax, I can cycle the levels of testosterone and estrogen every day!

Yesss, I want to try this Big Grin

Wow that was thought out so good..and you explain it all awesome..

The only thing is explain just fine but I have to read over and over cause I know it will click but my brain isnt getting..please no need to explain again it is just my brain..just like the cycling thing ..just from reading and studing it over I am understanding it..I still have moment of brain farts witht he cycle thing..Big Grin

After you explaining this this helps me figure a better regimen too..I think I may need an anti-androgen too..but I will do like you go by my sypmtoms and keeping my sugar low and carbs..this was very helpful..

ok see what I mean I just reread what you wrote about it is effecting testosterone..that is why you keep telling to take an anti-androgen...I guess SP that I have already will do..but will it make my booty even bigger with the 2...I am serious..other then hops..cant think ..what other herbs just for anti-androgens not counting SP either..Fennel? if so..I rather take long as it doesnt have phyto's if it has progestins which I think it does? that is ok..haha but then I would have to block them at some point is I just want PM and FG as the only 2 phytos..then balance out the rest..(just not too fond of SP to help balance the other hormones.

Ok sweet dreams and talk tomorrow..

Thank you Susan,

This is my list of anti-androgens:

Spearmint tea (peppermint tea too, but that is also more estrogenic)
Saw palmetto berry
Stinging nettle root
Pumpkin seed oil
Borage seed oil GLA (for hair loss)
Zinc (not too high dose: it becomes androgen at 80 mg a day)
Vitamin B6
Azelaic acid (in rye, barley grass, whole grain cereals)
Secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG), the main lignan in flax (linseed)
Java tea (orthosiphon extract)
Pygeum bark
Wild yam (because it also contains β-sitosterol)

Hey Isabelle back from coffee breakBig Grin

Thank for the list ..I forgot to tell you in a post last night I found it when I was rereading posts..that whole post had alot of good info..I should print it out..I have to find it again I know it is here in your thread...

Oh I forgot..I looked up normal vaginal discharge which would help some with knowing when the different cycles are happening:

Different Types of Discharge

White: Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and watery: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after periods, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may occur when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes early in pregnancy you may have spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your period would normally come. If you have spotting at the time of your normal period rather than your usual amount of flow, and you have had sex without using birth control, you should check a pregnancy test.

Well last night..not to get detailed and gross but I had the first and according to that.. not the second half of itching and such..

So how are the titas today for you..Big Grin any actionBig Grin and so far what are you taking and what do you eat through out the day..supps too...if you want to list all that its up to you of course.

Well, Susan,

They are feeling like yours: full and a bit dull, but nothing like pains and tingles. Maybe that's just how they feel on maca.

After waking up: weight alarm! 86 kg, while I would have liked 84 kg Sad

This a.m. 4 beer yeast tablets (vitamin B1 and B3) 500 mg, and 3 vitamin C 70 mg.
I alternate this with 2 multivitamins:
yesterday hair skin nails (with vitamin B5, enough zinc, blueberry extract and horse tail powder),
tomorrow "super hair formula" with enough vitamin B12 and folic acid.

An hour later: 3,000 mg maca powder in a glass of water.

Noon: 2,000 mg powdered fenugreek seeds in half a glass of milk.

Half an hour later: 2 white (I know, bad me Shy ) buns with peanut butter.

Cottage cheese.

Plans for tonight: 2 hamburgers with enough lettuce (folic acid) and fresh tomatoes and a bit of fresh basil (anti-androgen). Chocolate cornet ice cream (I know, but hey, this is the only time of the year the kids are here for 3 weeks).

Two hours later: porridge (milk, honey, cereal, raisins, 2 tablespoons = 2,000 mg hops)
I think I'll add flax seed to it, to see what happens if SHBG goes up.

Except for the ice cream and the white buns, I guess it's decent. After the weight alarm, I'll add eggs, ham, and cheese again. Veggies are broccoli (yesterday) and spinach or beans (tomorrow).

That looks good and haha sounds good too...yummy..thank you..I am surprised your FG is lower dose then maca..but you did mention you are ramping up slow right..didnt know basil was anti-androgen..hmmm

guess what I had ice cream yesterday moderation..dont stress about it..I love hamburgers soooo much I eat them just about every day 1-2..I found a homemade protein drink online I wonder taking this will give me all my aminos and just about multi..I am trying to add weight so I am going to add 2 a day, you may be interested in this or someone else.. I made some changes but not much:

1 cup milk (they say skim, not sure if I will put whole for fats or use even soy)

1/2 cup ricottca (they say part skim..I may use whole)

1/2 cup cottage cheese (they say fat free, I am not using fat free that is dumb to take out what is natural in a product, if you dont want too much fat eat less..just my opinion)

1-2 eggs

1 talbspoon heavy cream

now this part I took out what they recommended and going to add my own stuff..not sure what I am going to add

vanilla pudding mix to make it yummy and thick (not sure)
cinamimmin sp? and vanilla extract or the pudding
carnation instant mix (Prettymama's idea) not sure with this
coconut oil

mind you the above stuff I am thinking of adding is not all of them except the coconut oil I will add that each time.

I may make something that tastes like a pina colada sp?

you mentioned OJ to be androgenic is pineapple and is it ok for NBE..

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