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Long time hops & FG user

As far as I know, pineapple is OK. I don't drink shakes very often, but one that tastes like piña colada sounds better! Got a fresh pineapple here Smile

I didn't know discharge can be a pointer to where you are in the cycle. Especially the ovulation: may be easier than the thermometer.

(06-08-2011, 13:56)Isabelle Wrote:  As far as I know, pineapple is OK. I don't drink shakes very often, but one that tastes like piña colada sounds better! Got a fresh pineapple here Smile

Ok cool..yeah going to buy and fresh canned..yummmm I just made 3 eggs scrambled with cheese and an english muffin with butter..

I didn't know discharge can be a pointer to where you are in the cycle. Especially the ovulation: may be easier than the thermometer.

Not sure if it would be better than the thermometer...I guess someone can tells or I should start taking my temp and see..
I was reading about goats rue last night..this sounds like it would be good for you because of the diabetes thing..and one more questions which for helping sweet cravings cant remember..for some reason L-glutamine is jumping into my head.

Thanks Susan,

Yes you're right: L-glutamine. But it's a bit of a hassle to get it right:

I've had the goat's rue here for quite a while, but fenugreek does the same in diabetes prevention. If my waist size doesn't go down fast enough, I'll add goat's rue.

OK no ice cream for me tonight. I'll fix something with cottage cheese and fresh pineapple (and no rum). My apple tree is shedding its small apples. These will make a great dressing in the microwave with raisins and honey.

Going to get my groceries now: more cheese, cottage cheese, ham, eggs, and other proteins.

(06-08-2011, 14:27)Isabelle Wrote:  Thanks Susan,

Yes you're right: L-glutamine. But it's a bit of a hassle to get it right:

Wow..thanks that was a great link..I have loose

I've had the goat's rue here for quite a while, but fenugreek does the same in diabetes prevention. If my waist size doesn't go down fast enough, I'll add goat's rue.

Oh..was not sure about the FG being the same,, if I take FG later in my cycle this will help with losing in the waist (when you say waist do you mean belly area too or above the hips, cause some will think belly area as well..I have read that coconut oil can reduce the belly area..going to try that ..take by mouth 1 tbsp 3 x a I will cook with it and put in shakes and apply it to my body..

OK no ice cream for me tonight. I'll fix something with cottage cheese and fresh pineapple (and no rum). My apple tree is shedding its small apples. These will make a great dressing in the microwave with raisins and honey.

oooo..that apple thingy sounds lol no rum..

Going to get my groceries now: more cheese, cottage cheese, ham, eggs, and other proteins.

wow we are too much on the same page..I am too going to the store today..have fun talk later..Big Grin

Hi again Susan,

I measure waist, but I mean the belly. There is even two kinds of abdominal fat: there is "fat around the abdomen" (the belly you can squeeze), and fat inside the abdomen (visceral fat).

Not sure if I remember it right, but I think visceral fat is the nasty one for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It's also the one fenugreek and goat's rue and nigella sativa and omega-3 fatty acids (flax, fish) do something about.

When I measure on Monday, I will check if it's going in the right direction. Even if my weight is still too high, I hope my waist hip ratio has gone down Dodgy

So that is why other then those girls on the other site taking coconut orally lose in the tummy (I think that is cleans out the digestive system more then reducing fat) but when they massage the coconut oil there and wrap it in they lose inches in there belly..very interesting..

Heeey ... I can try that Big Grin

I have coconut oil here. By the way, the taste is really right for baked potatoes. My kids love it!

the visceral fat is the nasty fat around the belly that can kill you. more important than for vanity sake, you should do all you can to minimize this fat. i'm glad to hear goat's rue and fenugreek helps since i'm taking both right now. my abdominal is almost flat now, and it hasn't been like this since a decade ago. but i don't know how much goat's rue and fenugreek contribute to this or if it's me eating much less carb than before and pretty much cutting out sugary deserts.

coconut oil is amazingly good for you. it is full of good saturated fat. i've been adding a spoonful to my shake every morning and using it to cook with and i've lost weight. goes to show that eating fat doens't make you fat.

Oh yessss I love coconut period..I use to it eat all the time mostly coconut oil and mostly in my drinks and coconut milk too.

Hey between the herbs and whatever cleansing routine I am using (my new one) I was putting on some make up and noticing my face is soooooooooooooooooo much better then it has even been (well in HS I had perfect skin) especially my acne scars ...I still have some acne on chin and 2 on forehead sp? but just he radiance of it know the maca is making my skin nice and def. PM..since taking PM today it is keeping the skin nice..but the key is the hormone balance of some kind and dont dont dont overload the body with too much of anything it can mess up hormones and more..

Hey Susan, that's awesome Smile

I knew you'd get it in check. I agree that carefully balancing all the hormones helps more than overloading on random supplements.

I took your advice and tried another 1,000 mg of fenugreek half an hour before dinner:
Wait and see if I feel anything, maybe go to 4,000 tomorrow.

Thank you, lled,

I posted this before on visceral fat. If you follow the link to the wikipedia page, there is a very detailed paragraph about the relation between visceral fat and insulin resistance:

I know herbs like fenugreek, goat's rue, and nigella sativa fight both insulin resistance and visceral fat. They prevent diabetes too. What I'm not sure about yet, is whether we will also decrease the risk of cardiovasular disease by taking those herbs. Cardiovascular disease is seen as a consequence of visceral fat, but that does not mean every way to reduce visceral fat will also reduce the risk of cardiovasular disease.

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