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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Susan,

What exactly is this cream you are using?

GR will also produce milk.

The way SP helps growth is by upping the stalling limit. So with SP, you can take more PM without stalling. That is because the brain measures total sex hormones, and if they are too high, the brain decreases LH, so the ovaries stop producing sex hormones. If you use SP, you have no DHT, so you can have estrogens instead without stalling.

(19-09-2011, 15:26)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Susan,

What exactly is this cream you are using?

GR will also produce milk.

The way SP helps growth is by upping the stalling limit. So with SP, you can take more PM without stalling. That is because the brain measures total sex hormones, and if they are too high, the brain decreases LH, so the ovaries stop producing sex hormones. If you use SP, you have no DHT, so you can have estrogens instead without stalling. always have interesting info..ok cool now I know how to use SP to some degree..

The cream is the one thread that was deleted..she sent me a sample to try out and I love it is called booby stacked (they have a booty stacked too)..the ingredients are:

Oh it smells like vanilla icingTongue

Distilled water, FG, PM, Zhi MU, Cetyl Alcohol and Stearyl Alocohol(emulsifier), Hydrolyzed collagen, Avacado oil, Grapeseed oil, Borage oil, Jojoba oil, Emu oil, Evening Primrose oil, Vanilla and Potassium sorbate(Preservative).

This cream is so creamy and it gives a good massage..goes a long way..

Ha Susan,

You mean the cream you linked here:

Too bad they don't have capsules. I only compare the capsules in my PM supplier cost comparison:

That thread is very popular among people who know it, but in number of views, it's going nowhere. I just updated the PM user list on the next page with the sex of each user, and the links to the results of their programs so far. Those are ideas of Pansy Mae and Mel. I hope they make the thread take off.

(19-09-2011, 21:23)Isabelle Wrote:  Ha Susan,

You mean the cream you linked here:

That link I posted today...not sure if you mean the link I was talking about a few posts up...the owner had posted the product and she told me they deleted the link (well it was a thread that was deleted)..she figured they is the stuff that the site BHM is using...

Too bad they don't have capsules. I only compare the capsules in my PM supplier cost comparison:

If you mean capsules of the cream so to speak..she said they are working on that..

That thread is very popular among people who know it, but in number of views, it's going nowhere. I just updated the PM user list on the next page with the sex of each user, and the links to the results of their programs so far. Those are ideas of Pansy Mae and Mel. I hope they make the thread take off.

Give it time for that link..I think it will come help more as time goes by...when everyone starts to run out of there PM and decide if to stay with the brand they been using or try another..Big Grin

Hey any thing I can take other then ibrpo for my headache..have one all day..the period headache..weird this period is so much like the last..this time it isnt as exhusting..last month it wipped my ass..I hope I feel better tomorrow..if the headache was gone I would be really good.Blush

Hi Susan,

Thank you for the info on the cream. I don't think people should be allowed to advertise for free on the forum. But once they have capsules, I'll add them to the PM supplier cost comparison. Eve M gave me permission to maintain that list. You are right about the popularity of that thread: people will be interested when the PM runs out Big Grin

What I think is happening is that your natural progesterone drops to zero at the end of your cycle. Then the 1 PM you take may be too much. It makes you estrogen dominant. The headache should stop if you take 1 FG. That 1 FG may even be enough for the rest of your period.

Run.Rabbit is experimenting with FG and WY for the end of her cycle. WY is for if the opposite happens: too little estrogen. But she is on bc. You are maintaining a natural cycle. A natural cycle is more difficult, because during your period, you still need to convince an egg to start growing.

Some people take vitex agnus castus (chaste tree berry) because it increases Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which starts the production of sex hormones in the ovary. I don't really know how vitex should be used, before or during the period. Many take it before the period, if they have PMT.

Some people take progestinic herbs. I think FG increases progesterone enough. If it doesn't, you can add half a cup of fennel tea. Advertising says dong quai, and even black cohosh, "regulate the cycle", but it doesn't say how they should be used. Besides, black cohosh is a hot flushes herb. That makes me think estrogens, not progestins.

What you really need to start the growth of an egg, is FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). I know no herb that increases FSH, but then I haven't really looked for one either.

And I don't think you need it. Your two latest cycles were 36 days each. That's long, but it's regular. Imagine you could tweak the PM on day 12 so the total cycle becomes shorter, and you find an herb that stops period headaches. Then you have all the tools to maintain a regular cycle for years Smile

The supplement witch hunt has hit the US. This is a good (short) explanation of what will become illegal under the new FDA supplement guidelines:

You can vote against it in the linked page, until September 30th.

I bought this mesh teaser yesterday
and a sparkly midnight blue Brasil thong with a matching triangle top. But it's the mesh I must have tried on ten times by now. Just for size. I'm exhausted Big Grin

On the way to the bus stop, I found a hops vine someone pulled out of the ground, and threw over the hedge to die. I was furious. I cut all the cones off, and put some pieces of the plant that didn't look to dry yet in water. See if it shoots some roots. The cones taste less bitter than my dried cones, but different. I'll make some tea, see what it does.

Meanwhile, I'm reading on growth hormone and growth factors. I don't think I'll be short on growth hormone this winter, but Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) may be a problem. I'm looking for a dietary source or an herb, not a supplement.

The publication I linked here
got me worried that high hops intake for a long time could increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH), but decrease Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1).

After more reading, I'm not too worried any more about having enough Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and too little Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). "Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is mainly secreted by the liver as a result of stimulation by growth hormone (GH)":

Why do we need it in NBE? "It plays an important role in childhood growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults":

On the same wikipedia page, this sentence suggests cheese and protein are dietary sources: "In rat experiments the amount of IGF-1 mRNA in the liver was positively associated with dietary casein and negatively associated with a protein free diet".

There is also a sentence supporting the idea that our breasts will make IGF-1 themselves: "IGF-1 is produced primarily by the liver as an endocrine hormone as well as in target tissues in a paracrine/autocrine fashion. Production is stimulated by growth hormone (GH)..."
GorgeousBlonde looked into this idea before,
and found this publication:
"These circumstances urged us to perform this pilot study using a non-invasive method that involved the application of 17β-estradiol as it is known that estradiol enhances expression of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) which can promote growth in breast tissue".

Since hops digests to 17β-estradiol and increases HGH, I think the hops will do for the winter months. Maybe, for more HGH, I'll add L-arginine, like our 1"-a-month duo MydreamisGcup and IdreamofD, or L-glutamine, like lled34aa.

Hey Isabelle,

Guess what,, been thinking alot..oh nooooo ghees watch out, Susan's brain is smoking with thoughs..crampBig Grin.. The reason behind taking breaks from alot of things even do a light day of foods (fruits/salads) things that dont put alot of strain on the liver and not taking the herbs and supps for even one day.. reason for taking at least a good week or so break and cleanse the liver.. the liver needs to be very strong to do a good job to process and fliter everything to get the best results and be healthy in general..the liver plays a huge roll in alot of things and especially NBE..look at what you wrote about the GHG and isullin..this is what triggered this thought and found out a lot of estrogenic herbs are liver cleansing and other good things...Oh when doing a liver cleanse to anyone that did not know that you should do it slow IMO..if you do a intense one I would reccomend not working or doing strenuous exercises or anything strenuous..I prefer to do slow cleanses or just eating light using detox teas and foods that cleanse the can still functionTongueWink What you can do and some liver cleansing herbs and foods are estrogenic use them to do the cleanse you never know you may get 2 big bonuses from it..haha know what mean..Big Grin I personally would still take my tita herbs but very low doses..example I believe dandelion is estrogenic and a liver cleanser..Wink oh a thought keeping msm and vitc they both are detox..the vitc is good one for liver but not sure if msm.. lecithin is good detox I started taking this too (this is I think isnt estrogenic but good for the liver).. estrogenic and liver cleanse clover, dandelion, tumeric, fennel, Dong Quai, green tea, Licorice, nettle (increased lactation), Wild Yam, this is some I found..I may just take these for a week or two then go back to the regimen..hummm..maybe be good to do durning winter months..also IMO if your making progress with growth I would continue through winter and not take the winter break..just my opinion.. some of use may be dif durning this time..something to think about..Wink

Yes thank you Susan,

I was thinking something different, but with the same goal in mind. I forgot who wrote it that the AAA ladies get totally discouraged seeing what they have gained disappear during their breaks every time. So how can you get extra growth from a liver cleanse?

My first plan was milk thistle, and I was thinking to add dandelion. I have lots of it in the garden. Since I know it's useful for NBE, I just can't see it as a weed any more. I have eaten it in salads before for enzymes (always leave 10-20 minutes in salted water to remove worm eggs: 1 flat tablespoon per liter water).

Another good idea is licorice. I was thinking tea. It's a phyto-estrogen, phyto-progestin, anti-androgen and ups prolactin (galactogogue). So it's a full program by itself. Red clover is only a phyto-estrogen and phyto-progestin. Another one is flax: that also works best by itself.

Another good idea is phyto-progestins. We cleanse because the liver is full of phyto-estrogens. After two weeks of phyto-progestins, the phyto-estrogens will be gone too. I went up to eight cups of fennel tea at the start of my latest break. You mentioned turmeric and dong quai: those are phyto-progestins too.

I just saw that my hops is almost empty, and maca too: two weeks early. But I've still got a month's supply of my old hops formula. The dose is 4 capsules, and I've gone up to 10 on the day of the party without stalling. I was thinking about that too: end my three month ramp up with a few big estrogen peaks. If I stall, I can still go on a long break.

I was planning to continue the multi-vitamins. A fast or a raw food only fast also crossed my mind. I haven't decided yet, but my mind is working overtime on this too Big Grin

I don't really trust my pukka detox tea. It's ayurvedic, and it contains just too many herbs to understand the logic. I also have half a bottle of aloe vera juice in the fridge, but it's been there for three months, so if I want to use that, I'll toss it and buy another one.

One herb that's supposed to be very good for the liver is fenugreek. If I do a month on fenugreek only, I can also level out the testosterone and progesterone peaks that are sure to follow if I stop phyto-estrogens cold turkey.

Lots of ideas, and I haven't decided yet. I'll just pick one and leave the others for the next break Big Grin

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