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A thread only about Size AAA and AA


(02-06-2010, 19:04)Wahaika Wrote:  It depends on a lot of things. Number one is probably age. After that it depends on if the baby was breastfed or not, hopefully so. For women in this category, who have given birth and preferably breastfed their child(ren) I always suggest the Greenbush 90 day kit with some additions.

Wahaika, sorry for all the questions, but what would those additions be? I understand the Greenbush kit is based on fenugreek, saw palmetto and wild yam, right?
I´d be one of the women in that category (breastfed my kids).


The additions depend on the age, height, weight, current band & cup size, largest band & cup size while breastfeeding, current diet & exercise, hormonal characteristics (any of the imbalances that may exist), and there are some that are more or less, standard.

The standard ones are:

Ramping up.
Static dosages.
Massage techniques (always with a phytoestrogenic batter)

Something to massage/carry herbs (mainly fenugreek) into the skin such as olive, and borage oil or EPO, followed by 30 minutes of low heat.

Evening Primrose Oil
Flaxseed oil
Borage Oil
A multivitamin with zinc and selenium
A B complex with about 80mcg of B12

Gelatin or Chicken Feet Soup (Building blocks of skin and other tissue)
MSM (Building blocks of skin and other tissue - need no less than 2000mg per day)
GABA (For growth hormone, mainly for those over 30 or so. At least 1500mg per day at bedtime)
5-HTP (To fuel serotonin if needed.)
Kelp (To fuel a slow thyroid if needed.)
L-Tyrosine (To fuel a slow thyroid if needed.)
Goat's Rue (also called Galega - works well as a staple herb.)
Barley (Does a lot of things)
Hops (Good for growth but not for permanent growth. When using hops, always follow with a few months of fenugreek after discontinuing.)
Black Cohosh (Inhibits LH. ONLY IF IN MENOPAUSE)

That's the main arsenal. Other things are for other problems as they come up.


I'm in this size catagory and I've been takeing saw palmetto and fenugreek internally. (I also took fishoil take and a multivitamin. I massaged with fenugreek seeped in olive oil (followed by heat)). Idid this for 3 months and think it worked pretty well. I'm actually not sure my size but it's very small. I measure 27in. under my bust and 29 above before i started. Last time i measured i was at 29.72 for my bust. It's only 3/4th an inch increase but i like to look at it as an almost 30% increase which is not bad at all! I do feel a big difference and I feel like even on my break i'm still growing!

Im almost done with my break and plan to start up again soon. I'm just wondering if there's anything i could add to kick things up a notch. During my break i started takeing epo. and massageing with cocoabutter containing vitamin E.

My plan is to continue the SP and FG, prepare the same fg/oliveoil massage batter, continue takeing the epo orally,take a daily multivitamin, and add another herb. Im leaning towards wild yam but i've also been considering Hops.
Would hops even be worth a try? and why is wild yam recomended? Which is better? Aslo is it ok to play around with the dosages? I seem to grow more everytime i change the amount whether i add or decrease the dosage.
any sugestions would be apreciated.


It looks like you are doing very well.

Hops is Ok to try, but if you use hops, you need to address thyroid issues at the same time. If your diet has plenty of beef and chicken in it, then you are probably Ok, otherwise you might need to supplement with L-tyrosine. Get plenty of protein! You might also consider kelp, especially if you don't get enough dark leafy greens in your diet. Kelp is a good source of iodine which the thyroid needs to manufacture T4/T3.

Wild yam and hops appear to work differently so you can take both of them and they should not conflict. If you are taking fenugreek and saw palmetto, then wild yam would be the best choice. You might also try bustup gum and see if that adds any kick to your program. I remember when Beth tried this (everybody remember Beth?) and she got great results from it.

Playing with the dosages is encouraged as it enables you to be in tune with your body and act on the signals that you get.

Watch out for cocoa butter and vitamin E. That has worked for only a few and fails for everyone else. If you put some Greenbush fenugreek extract with it, it will make a lot of difference, otherwise what you were doing before is the best.

Don't worry about borage if you can't find it. EPO three times per day is equivalent to borage once per day. If EPO is working for you then you don't need to add borage internally. Externally, however, there is nothing that can beat it although EPO would have to be a close second. Olive oil, either of those, and fenugreek powder makes a good batter.


Ok thank you very much for your quick response! I think I'll forget the hops for now but get some wild yam. I'm gonna keep up the epo internally but I'm gonna increase the dosage since I've been takeing only 1 a day. I'm only useing the cocoabutter during my break since i thought it'd help prevent me from loosing growth. It seems to be working quit well but I'm definatly going to use the fenugreek batter for massage when i start up on the herbs again. And thanks for the tip about the gum! I'll have to look into that!

Thanks again!!!!

Yes thank you Wahaika for all your help!Smile


Hey ladies,

As I have become interested in Noogleberry recently due to my purchase! I thought I would post some of the links I found off the Noogleberry site of ladies around about the size AAA/AA mark. Disclaimer - some of them might be a size bigger.






Quote:Just to clarify, my understanding is that if you measure your under bust, if you get an even number add 4", for an odd number add 5". Then measure your bust. If you find that your bust measurement is less than your under bust measurement (including the additional 4" or 5"), then you are an AA or AAA cup. The larger difference between these two figures the more A's you are. So if you have an underbust measurement of 28", add 4", so 32". If your bust measurement is only 30.5" then you are an AAA, if its 31.5", then you are an AA
Hmmm.. 26 plus 4 equals 30. So I'm a 30 band. My bust measurements are 31. Hmm. I guessing if you are 2 inches under your band sizes then you are a AAA? According to this I'm a 30A which is a 32AA. Huh Umm.. I'm confused. I wear a full 32A/ small 32B. Started as a small 32A. Are there any factor that would make most bra calculator inaccurate?? B/c the is one bra calculator that put over bust in consideration too? Most bra calculator say I don't fit into a size. lol Girlfirday, what bra size are you on this calculator??? I think you are bigger than a 32AA. Big Grin Either way you look great!!

I don't quite understand whether 32AA is the same as 30A. Does anyone know?

I guess the bigger your band size is, theoretically would mean that your breasts would also be wider and hence bigger than someone who has a smaller band size. So I guess it stands to reason, that if you are a 34AA, you will be bigger than a 32AA. So then I guess if you are a 34AA for instance, then you may be more like a 32A in size.

On that calculator blackhippie, I am 28" under, 31" bust, and 30.5" over. That makes me 32AA. If I gain an inch, and my bust goes up to 32", then I will be 32A (on that calculator), and if I get up to 33" I will be a 32B.

However, that calculator isn't very accurate, because when I changed my bust measurement to only 30", and then 29" it still read 32AA.

That calculator at least gives you a ball-park figure on what your measurement is. Perhaps find some other calculators and play around with the figures on those.

As a general rule, I work on the principle, that if the difference between your underbust measurement and your bust measurement is 3" or less, then you have small breasts. If you are 4", you probably fit an A cup. And if you are 5" then its probably a B cup.

Some thoughts/learnings from two months on NBE


- Ask questions of those who have more experience
- Develop a suggested program and then ask people to comment on it before you start it
- Start SLOWLY. Why take more herbs than you need to!
- Take before photos at different times of your menstrual cycle
- Take measurements at different times of your menstrual cycle
- Keep a daily diary on how you are feeling in general, food you have eaten, any health issues
- Cut out foods with refined sugar
- No smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine or tea


- Measure with the tape nice and snug against your skin, but not tight. Make sure there are no gaps.
- Measure yourself 3 times because usually you find you get 3 different measurements on just one occasion of measuring! Take the middle measurement!
- Measure at the same time each month - this might be once or several times per month. Make sure you write the measurement down and which menstrual cycle day it is, not what calendar day it is! This is very important, as you will find that even if you are not on NBE, your breasts will fluctuate. Better still, before you go on NBE, take measurements every couple of days and write it down, note any noticeable fluctuations in your measurements.
- Don't get obsessed with measuring and hoping to see change. One thing is for sure, change will be slow. So just measure, for the sake of measuring and writing down what the measurement is.
- Don't worry if your measurements decrease. This is NORMAL. Sometimes you can gain and other times you decrease. It is ok. Overall, you will hopefully be gaining. Don't stress out! Stress is bad for breast growth!
- Realise that taking your measurement is going to be pretty inaccurate. So keep it in perspective. Don't worry about the small stuff e.g. centimetres. Who cares. Just keep focussed, and get excited when you notice that your measurements are 0.5" greater than what they were before.
- Measure around the widest part of your bust for your bust measurement. under your bust for under bust measurement, over the top part of your breasts for overbust measurement. And measure from the side of each breast to your sternum (in the middle of your chest). You can also measure from the top of your breast to your nipple, and the bottom of your breast to your nipple.


Unless you are somehow different from most people on NBE, you are NOT going to grow into a B cup within a month, or two months. You need to be realistic about your goals and timeframes. There is absolutely no point beating yourself up because after 1 month you aren't even at an A cup.

It seems that 0.25" of growth per month is a reasonable growth rate. This means, that if you are an AAA cup of measurements say, under bust 28", over bust 31", it will take you a good 4 months before you become an A cup. And approximately 9 months before you reach a B cup.

When I first started NBE, I thought, yep, cool, I will grow to be a B cup in a couple of months. Nope. But I am hopeful that I can get there!

Also, you need to realise that getting into a routine of doing NBE (whatever you choose your program to be), is TOUGH. Its one thing to say, yeah, I'm taking x, y, and z per day, and massaging etc. Its another thing to do it, and do it every day like you said you would. I would recommend keeping a diary, that you fill in every day without fail. For me, I have used my program page as this diary, to motivate me to make sure I am doing what I say I am.

The first few months on NBE I have found hard. There have been highs and lows, highs when I think woo hoo I have grown, the measuring tape says so, the pictures show growth, and my breasts feel dense and heavy and lows when my breasts feel small again, measurements decrease, get absolutely sick of massaging etc every day only to not experience any noticeable progress!!!!

So you have to be patient. Re-assess your program after each month. Not after each week!!!! This is a long process.

NBE takes determination, and commitment. You aren't going to show results if you only massage every now and then etc. You have to make sure you are doing it every day. You will be wasting your time otherwise.

I have now gotten into a routine, which I feel I can manage pretty well for the next couple of months. But those first months were definitely the hardest. Just in terms of motivation, keeping at it, your body reacting to the new stuff you are putting in it etc.

Just remember, that sometimes you may show great progress, but then other times, nothing, and sometimes you take 5 steps backwards. Just understand that this is part of the rollercoaster that is NBE.


You need to make sure your diet is an integral part of your NBE experience. Cut out refined sugars - this means, don't eat things like muffins, cakes, biscuits. Watch out for other sugars. Learn more about diet. Read - "Life without Bread".

Cut out caffeine, juices, sugary drinks, soda, black tea.

Don't smoke! Don't drink.

Eat a form of protein with each meal.

Here are some useful foods to eat:

- flaxseed oil
- kelp (you can buy to sprinkle it on your food)
- quinoa (is a grain, you can get it puffed and eat it as cereal, its very high in protein)
- salmon
- pumpkin seeds
- sunflower seeds
- almonds
- natural yoghurt (no sugar included)
- muscles
- hummus
- chicken liver pate
- lots of dark leafy greens
- meat - (chicken, beef, lamb, seafood)
- avocado, and avocado oil
- protein shakes

Basically foods high in protein and omega 3 and 6.

Try and eat organic vegetables and fruit if possible. Sprays and pesticides can anger your hormones. Don't eat food covered in plastic if you can help it, and never heat your food up in plastic. I use a china bowl and plate to store my food in the fridge and heat it up.


Make massage oil with cold-pressed avocado oil, borage oil, olive oil. Put in ground fenugreek and ground fennel. Shake it up. Leave it for at least a week. Shake it every few days. Keep it away from lights. Massage twice per day.


Document your NBE from the start. Don't think anything is trivial, because after a few months you may start to notice trends. Make sure the diary is done on cycle days. Your menstrual cycle starts on the first day you get your period. That is cycle day 1. Write down what happens on each cycle day, how you feel, anything out of the ordinary. Describe your breast sensations. Even if there are none, that is still important information. Over time you will be able to track when you are experiencing the most breast sensations. Document what your breasts feel like, are they dense? Keep a score of 1/10 on the breast sensations each day. Keep a record of what you have done each day. It will add up over time!

This is a very important part of NBE because this is what will give you the most accurate appraisal of your situation. Unless you have a mega memory, you will not remember what happened on day 4 of your period two months ago, and what happened on day 4 of your period 1 month ago. Write it down. See if there are any trends.

Don't get all worried about things for no reason, just stick to the facts. Write things down systematically and analyse them.


Find out more about your body. Get a hormone blood test. Find out if there is anything of note. If your hormones are a problem, then you need to fix this first. This could take a long time. Google - hormone quiz, and fill out the forms to see whether you are likely to be estrogen dominant, high testosterone etc. Google - metabolic diet types, find out what kind of diet you should be taking. Find out what body type you are. Get more attuned to yourself and how your body is functioning, how you are feeling, and on what days of your cycle. Hormones play a huge part in health, get more attuned to whats happening. Write down what you are feeling every day. Is it a happy day, or a sad day. Do you have high energy, or low energy. You may find that over a couple of months you notice trends happening at certain times each month.

Keep a food diary! Write down everything you are eating. This is particularly useful if you have health problems like stomach problems, digestive problems, tiredness etc.


READ READ READ. Ask questions! Think what you are doing. Write things down. Make sure your program is sound.


You may find noogleberry a useful tool to aid your breast growth. It can be fun because your breasts stretch and swell and it shows you what you will look like when they do actually grow to that size. Again, it takes time.


Take photos before you start NBE. You will be surprised how much photos show the difference, even if the measuring tape doesn't. Take photos of the front of your chest. Diagonal on each side. Each side of your breasts. Lean forward. Take photos in bras.

Try and stand at the same point away from the camera, so that the distance is the same. That will help you take accurate photos. Take photos regularly. Don't worry if it doesn't look like much progress, over time, it hopefully will!


Don't get discouraged when growth is slow. It can be hard when you see people who already have breasts, and they grow even bigger ones, with seeming ease! Whereas you may be struggling. This is the reality of being in the AAA/AA category I am afraid folks.

There is no easy fix.

Don't bother trying to pack on the pounds, you will only lose any growth next time you lose weight. Just eat sensibly.

Remember that there are other people in your shoes. Keep supporting each other.

Good luck! Smile

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