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A thread only about Size AAA and AA


oh no no no, mine is HUGE, the lump i mean, theres one big one on the inner side of my right boob, and one smaller one right underneath the nipple. which sucks becuz my right boob is small, and now it feels like all is has inside are 2 lumps lol.

how huge is huge?

mine were like the size of a small pearl that you would have on a necklace.

by huge i mean the size of a penny, i wud say abt 0.7 or 0.8 inch big. but i think it has reduced in size slightly, dont know if its because of my monthly cycle or wat, am on day 23 of my cycle, should be getting my periods soon, not seeing any post period swelling this time though Sad

Lump on breasts are a sign of estrogen dominance. Girl you need to balance up your hormone before continuing NBE. If the lump is very bad you need to get it check by a doctor to ensure that it is not cancerous. Your hormone balance level is more important than your NBE. If your hormone are knock out of balance there is no way your body will be able to work with your NBE.

Soy and herbs NBE contain of layman term phyto-estrogen. Plant base estrogen are weaker in nature as compared to our body estrogen. Weaker estrogen need strong and many estrogen receptors in your body to bind it. In general women with breasts lower than A cup have weaker and limited estrogen receptors in their body. Unless your body start building more estrogen receptors or have stronger receptors else there is almost no way that the plant based estrogen will work for you permanently.

Don't get discourage that your breasts deflated girlfriday, BO will have a better chance with you. BO give you more solid growth because it works with your body to produce estrogen which is recognizable by your receptors immediately and to top things up it will strengthen your estrogen receptors and also making more of it to bind with your estrogen. It is more solid growth compared to herbs in my opinion. I did herbs (hops and PM separately) before I found BO. Because I am thin in nature and have high level of androgen the 2 herbs only give me swelling water retention like. With each of my menstrual or when I detox my body I wave my breasts swelling goodbye. BO will work with your body to produce what is necessary for NBE (not only estrogen) where else herbs only load your system with estrogen-like substance. That is why we see a lot of girls who have side effect with herbs because they overload their system with phyto-estrogen.

Right, time to post on this thread again for all us A cup ladies.

Anyone want to share any progress stories!?

I'm noogling and doing MSM and collagen tabs (that's it) at the moment.

Before that I was just noogling for a month or so. I found that my breast sensations pretty much stopped during that time.

Then recently I've started taking MSM and collagen and the breast sensations have sporadically started again, but only every now and again, and sometimes extremely intense ones.

I'm still taking 1 protein drink per day. Sometimes two if I'm doing exercise.

I'm thinking about taking 1 SP per day just because I've still got some left, and that may just help keep my testoterone levels in check.

I've given up massaging with fenugreek because it just really stinks and I didn't seem to get any permanent growth at all from doing herbs.

I'm waiting for Bovine Ovary to arrive, but it hasn't, and I think Customs have probably stopped it.

Unfortunately the L-tyrosine and kelp is also in that same package... so that means I haven't received that either! darn! I would like to start taking those as I was thinking that would help with my temperature.. and maybe having a higher temp would help me regardless of whether I am on BO or not.

Apart from that, I've started noogling with the large cups, but that just gives me lots of red dots and not much swelling! But I guess it takes time. So I'll keep going with the larges this cycle and see how I go.

I'm about the 52kg at the moment. So still putting on weight slowly.

No one mentioned PM. Has anyone had success with it? How about anyone who is postmenopausal? And what dosages are you taking? I am a AAA, doing NG & PM but not having any success. I tried BB too but could not get my temp up even with l-tyrosine. No success there either. I know it takes time but after 4 mo - no growth at all??? I must be doing something wrong - but what?

I've been on BB and protein drinks, along with MANY supplements, and NB, for 4 1/2 months now; and I've grown about 3.25"-3.5". I started out as a 34 AAAAA (yep, 5 A's - I recalculated my original measurements). I was completely flat, with only nipples sticking out. Sad Now I'm a full 34 AA, and still growing. Smile I had a problem with my temperature in the beginning, too; and my L-Tyrosine wasn't helping much. After reading on another thread on this forum about Dr. Rind's website that has a symptom-checker chart to compare whether you have low thyroid function or adrenal fatigue, it was apparent to me I was suffering from extreme adrenal fatigue. Click here to see Dr. Rind's chart. So I added two raw adrenal glandular capsules to my daily regimen, and my temperature went from 97.6 in the afternoon to 98.7. Consistently! My temp has been in the 97's all my life. It took a few weeks for it to build up in my system enough to fix my temperature. There are also thyroid glandulars available out there, if the thyroid seems to be the problem (L-Tyrosine does nourish the thyroid gland as well). I also take Iodoral three times a week, which is also supposed to help with temperature (according to BB's website), as well as give you extra iodine. Also, another member on this forum, Mel (itsjustforfun91) found that candida yeast in the body can cause low temperature as well; after she got on strong probiotics, her temperature went up and stabilized.

And I'm finally getting some nice fullness from NB on my right side, which was always way smaller than the left (I've been Noogling the right one exclusively for a month now). They are close to the same size now. Smile So NB can help (eventually), too. Just make sure you have some arnica cream or gel handy, for the inevitable times you accidentally overpump and end up with little red dots. Wink

I just wanted to share how I fixed my temperature, in case it may be useful for anyone else struggling with it. Don't despair, ladies; we, too, can have breasts! It's a matter of finding what method(s) work best for your body. Smile

thanks for that info TM. I'm just looking at ordering some stuff from Swansons (Again!).

So fellow multiple A cup ladies, any new stories to share?

I'm about to start my third cycle on Bovine Ovary (BO).

Cycle 1 - had lots of aches and pains, some very intense and ongoing. Spent quite a bit of time tracking temperature, and temp was within normal range for over half the cycle. No noticeable growth. Had about 8 days of spotting before menstruation.

Cycle 2 - had pains and aches mainly in the first half of the cycle but hardly any in the second cycle. Breasts got noticeably larger and heavier towards end of cycle then randomly seemed to disappear. Spotting for about 13 days before menstruation. (Mid cycle ran out of collagen pills).

I have been 98% taking my pills (except for the collagen pills) when I am supposed to and taking two protein shakes per day, limiting refined sugar intake. I don't drink alcohol or smoke.

My weight has decreased again to 50.4kgs (111 pounds), 5"7 (170cm) giving me a BMI of 17.4.

Hips 35"
Waist 25"
Underbust 28"
Bust 31" (varies from 31" to 32" it seems now with swelling 'temporary growth'? or whatever BO is doing)

I have not noogled for about 3 months now.

I think collagen is really important for growth whether you are taking BO or just using noogleberry. That combined with protein, and I have also ordered L-proline which is an amino acid which is meant to help cells build up. I was reading up about growth hormone too, and how your body produces it when you do heavy weights exercise or extreme cardio where you are breathing heavily. You need lots of sleep too.

I'm not giving up on BO yet and will see what happens this cycle coming. I was quite perturbed this cycle as my breasts kept getting heavier and looked noticeably larger so I thought 'yay, this BO must be working', only to then see them decrease in size!!!! So that was pretty annoying. My cycle is due to start tomorrow so I will measure on day 5 of that to see what I am measuring.

My current routine is:

Wake up

30 mins later
Neocell collagen 3 capsules
1 hylauranic acid (helps collagen)
quarter teaspoon of vitamin c powder

30 mins later
2-3 BO (swansons generic) 250g each
1 pituitary
1 kelp
1 protein shake


After breakfast
1 l-tyrosine
1 multi-vitamin
1 teaspoon vitamin c powder
MSM powder


1 protein shake

Before dinner (or after dinner)

collagen, bo etc as per morning

Every other day - 1 sheep lamb placenta

girlfriday do you massage? cause it's very beneficial to NBE and plus it reduces the risk of breast cancer. You should try the chi massage. it's said to work really well.

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