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A thread only about Size AAA and AA


Hi all,

I would like to get a sense of which women who are very small-breasted e.g. AAA or AA size, have actually had success with their programs? Importantly, those women who have NOT been pregnant before.

I have read alot of success stories both on this forum and the noogleberry forum where women who are Size B have gone up to Size C etc, or Size A to a B, but there seems to be very few examples of those who have succeeded from AAA/AA. I have read of a couple of ladies who went from AA up to a C, but they were pregnant before, so grew naturally with their pregnancy. They then tended to lose their breasts and went down to an AA, but I understand that this means that those women would have more "Receptors" than someone who was size AA who had not been pregnant before. So what we want to know is who has actually had any success from AAA/AA cup size who has not been pregnant before!

So what I would love for people to do is to make a resource in this thread for those of us who are small-breasted with success stories from others who were AA/AAA and have not been pregnant. Also, if anyone knows of stories from other forums or the archives, please post the links here.

Please keep all the posts relevant to size AAA or AA only. No A cup stories please, A cup seems light years away to someone like myself who has basically nothing!

Just to clarify, my understanding is that if you measure your under bust, if you get an even number add 4", for an odd number add 5". Then measure your bust. If you find that your bust measurement is less than your under bust measurement (including the additional 4" or 5"), then you are an AA or AAA cup. The larger difference between these two figures the more A's you are. So if you have an underbust measurement of 28", add 4", so 32". If your bust measurement is only 30.5" then you are an AAA, if its 31.5", then you are an AA.

So please feel free to post anything related to AA or AAA cup sizes. For example, you could put your photos, what has worked for you if you are an AA or AAA cup and have not been pregnant, what you have found on other sites or the internet in general, how you feel about being this size, and anything else you like.

Thanks for your help!!!

To kickstart, my program can be found on:
I had originally thought I was an AA cup, but I think I am actually an AAA or possibly AAAA. I had some growth where I went from 30.5" to 31.5" but then I decreased to 31".

I have gone through everyone's program which is listed in the current program page and the following have indicated that they are an AA or AAA size:

Girlfriday29 32AAA

Sweetpea 32AAA

Nyx AA

DoubleCs 32 AA

Crystalelle 32 AA

Atomic 36AA

Shyboobs AA

Twinkie 33 ("barely an A")

Tayleigh AA

Cousin rose 34AA

Saraflower 34AA

The following have measurements which would suggest AA size, however they have not written what size they are (unless I have missed it!):




Interestingly, there are 14 programs I have listed above, out of a total of 66 listed programs, so about 20% or so are size AA/AAA.

From the ARCHIVES Folder

(I have gone through pages 3-16 inclusive so far)

Nona 34AAA

Peachy 32AA


Katie 36AA

Kasia one cup is AA

Helen 34AA

Vivian Says an A, but stats suggest AA

Elle One A, one AA

Lu Lu

Yvonne Says 34A but doesn’t fit them properly

Dolly 32AAA/AA

Ish 32AA

Pixie Says 30A, but stats suggest AA

September9 34AA

Kerry79 34AA

Kerry79 34AA (seems to be the same person as above)

Bonnette (stats suggest AA)

Miss Monet 32AA

Organic Angel 36AA

Little Madison 32AA

Snow (Size indicates 32AA)

Caridad (Size indicates 32AA)

Cutevelvet 32AA

MissFartyPants AA

FY Spirit 32AA

Dandelion (stats suggest 34AA)

FlatKat AA

Honey09 (Size indicates 34AA

Janie 38AAA

lori2929 stats suggest 38AAA


JubeQ 32AA

Honeydew71 34AAA/AA

Elusia stats suggest 34AA

MakeltB 36AAAA

Valery 34AAA

Celine 32AA

Blooms 32AA

Chinaxdoll 32AA

May stats suggest 32AA

Linn AA

LittleOne 30AA

Egg 34AA

Luvgrl 34AA

Moon AA

Moni Stats suggest 34AA

Firefly (says very loose 34A)

Lisa 121 stats suggest 32AA

Sonc 32AA

Tammi 32AAA

good work and nice compilation!

wow girl you ARE efficient, what di ya said u do for a living???..lmao you could be a businesswomen
well im kind of betwen an AA and an A, cos im 28 ribcage, and 32 or 33 breast, when i messure tightly arrownd my nibble im a 32, but when i messure loosely, that is whats recomended, im a 33, but sometimes it feels like cheating, so ill just say im a 32,so yeah im in!!!! put me on the AA list Cool

Wonder if I fit in this category. My 34As are not filled at the top.

After being in this forum for so many months I need to correct my initial judgment of my cup size. I should be an AAAA cup. Since I started my journey on January until this month I have 1.5 inch growth. Now I can finally knock out 1 A and make myself an AAA. If I keep growing 1/2 inch each month by the August this year I will be an A cup.

Big Grin

Periwrinkle you need to follow the measuring mention by girlfriday29 to measure then you will know your size.

Good work girlfriday!!

Hello ladies,

Girlfriday asked me to chime in with any opinions that I might have, so here it goes...

A significant problem in the puzzle regarding the smaller sizes is the amount of tissue to work with. This does not take into account other reasons that may exist such as diet, BMI, etc. As far as receptors go, the less there are, the higher the probability that one will stall.

Taking charge of your program and being in tune with your body signals must be done with great precision, or ignored completely. I think that Girlfriday has done an excellent job as I read through her program.

Here are some general options as I see it, currently:

1. Take individual herbs and ramp them up S-L-O-W. Expect that being on this program will take a long time such as a year. Stressing over it all the time is counterproductive. Continue with healthy diet and exercies, avoid sugars and starches, take a multivitamin with a B complex. (looking for about 80mcg of B12 in that B complex)

2. Try a cycling program with larger dosages which will keep the body guessing. This could give the endocrine system a kick start as it attempts to adjust. Body builders employ something similar to get muscles to grow large quickly.

Here is a cycling program that could be worked with. Each individual will have to make changes to conform it to their body. I don't recommend this for more than 3 months at a time. Do a liver cleanse during breaks. It is specifically intended for women (based on the menstrual cycle) who have never conceived.
Take herbs as stated with no ramp up. The idea is to keep the body guessing and not allow it to adapt. This also takes place on specific days of the menstrual cycle.

Fenugreek 1000mg 3 times per day during days 5-10 and 18-23
Saw Palmetto 1000mg 3 times per day during days 1 through midcycle.
Wild Yam 1000mg three times per day during days 18-23
Goat's Rue 1000mg 3 times per day during days 5-10

Take 1000mg 3 times per day of flaxseed oil every day.

Drink 2 cups per day of spearmint or mint tea for days 1 through midcycle.
One cup of fennel tea every day.

Do massage every day with a phytoestrogen batter such as fenugreek and olive oil with borage oil if possible. Always cover with a heavy plastic wrap and follow with 30 minutes of heat from a heated pad set to low - or warm towels, etc.

If over age 30, take 2000mg of GABA every night.
3 tsp of unflavored gelatin every day - or chicken feet soup.

Take a multivitamin with a B complex. (looking for about 80mcg of B12 in that B complex)

Watch diet. Stay away from sugars and starches. Get plenty of dark leafy greens and meat such as chicken or beef.

This routine has never been tried. If any side effects, chime in and they can be addressed.
Olive oil/fenugreek powder/borage oil batter:

Make two batches. One batch to keep on hand steeping while the other batch is used:
1/2 cup Olive Oil + 1/2 cup Fenugreek powder + 24 (1000mg) Borage Oil Caps steeped for one week minimum before first use. (The longer the better) Some vitamin E could be added to this if desired. I would say that 12 (1000mg) for the above amount would be adequate. Again, the vitamin E is optional and it should be observed which one works best for each individual.

Get 2 8oz containers, preferably dark glass bottles. Steep (soak/let sit in a dark cool place like a closet) one while using the other.

Shake well every few days and before each usage.
Apply pre-heat from a heated pad set to low for 5 minutes.
Massage in enough batter to cover the area on each side for about 5 or 10 minutes or until absorbed
Cover with saran wrap.
Apply heat for 15 to 20 more minutes from the heated pad set to low.
Leave the concoction on all night if possible.

Do this every night. Do this each day if possible making a total of two massages per day. Three is even better.
Do pectoral exercises at incline/decline/level angles: butterflies, cable pull (or chest pack), and bench press. Not too much. The idea is to get growth hormone stimulated but not to burn fat. Do a few sets of 5 to 8 reps of heavy weight. Start light and work up. Don't overdo it!

Three more exercises by Chiyomilk from Japan. These are in addition to the massage with heat and address pressure points, etc. All women of all sizes should do these as part of an NBE program:

Hope this is helpful.


Wahaika, just one question: you say this program is for those who have never conceived before, what would you advice for those who have had pregnancies?
Thank you!!

Hello Bibi,

It depends on a lot of things. Number one is probably age. After that it depends on if the baby was breastfed or not, hopefully so. For women in this category, who have given birth and preferably breastfed their child(ren) I always suggest the Greenbush 90 day kit with some additions.

Then there are all the cases in between that are the result of some problem such as miscarriage. Miscarriage is natural due to some problem, and the body is performing as designed. In this case I would expect that the body would eventually recover and normalize.

The other end of the "pregnant but not delivered" spectrum would be something really extreme like an accident or abortion. It is not my intention to start a discussion about abortion, especially in Girlfriday's thread. (I am against it in case anyone was wondering.) I am only now looking at problems resulting from abortion. I have found that there are all kinds of awful problems that result from this and am of the opinion that this causes so many problems in so many ways that normal development and NBE may both be permanently out the window.

I think that women who have breastfed their children are in the best position for NBE no matter what their size happens to be after they dry out.


Add me to the list - I started with a 1.5 inch difference between bust and underbust - yes that's without the 4 inches added! So basically no tissue at all - just the slightly larger ribcage at that point. Yes, I have had 2 children, but never went more than a small B cup even engorged with milk.

I've tried lots of different methods over the years, and finally found a combo that is working - I'm now a 10B/8C and will prob get to a 10C/8D by the end of the year.

What works for me is Noogleberry and BO (and patience). I'd go so far to suggest that these would have to be top of the list for us multiple A cup ladies - herbs rely too much on receptors - of which we don't seem to have many!

I will update my program thread, haven't been on there for a while - I'm mainly over at the NB forum.

then i guess that would make me a 32 A.. because my underbust is a 28 and my overbust is 32 as well.. but i wear a 32b bra.. what does taht mean??
because a 32 a bra just feels constricting to me... but in a 32 b bra, i am a bit loose especially on the top.... am i wrong in calculating or what??

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