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Starting DIM and SP- Am I going to lose my growth??


(26-08-2017, 22:13)Kristin00 Wrote:  I recently had DUTCH testing and found that my estrogen is high and I'm not metabolizing it properly, I have estrogen dominance, and my androgens are high. My Dr. put me on DIM and Saw Palmetto, and NAC to help my liver metabolize estrogen correctly. 
I'd had a different hormone test done last year that showed LOW estrogen but still estrogen dominance. A few months ago I used a fascia blaster for a while (on my body, not my breasts). Some people are now thinking the FB causes a release of hormones from the fat cells. Well, I wonder if it did that for me because in the last few months my breasts had gotten bigger and my figure is curvier. 
Now I'm wondering if the FB caused my estrogen to go high and that's why I got breast growth out of nowhere. Am I going to lose all my growth on the DIM, SP and NAC?? 
I really need to get my hormones leveled out because I've had some other issues but I'm going to be so bummed if I lose the little bit of boobs I've finally grown.

Okay, sorry this is off topic from your question but I've heard of the fascia blaster. What did you use it for and did it work for you? I was interested in buying it for cellulite. 

As far as losing your sudden breast growth, unfortunately I think most members would agree that there is no real way to tell. If you start taking those products it could very well result in a loss of growth. But I think if most of your growth is actually breast tissue, and not just swelling there's less of a chance of you losing much of that growth if any, but once again it really does depend. I wish I could give you a more straightforward answer, but every body is different and we all respond differently when taking supplements. 

I hope this helps some but I think you should do what's best for your health first! Hopefully, taking those products won't result in a breast loss for you, but even if it did I think you'd feel better knowing you're putting your health first! You can always try massaging or Noogleberry to keep prevent you from losing too much, but even those methods aren't really guaranteed and takes a lot of patience and consistency.


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