Yeah, I think I'll continue massaging when I get to where I want, just more as thing when I have the time, not so strict with every single night.
"It's more convenient to organize the list the other way round, like in the first post I linked above, because it becomes more compact, and easier to memorize. There are four basic NBE functions that everybody here learns fast:
Phyto-estrogens and the body's own estrogens grow the milk ducts, and push the nipples outward, causing the growth you can measure with the tape.
Phyto-progestins and the body's own progesterone grow the milk glands and the alveolas, rounding the breasts out.
Anti-androgens block the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from testosterone. Only muscle growth reacts to the androgen signal via testosterone directly. All other androgen effects are caused by DHT: male pattern baldness, high libido, facial and body hair, oily skin and acne, and the ability to cope with stress. Because the anterior pituitary gland keeps the total amount of sex steroids constant, people take an anti-androgen, to decrease DHT, so there is more room for estrogens. Trying to decrease testosterone itself is counter-productive, because estrogens are made from testosterone.
Prolactin is the hormone that starts milk production, so it causes swelling. Permanent swelling becomes growth, because stretched tissue grows.
The bold face functions are headers in the list I linked in my above post. Under each header, you can find a list of herbs and supplements that perform the function."
This list is very helpful, do you suggest pairing herbs with massage?
I'm trying to narrow down on herbs that may work for me.
I've tried Fenugreek, & BustBoom- both mainly were for increasing estrogen, but they did nothing, (Fenugreek made me smell like a pancake) & they made me just break out, so I thought I should stay away from herbs. But I'm looking further into them, as I figured out it's not just estrogen. From this I'm thinking I may be estrogen dominant, and I had just further tipped the scales, what do you think?
Any suggestions for pairing up with massage?
I do think I'll get some results from massage, now that I've changed my sleeping habits, but I want results faster,
I'm so impatient, I know it takes time, I just want them bigger as fast as possible. And if herbs will help get me what I want, I think I should try. I'm just still researching what may be best.
So, what do you think? Add herbs? No herbs?
(And do you mind if I ask you what I think I should take [with more detail] if you think herbs would help?)
Thank you
I'm very curious.