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New Ainterol Pills: Pueraria Mirifica 500PURE R1 New Stronger Strain - 100 capsules


When a company gives the customers an expiring date, they are required to prove to the FDA that that product will be effective until the given day. In other words, it is a form of guaranteeing the customers that the product is fresh and, therefore, potent until the given time. Once it reaches 2015, for example, they cannot guarantee you that it will produce results. So, don't worry Egypt. I am so excited to hear from your experience Big Grin I am definitely planning on getting that PM but until my next cycle (a month from now Sad ) Please keep us updated especially because that is a new product Heart

That is not correct! They do not have to prove anything to the FDA.

This is an arbitrary date. There is no way Anterol can prove anything to the US FDA. Anterol can not measure the actives. In fact the article Adriania provided contradicts this. I assure Anterol has never had any interaction with the US FDA. Every supplement company in the industry that lists an expiration date lists an arbitrary date meaning they choose it.
FDA has nothing to do with it. No one in the world can commercially measure miroestrol. I am unclear where you conjured this notion up its not correct. It really is a meaningless date for the sake of the manufacturer

Incidentially, Did you read this? If so what didn't you understand?


Here you go jennifer... What are you even doing on this forum? I don't see you trying to grow boobs. All you do is spread illogical reason. Do you have any personal experience with NBE?

My reasoning is extraordinary logical. I have 10 years experience with Pm.
I have been to thailand long before you had a clue what Pueraria Mirifica even was.

Now tell me did you read the article? Yes or no? I mean if you read it...Did you have the ability to understand it? Yes or No? Its in plain English

Did YOU read the article I linked? I read it, sugar, and my understanding is that anything that is organic has to come to an end at some point. It is logical, right? Nothing that has a living body can last forever. Without an expiration date, I cannot trust a company. How about you, the article I linked is plain English. Did you understand it?

10 years experience? So do you have big boobs now are what?

(01-06-2012, 05:38)jennifer5519pm Wrote:  My reasoning is extraordinary logical. I have 10 years experience with Pm.
I have been to thailand long before you had a clue what Pueraria Mirifica even was.

Now tell me did you read the article? Yes or no? I mean if you read it...Did you have the ability to understand it? Yes or No? Its in plain English

No you don't, all you do is bitch and whine while copying and pasting things from google.

Already you come here trying to start drama.

(01-06-2012, 06:46)Cat86 Wrote:  10 years experience? So do you have big boobs now are what?

Ten years experience but she has nothing to show for it...
[Image: camron.gif]

No, no, girls you got it all wrong. She has ten years of experience in being a [expletive]. That's what she meant Big Grin

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