mmmm's difficult to find zhi mu information that isn't anecdotal, but then, i'm not too awfully surprised ..good studies take money, time and people which then require a payoff ...yeah, hair, boobs, booty, waistlines ..there's money to be made but you also need to have something to patent so you can protect your income. i sound so cynical. but hey, guess what i did come across, miss mad chemical scientist ellen not too long ago was all over this, after making queries, drinking some wine, reading ellen's post and her links, this is what i'm thinking ...i'm not going to get the zhi mu extract powder but i'm going to stay with the liquid extract and aloe for 6-8 weeks. my breasts have never gotten anywhere near D territory's mythical ...i want to take them there.
so, my plan is to continue my casual weekend noogling, i've picked up the glandulars, again, i still like maca and aguaje, whole foods diet with lot of live enzymes, enough calories and fat for some lipid storage ..i mean, what do our evolutionary bodies do in good times when food is widely available, they store up and get sexy. i still think adding a bit of iodine and boron is essential to health. i've seen where sites will state that the sarsasapogenins in zhi mu have been proven to make fat grow or fat cells divide or preadipocytes turn into mature adipocytes. idk. honestly, i can't stop thinking about that event that happened to me when i was taking the glandulars about 3 or 4 years ago and my breasts swelled so big it scared me ..i've been trying to remember all the crazy stuff i was taking at the time ..not sure, but i may have been taking some sublingual pregnenolone drops. yeah, i was crazy.