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Raw's thread (finally :))- A/AA cup to a B/C


(28-02-2011, 09:00)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Hi hun, I think itsjust4fun aka Mel used progesterone cream because of a progesterone deficiency, so if you have the deficiency, that may help. I don't know anything about DIM, so can't advise on that. But reading show you stopped BO because of reading the posts about her missing her period... don't do that. Don't stop your program because you read others are having issues, you can over stress doing that. Your period can be late for many reasons. Mine has been a few days late before even before using any NBE products, it happens. It's best not to stress until you know without a doubt it's causing issues for you. Like when I took individual herbs, I started having bad side effects, but I waited a couple of months to know for sure before stopping them all together. If you have a thyroid problem I've heard thyroid glandulars can help, just like BO helps grow our boobies, I'm sure thyroid glandular therapy could help. Good luck, I hope the hormone tests turn out for the best.

Oh btw, your breasts look similar to what mine did when I was a 32AA except my nipples, well my areolas I should say were bigger and they were puffy! So I looked weird with big nipples on such small breasts, sucked sooo bad. I still wish my nipples were smaller, but with the boobs being bigger it's not so bad.
Sorry for not replying in so long. I checked this thread soon after you posted this but did not have time for a thorough response and completely forgot about it. I sort of panicked when I took a day and a half off of BO. I just was afraid it would permanently wreck my hormones or something. I'm honestly almost never late. It's odd when I'm 2 days late. I've been this way since I first got my period. It's always been really regular.

Also, I'm glad your breasts were a similar shape to mine. It's so hard to visualize what they would look like bigger but I guess looking at your pics will give me some insight. Also, I keep saying this but I love the new profile pic. VS bras rock. I have one 34AA push up bra and I almost forget how small my boobs are until I take it off. Then it's such a huge disappointment to see my real boobs after feeling like a B cup all day.

I think I felt some breast sensations one night over a week ago. It felt like my someone was dancing inside my breasts if that makes sense and it lasted around 5 minutes. Nothing since then. I must admit I haven't been too good with my program. I've been pretty consistent with my pills. I've skipped the kelp a couple of times and the collagen but otherwise I have made sure to take my pills. One thing is that I've been under a lot of stress this past week and I've been eating a LOT of carbs and sugar including chocolate. I also haven't been taking my protein. I feel really terrible for getting off track but have promised myself that once I buy my protein shakes this weekend I will follow everything to a dime.

Ugh so this guy I have been seeing (the first guy I've ever been to 2nd base with) told me last night that he had/has a crush on my friend who has HUGE boobs (like ATLEAST 32F or something) and he also told me that all of the girls he's been with have been small and how he really wants to fool around with a girl with big breasts. The worst thing is I didn't even start the breast topic, he did so it makes me feel like mine have been bothering him the whole time we have been fooling around. Thankfully I did not go all the way with that jerk and I refuse to see him again. It just makes me feel so much more insecure about my breast size though. To add to it I've always had huge issues with my face as well and the fact that he told me last night that he didn't want to be in a relationship with me just makes me feel so ugly and unattractive. This isn't the first time a guy has done this kind of thing to me too. I hate men!!! Sorry for the rant.

On a side note, I'm starting to reconsider going up to 6 pills. I think it's an OK time to ramp up. Let me know what you guys think. I really hope I get sensations soon...

I'm at day 13 of my cycle btw. I started roughly a week before and took a day and a half off.

i hope you don't mind me responding to your post.

my advice for you is to read the book..
"act like a lady, think like a man" by Steve Harvey.

it is like the females sacred bible to men, and it is THE FUNNIEST relationship book you will EVER read! seriously, i could hardly read it i was laughing so muchSmile it is fill with truth and doesn't B.S. EVERY female needs this book in her bedside table.

and darlin, only way ANY guy should get to touch or see you in that way is if he has EARNED it. not before. and if he complains, then kick him to the curb.

Beauty is NOT skin deep, and any quality guy knows that.

you are beautiful. i don't need to see you to know that.

i hop e that you have all the success you wish for in your quest for happiness and NBE Smile

and remember:

Where there is LOVE, there is LIFE~ Buddah

Hey hun, I dealt with guys like that all through my teens, they suck. I once had a richer BF and for my birthday, he blindfolded me, put me in his car and took the blindfold off at a cosmetic surgery clinic. He was going to pay for me to get implants! Without asking if I was even considering them! UGH! Luckily I had only been dating him a few weeks, I was about 19 at the time, when I got mad and told him I didn't want surgery. He straight said "well a man of my caliber needs a woman of the same, you are everything I need except that one flaw of yours, I thought I would be generous enough to help". Needless to say he got slapped, I walked off, got a cab home and never talked to him again. You can let morons like that get to you, I know it's easier said then done, but they really aren't worth it. My husband is the perfect example of how a man should be towards a woman. He met me when I was a 32AA, the first two dates I did what I always do and wore nonpadded bras, I do that to let them know what I really have first. Then I started wearing my padded ones. Well, our relationship went a lil faster than any other I've been in, but none the less, when we got serious, he told me how beautiful I was, body and all. I told him then how I wanted to grow them bigger and how I had taken something prior to try. He said he liked me the way I was and didn't think I needed it. But he knows I needed to do this for me. He still finds me just as attractive now as he did then. Weight gain, and all. A real man will love you for you, not the superficial nonsense.

I agree with Cselestyna, except I think she meant to say that beauty IS skin deep lol. But I agree any male should have to earn the right to be intimate with you, the ones that push it to be sooner and faster are scum. Before I met hubby I was set up on a date with a guy by friends (always a disaster I know lol). I was 20 at the time and a single mom, he was 18 and a single dad. His child only a few months old, mine going on 3. I didn't mind that he had a kid, thought it was awesome if it were to work out that my son would have a sibling. I'm high risk pregnancy, and am not "suppose" to be able to have kids, I consider my son a miracle. So I have no clue if I can have another, if I can't I plan to adopt. Anyway, so I talked to him for a few days before we met and he seemed like a mature, well grounded, level headed guy for his age, and I thought it was because of being a single parent like me. So we planned our date when my son would be visiting his real father and his child was with the mother. On the first date he kept trying to make moves on me to go further than I'm willing to go that fast. When I refused him, he got very angry, said "I'm not in highschool anymore, neither are you, so lets not do the whole cat and mouse chase". I told him I had values and if he couldn't respect that to take me home. He did. A week later a friend of mine, single mom also, asked if I'd be okay if she dated him because she found him hot. I of course didn't mind but warned her of how he acted. Well she gave into him, and was intimate in the first date, she then called me crying saying that he used her. That after they had sex he told her he's in a long distance relationship with someone online, has been for a year, but they agreed they could both see other people until they could move in together. So I definitely made the right call. Oh and he said he loved me in the first date also! So he was a definite player. And there are tons of guys like him.

There are also tons of good ones, like my granny use to say "you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find a prince". And she's right. Going through a bunch of horrible guys will show you what to look for, the tell tale signs, so you know if the guy is good or not. This is what helped me decide that my hubby was good, and I was right.

Okay sorry to get off topic haha guys like that rub me the wrong way! About you missing your period, you change with age, also stress can effect it, eating habits, etc. etc. so it may have not been the BO but simply one of the other reasons. As far as the growing signs, sometimes they are like that. When I'm on BO I get growing signs once a month usually, for about one week, they come and go and some months they are really intense and for a long period of time each time, other times they are very weak sensations and for only a few mins at a time. But yea, you should get back on track with the protein! Not sure if collagen is a factor or not, when I took collagen with BO, it wasn't for NBE, the collagen was for skin mainly. I take it even when not on a NBE program. And haha I feel the same way about VS bras, when they're on I stand taller and feel sexier. I'm a 32E or F/34DD with one on, then I take it off haha and back down to a 32D/34C, they definitely give you booby greed! That's why when I outgrow these, I'm not buying more!!! HAHA I don't want to be bigger than a 34DD! I already told hubby if I try to grow bigger than that to take my pump away and not let me order more supplements lol. He still says he's happy with me the way I am and doesn't think I should grow more, but he knows how I am lol.

Thank you ladies. You guys are so supportive.

Wow at '"well a man of my caliber needs a woman of the same, you are everything I need except that one flaw of yours, I thought I would be generous enough to help"'. My mouth literally dropped open. For some reason when I woke up this morning I was a lot less upset about the whole ordeal. I know one day I will find a guy who I like and is NOT a jerk and likes me back. I just have to be patient.

I will take 3 BO tonight instead of 2 as I'm getting close to the second half of my cycle.

So I took my measurements today and I got slightly under 29" underbust and 33" overbust. So my boobs have shrunk since I last measured them. I measured several times too. I know it's early but I'm starting to get worried because even though most people don't experience growth until several months into their program it seems as if most people who do eventually grow experience sensations very early in their program like in the first few weeks or even days. I haven't really felt much of anything yet.

On a positive note, my other measurements were decent. I gained a little weight so I'm 135 now at 5'8". My waist is 26.5" and my hips are 38". So I actually have a hips to waist measurement very close to the ideal 0.7 ratio. In fact my hips to waist ratio is below that which is very good. I also found out that my inseam is approximately 33" (maybe slightly below as it was difficult to measure). I'm not sure what having a 33" at 5'8" means and whether that is a good leg length or not.

I'm happy that my waist is 26.5" as I've gained weight and I could easily lose a lot of weight off my waist line. So if I were to lose 10 pounds I could get into the 24-25" range which is good considering I'm 5'8".

Also, I went on a second date with this one guy who has been pursuing me for the past few weeks. He was really sweet and took me out to a nice place and then bowling with his friends later. He even bought me flowers. The best thing was that after he kissed me good night he didn't try to come upstairs. He just told me how good of a time he had and how he would call me over the weekend and that he wanted to see me again. It's such a contrast to the guy I mentioned earlier who immediately tried to get in my pants. The only problem is he's 27 and I'm 20 so the age difference kind of intimidates me. The other guy was my age so I was more comfortable with it.

I'm glad to hear you found a decent guy! Smile Don't let the age difference intimidate you. Guys tend to mature later than girls; so most 20-year-old guys are still pretty selfish and immature (not ALL of them, but a huge percentage!). My husband is nearly 11 years older than me. One of the things that attracted me to him was his maturity and stability. I can honestly tell you, age is just a number. I never see him as "older" than me. He enjoys the same music, movies, and video games that I do. Wink Enjoy the attention from your guy! Chances are he's truly interested in YOU and not what's in your pants. Relax, and be yourself! Smile

Three weeks really is still early; not everyone feels sensations that early. Hang in there! Give it at least two months to see how you're doing, and what you're feeling. Are you still getting your hormones tested soon?

I agree with TM, age is just a number. Most guys below 25 are what she said, the very few aren't. My hubby is actually 3 months younger than me and I met him when I was 20. He was different than anyone else around my age though, mature and such like an older guy. Before him I dated nothing but older guys. My son's father was 9 years older than me. At 27 this guy if matured fully as he should, should know what he wants, and it seems he wants a real relationship, not a piece of tail. So I say go for it, embrace him and see where it leads.

As far as the sensations, I agree that also it can take a couple of months. When I was on individual herbs, I didn't have them at all, when I was on Zoft I had them within the first 2 weeks, but when I was on UB the first time, it wasn't until the end of the 2nd month that I got them. It all varies, just hang in there if you aren't having bad side effects and see how it goes.

Thanks girls. I will give it 6 months and hopefully I will have sensations by then. I ate a lot today and I feel terrible and bloated. Thankfully I ate a lot of protein. I'm really trying hard to get 90 grams per day.

It's day 16 of my 1st cycle. I'm really curious to see whether my period will come on time this month.

I had my first aches!!! I had different kinds of sensations all throughout the day. More details later.

Good for you raw :-D

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