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Boyfriend's Naked Posters


(21-06-2011, 18:00)A-2-C Wrote:  Don't through eggs at me but here's my advice.

DO NOT take them down yourself! Even if he won't leave you, he'll be absolutely pissed. You've only been dating for 7 months. He has to protect his masculine freedom and pride and you'll hurt it BIG time if you cross that boundary.

What I suggest you do, is stop nagging him about it - completely drop it, don't bring it up. I know it may be hard for you, but just ignore them. At the good occasion (when you're both relaxed) or if he asks you why you don't say anything about the posters anymore, just tell him in calm and loving way, that you respect his freedom and though these posters are VERY hard for you to deal with, you accept and respect his right to keep them on. Also, apologize for bugging him about them before and it was wrong for you to be this way. Important: be really sweet about it and say it sincerely - you have to believe it. His reaction most likely will be that he will not say much to it or will look like he doesn’t believe you.

Then just wait. You'd be surprised, but it is likely that he'll take them down soon after. And even if not, your relationship will improve.

His male psychology makes him keep those posters on not as much because he likes them, but to prove his independence and masculinity.

Again, don't through anything at me girls, but it took me a lot of emotions and tears to learn and accept this way of dealing with men. And most times it works much better than disagreements. You can get things you want out of men with ease if you know how to go about it and he'll be happy to give it to you if you let him keep his male pride.

You are absolutely right. My current boyfriend and I often get into arguments about things we disagree on and, later, he reveals to me that he feels threatened in his independence and that is why he so strongly stood his ground. Not because he actually really cares so much about the thing he is "holding on to," but more for the sake of respecting his own right to make his own decisions! So, for gasolinerainbow's man, he could simply be only keeping them up for that reason alone at this point. He may not really care about the posters all that much. If you show confidence (which he will find attractive) and mention it non-confrontationally, that is message enough. You don't need to tear them down for him to know that you don't like it! And all you will do is show him that you do not respect his independence and do not trust his decision making. Think about it: if the shoe were on the other foot, would you rather make a sacrifice for the one you love by FORCE and/or by "I am mad at you for this so you better do what I say" attitude? Or would you more rather make a sacrifice for the one you love because they let YOU make your own decision, without making it seem like a big deal? I know, for one, I do not like being made to feel like a child again. Why would he?

So, doing it by the method that A-2-C mentioned will weed the men who actually LOVE their posters (the scum bags you DON'T want) APART from those men who "just had them up there" and "could take them or leave them"... but also value their own independence. Shouldn't they? I see nothing wrong with this group of men. Using this method, the scum bags who love their posters will keep them up, but the latter group of guys who "could take them or leave them," will take them down in a given matter of time.

But, if you want to go with the other method of "my way or the highway" forcing him to take them down "or else", you will only group those men who LOVE their posters together with the guys who personally "could take them or leave them" but just value their independence, since both of these groups of men will respond the same way by keeping the posters up... and you weed these two groups of guys APART from men who respond to threats and anger. What kind of guy is that? A guy who responds to threats, which is usually someone who does not respect themselves and will DEFINITELY harbor feelings of resentment. To exaggerate my point a bit, the stereotypical hen-pecked man illustrates this. He loves his woman, but he resents her. I feel that way about my parents when they guilt-trip me into something or force me to do something, and I feel that way if my boyfriend ever does that to me as well, which is rare, thank God. It is normal, and we should plan for these normal reactions by being reasonable. I mean, everyone knows that healthy communication is what is needed to have a healthy relationship, and healthy communication does NOT include forcing or threatening.

Personally, I wish I had naked girl pictures for my room, I think they're the perfect decor. ;P Although in all honesty, even as much as I enjoy that sort of thing and understand it, it still gets to me. To be lying with a guy, looking up at those posters knowing my body is nowhere near the women he obviously fantasizes about, and imagining that he MUST be thinking the same thing. Really, it would make any girl uncomfortable.

But he definitely needs to take your feelings into consideration. Sounds like you need to sit him down and have a real heart-to-heart (as much as I'm against those sorts of things).

Easy its not that they are naked its that they are not real edited take some ofyourself and stick them up on his wall

I have a solution for you: Hang up some posters of some half-naked guys in YOUR bedroom and invite your fella over!. On the roof, right where he can see him, on the walls, etc. One is all you need, really. Just place it perfectly so that he HAS to look at it.

And just see what he says. He may not mind, or he may mind tremendously but now at least he will be able to see things from your point of view. Bring him down from space to where you are coming from. You guys can talk it out, and maybe he will see why you have a problem with it or maybe your discussion will bring about that you are okay with it.

But if you are not feeling like he is hearing what you are saying after this, or like he is just disregarding your feelings then you can either then tell him that (tell him how he is making you feel) or dump him and not waste your breath.

Here is a poster example, I've got this stud hanging up on my wall Wink


I see nothing wrong with having posters of women, naked or other wise, pinned to the wall. Sure it's tacky and is something that I personally wouldn't do, but it's no different than any other type of poster (such as those of boy bands, cars, animals, national parks, etc...). On the other hand I completely agree that it is rather insensitive of him to keep them up, despite your dislike of them. As far as I'm concerned, the posters fall in the same category as him, for example, hanging out with his ex regardless your protests.

Think of it this way, at least he doesn't have pictures of naked men on his walls.

(sorry, my internet went down while I was in the middle of editing this post)

Sometimes it's a matter of caring about the person you are with whether you think they are correct on principle or not. Since he knows it is something that makes her feel insecure and that really offends her, if he was serious about her and respected her feelings, then he would take them down purely out of respect for her.

your boyfriend's a dick. what's wrong with feminism anyhow? if his masculinity lies on having posters of over sexualized naked women in his living room then he's not a good human, especially since it ake you feel like shit. love yourself, honey. you deserve better.

Honestly, I don't really understand why anyone would want porn-style posters displayed permanently on their walls. Not because I have a problem with porn, in fact, I think it can be great. But seeing the same image on a regular basis completely desensitizes a person to it and fails to produce a sexual response after a while, which is why people who use porn are typically always search for new videos/images.

That said, maybe there is an alternate way of dealing with the situation. What if the two of you went to a poster store/looked at posters online to see if there are some other posters that he likes (that don't chip away at your self-esteem) that you could substitute for the ones on the living room. Maybe as a compromise you could be okay with him keeping one of them, but hanging it in a less conspicuous spot (such as on the inside of a closet door?)

Or, you could suggest that instead of spending your time in his living room, which makes you feel uncomfortable, you could suggest being at your place - or anywhere else- instead. If you really love him and this is the only issue, there are plenty of ways to come to a compromise that doesn't leave him feeling that you are trying to control him. However, if this is indicative of a general disregard for your feelings that he typically displays, perhaps it's time to rethink the relationship.

OK so this situation is in no way the same but slightly related and I wondered if by posting it here I could get some perspective from you girls? I'm totally confused as to who is being more crazy here. Here's a chat I just had with my bf online (I'm abroad atm). Let's call him...boyfriend.

Me: Boyfriend likes Jennifer Lawrence :L
BF:What? *changes subject*
Me: that's what it says on my facebook newsfeed. *replies to unrelated question*
BF:*unrelated follow up to answer* I'll unlike it if you want? *another unrelated comment*
Me:err, ok
i thought you didn't like her though :L
what made you change your mind\?
BF:change my mind about what?
Me: Jennifer Lawrence
Me:you said you didn't like her before
BF:when did i say that?
Me: hunger games
BF:yeah she did someshitty acting in that

but xmen made up for that
Me: so it's the acting you like?
BF: is something wrong?
jeez I'll unlike it
no just answer the question
i don't think you'd like it if i started broadcasting to facebook how much i 'like' some hot actor bloke
BF: wtf. she's not hot though
BF:i also like florence and the machine (didn't see this message till later as internet is crap)
Me:most people think so
BF:Is that a problem?
Me:and she does go around blue and naked a lotr
BF:or tfor that fucking fact, herman li?
Me: Yes, makes me feel a bit ****-ish (****= name of girl who's bf is always talking about how hot celebrities are)
who's herman li?
BF:why dont you just go and poke your nose in my likes
Me:i didn't poke my nose, it was at the top of my new sfeed
and it's not like it was a secret if it was on fb :/
BF:well im sorry im so embarrassing to you. just delete me from fb if you dont want to see my stuff
Me:oh my goodness
i was just asking
this is weird
BF:yes it is

accusing me of this shit. being weird about me 'liking' something on facebook!

then accusing me of being ***(****'s bf) all the fucking time

i may as well just be shit to you all the time, cos being good is not worth anything

Me:what? when have i ever said you're like ***?
i'm not accusing
i was just asking to see if there was another reason
Me:it's not like i'm stalking you or something, it just popped up so i asked
26 minutes ago
am i really that bad?
do you really want me to delete you?
BF:I never said I wanted you to delete me.


(11-07-2014, 15:38)isobasic Wrote:  OK so this situation is in no way the same but slightly related and I wondered if by posting it here I could get some perspective from you girls? I'm totally confused as to who is being more crazy here. Here's a chat I just had with my bf online (I'm abroad atm). Let's call him...boyfriend.

I don't know what your relationship is like, but I would probably have been kinda annoyed if I was BF as well. Liking a celebrity on facebook is pretty innocuous, it my opinion. But he handled it really poorly and seemed overly defensive. I guess I think you both over-reacted?

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