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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Cycle 8 Day 12

Woo hoo, had some crazy breast sensations in my LH breast today. Went for about 10-15 minutes and was really intense. 8 or 9/10.

Still on noogle break. I haven't got any dots or discolouration now, but I am going to wait until tomorrow I think to start noogling again.

Cycle 8 Day 13-14

Had breast sensations that lasted about 5 minutes on both days. Quite intense ones about a 7/10.

Still on noogle break.

Had a dream that I took tonnes of supplements and my breasts grew really big.

Right, I have purchased BO etc from swansons again. Let's see if anything arrives this time around!!!!

Congrats on the great breast sensations you've been having! Big Grin Let's hope Swanson's doesn't lose this order for you! I truly think you'll respond well to BO, as long as your temperature is in the right range and you get enough protein (which is pretty easy to do, if you like meat). Smile

thanks. Well I ordered the adrenals too like you recommended so that should help. Then i get an email from swanson saying one of the things I have ordered is on backorder so I have to wait for that before the ship it all!!! ARGGGGGGGGGHHHH and its not even something I really really needed, its just hylauric or something like that acid to go with the neocell collagen.


Well its the second part of my cycle so I've started noogling again. And am going to make sure I eat lots of protein etc.

Darn it!!! Angry I hate when companies do that! Why don't they send out the rest of the order first? So stupid!!!

I was just gonna ask when you were gonna resume Noogling. Are all the red dots/discoloration gone? I wonder if you'll get good swelling from being on this break! I took like four days off too; mostly cuz I've been SO TIRED. I plan on resuming tonight, too! Without the rings.

Good luck!!!!! Big Grin

well I just don't know why they didn't write it on the website when I was ordering.... this item will be backordered etc. Then I could have deleted it.

oh well. What's another month of waiting .... Rolleyes

Well ordering in noogling this morning I see a red dot appear as I noogle. I'm noogling relatively lightly too. grrrrr.

I will see how many dots I get at the end of this session!

Feels weird to noogle again.

Be careful about the no rings thing. Because they may leave indents. Let me know if you notice they do. I am not even going to try noogling without the cup rings. That would be ring on rib.. not a good combo! hehe

Ah, yes; I remember the whole "indentation" thread. Wink I definitely don't want indents! I'll probaby do half an hour with the mediums/no rings; then try larges/with rings for a while, and see how that works out. I really didn't think I'd be able to Noogle without rings, cuz it always hit right on my ribs too; but now suddenly, it doesn't. Just a couple weeks earlier, it still hit my ribs when I tried it. Maybe I finally got enough padding or something.

That really stinks about the rebel red dot! What's up with that??? I've noticed that I just about always get a few red dots too, even on low suction. I don't know why! At least they only last a couple days though. Dodgy

the rebel dots eh! haha

yeah they are a pain. well not really, they are just ugly.

So this morning when I noogled, I didn't reach the end mark in the cups at all. However, I had awesome swelling which lasted pretty much the whole day. Its now 12 hours since I noogled and my breasts are noticeably bigger.

So I'm noogling again now. Addicted again.

Am kindof excited again at the prospect of the BO arriving. I had resigned myself that it wouldn't arrive. Now its like yay it may arrive! But I don't want to get my hopes up too much. Just in case....

Also, should add that had breast sensations in morning particularly after noogling and taking MSM, but also in the evening too. About a 5/10
Also should add that, breast sensations in morning particularly after taking MSM and noogling but also in evening about a 5/10

How long was it before you noogled to the end of the cups. I've been noogling for 5 days which I know does not even compare to the amount of time you have been noogling but I am still curious. I am pretty sure the tip of my nipple reached about the half way mark which I feel is pretty pitiful. Out of everything, I truly believe that the noogleberry is something that works for everybody whether it takes a month or year but it is the waiting and wondering that is so hard for me.

Good luck on your program! For your dedication, you deserve to start seeing some results and by the sounds of it you are!

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