Yes thank you Susan,
I was thinking something different, but with the same goal in mind. I forgot who wrote it that the AAA ladies get totally discouraged seeing what they have gained disappear during their breaks every time. So how can you get extra growth from a liver cleanse?
My first plan was milk thistle, and I
was thinking to add dandelion. I have lots of it in the garden. Since I know it's useful for NBE, I just can't see it as a weed any more. I have eaten it in salads before for enzymes (always leave 10-20 minutes in salted water to remove worm eggs: 1 flat tablespoon per liter water).
Another good idea is licorice. I was thinking tea. It's a phyto-estrogen, phyto-progestin, anti-androgen and ups prolactin (galactogogue). So it's a full program by itself. Red clover is only a phyto-estrogen and phyto-progestin. Another one is flax: that also works best by itself.
Another good idea is phyto-progestins. We cleanse because the liver is full of phyto-estrogens. After two weeks of phyto-progestins, the phyto-estrogens will be gone too. I went up to eight cups of fennel tea at the start of my latest break. You mentioned turmeric and dong quai: those are phyto-progestins too.
I just saw that my hops is almost empty, and maca too: two weeks early. But I've still got a month's supply of my old hops formula. The dose is 4 capsules, and I've gone up to 10 on the day of the party without stalling. I was thinking about that too: end my three month ramp up with a few
big estrogen peaks. If I stall, I can still go on a long break.
I was planning to continue the multi-vitamins. A fast or a raw food only fast also crossed my mind. I haven't decided yet, but my mind is working overtime on this too
I don't really trust my pukka detox tea. It's ayurvedic, and it contains just too many herbs to understand the logic. I also have half a bottle of aloe vera juice in the fridge, but it's been there for three months, so if I want to use that, I'll toss it and buy another one.
One herb that's supposed to be very good for the liver is fenugreek. If I do a month on fenugreek only, I can also level out the testosterone and progesterone peaks that are sure to follow if I stop phyto-estrogens cold turkey.
Lots of ideas, and I haven't decided yet. I'll just pick one and leave the others for the next break