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The Corset Training Thread


That's absolutely awesomesauce Doll!

And why're you crying over a half an inch? I'd kill for even being able to get down to 26" at all. Not really though. I'm not violent. Not normally... Big Grin

But yeah, the spine correcting is totally an awesome effect from the corset. Do you know if it's going to be permanent?

I don't think I have any spinal problems, but I don't really know either...

I don't know if it will ever be permanent, but probably with enough years of training. Oftentimes scoliosis braces and corsets correct the spine curvature permanently, so I don't see why not. Smile Originally, when I got into waist training with the Squeem, I thought it would just give me back support. But even the Squeem was able to start slightly correcting my spine (I had the same type of pain with it that I did with the corset). It really encourages me to make sure this corset training remains a long-term thing. Smile

I wore my corset very loosely last night, and still woke up with a 25" measurement. Big Grin I want to wear it every night now! Tongue

Unfortunately, my friend's corset has started to break already (the bottom of the busk is coming out of the fabric), and mine is slowly starting to do the same (although I think hers is so severe because she refused to properly season her corset and wasn't loosening it to take it off at first). Since it's been under 30 days even since the purchase date, we're going to return them and look into something else. I'm really disappointed, because I love this thing. Sad

I'm going to start looking for somewhere else to get a cheap "first" corset, so if anyone has any suggestions as to where to look, I'd really appreciate it!

(08-10-2012, 17:31)Doll Wrote:  I wore my corset very loosely last night, and still woke up with a 25" measurement. Big Grin I want to wear it every night now! Tongue

Sweetness! Big Grin

(08-10-2012, 17:31)Doll Wrote:  Unfortunately, my friend's corset has started to break already (the bottom of the busk is coming out of the fabric), and mine is slowly starting to do the same (although I think hers is so severe because she refused to properly season her corset and wasn't loosening it to take it off at first). Since it's been under 30 days even since the purchase date, we're going to return them and look into something else. I'm really disappointed, because I love this thing. Sad

I'm going to start looking for somewhere else to get a cheap "first" corset, so if anyone has any suggestions as to where to look, I'd really appreciate it!

Dang. Sad

Well, I'm grateful to have your experience to help me to NOT make a bad purchase. I'll wait to see mocha's experience with her custom one, I have a distinct suspicion that's going to be where I get my corset. It's probably going to be the best buy.

Lol I'm still going to look for another cheap corset when I get my money back, although I'll probably end up spending closer to $80-$100. Sad Oh, my poor credit card...

When I e-mailed the seller, he acted surprised and asked for pictures. Since sending the pictures immediately back to him, I have yet to hear anything else from them. I know they're in a different time zone, so if I don't hear back by today, I'm going to e-mail them again tomorrow. This is why I absolutely hate E-bay.

Just dispute it with ebay or paypal if you have no luck Doll. Or your C/C company as it will be refunded as faulty goods. That's what my C/C company have done in the past.

Meanwhile, I still haven't received my custom corset, but I expected it to take about a month, and 2 days from now it will have been a month since I ordered. I think I might have delayed things a little bit, because she sent me a message to confirm that I like her choice of fabric, and I never saw it until 2 days ago, so I didn't respond until now. Hopefully she's already almost done with my corset and didn't wait several weeks for a response Dodgy

(10-10-2012, 19:02)mochaccino Wrote:  Meanwhile, I still haven't received my custom corset, but I expected it to take about a month, and 2 days from now it will have been a month since I ordered. I think I might have delayed things a little bit, because she sent me a message to confirm that I like her choice of fabric, and I never saw it until 2 days ago, so I didn't respond until now. Hopefully she's already almost done with my corset and didn't wait several weeks for a response Dodgy

Lol That sucks! I hope you get it soon, too! I'm really excited to hear how nice it turns out!!!

I just realized you CAN dispute things with eBay now if the seller sucks (I stopped using it years and years ago because I spent so much time arguing personally with the sellers--it even took two months once to get a refund on something they falsely advertised!) So I'm relieved. Personally, I hope it ends up that way so I can keep the corset and get my money back. LOL The seller told me they'll send me an address TUESDAY to where to send them, and then they'll send replacements. I told them NO, I want a FULL REFUND, not a replacement. And I told them they can ship me a prepaid envelope and I'll send them back in that, because I'm not paying to ship these things back. So I'm sure I won't hear back from them again (I had to resend them my message with the pictures before they would respond), so I probably will get to keep it. Smile

That's good to know about the credit card company, I never would have thought of that. eBay should cover this one, but I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future!

I'm going to use some fishing line-like thread to sew this corset up, and I'm going to triple sew it, so I should honestly be able to make it just like new! Wink

I know, I know, I shouldn't be looking at cheap corsets again. ^^; But has anyone heard anything about corsets from Corset Story? I'm looking at their clearance corsets, and they're in my price range. I will definitely get a plain black one next time to match with more of my outfits.

Our favorite waist-trainer tells us that those corsets are the same exact corsets as from punk69corset.

Speaking of Lucy, she seems to highly recommend these corsets:

They're more like 100 dollars a piece, but that's less than the girl who's making mocha's is asking.

I might actually try one or two of these once I have some money. I'd kinda like 2 corsets, so I can switch my look up a bit more.

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