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BO* UB Tonic for sale!


Just to update:

The last of my super potent BB is sold gone! It was the same batch I grew fromSmile
But the good news is, I have 10oz of a newer Batch of BB and when its gone thats it for a while. I do however have plenty of grass fed BO.

So if anyone is interested, pm me.


What's the damage for the newer bb?(:

(03-08-2015, 21:09)noodlez Wrote:  What's the damage for the newer bb?(:

Hi noodlez

Its the same as the other. I just hadn't planned on selling my older but since I can't take it any longer, I decided to sell it. I would never charge more for it because its aged more.

BB is unfortunately expensive. But none the less, a great formula.

Hey TibetanSmile

That's great to hear Smile. But I suppose I could have expected it after you refunded the overpayment for shipping the first time Big Grin
You are a very honest seller Smile.

Hope all is well.
I will likely be messaging you in a few days/week (:

(04-08-2015, 02:01)noodlez Wrote:  Hey TibetanSmile

That's great to hear Smile. But I suppose I could have expected it after you refunded the overpayment for shipping the first time Big Grin
You are a very honest seller Smile.

Hope all is well.
I will likely be messaging you in a few days/week (:

Thank you. Smile
If I refund any part of shipping, its because its more than what it cost to both ship, seal it and bubble wrap it. Wink

No prob!


I just wanted to update,

I have 11 oz of BO ( grassfed/ pituitary no fillers) @28
BB, I have 6 oz BO ( which is also grassfed ) @ $38

If anyone is interested, let me know.

You can send payment to:

Include your address.

I have about 6 left of the grassfed bovine. I hear it works just as great as Bountiful Breast! My most recent client is 3.5 weeks in and grew 1/2 cup. It's rather fast compared to the norm.

Let me know if any of you want the last 6 it's been brewed almost a year Smile

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(01-06-2016, 22:23)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  I have about 6 left of the grassfed bovine. I hear it works just as great as Bountiful Breast! My most recent client is 3.5 weeks in and grew 1/2 cup. It's rather fast compared to the norm.

Let me know if any of you want the last 6 it's been brewed almost a year Smile

I am interested!

I am getting close to the end of my Swanson BO supply and need to restock. Unfortunately I dont have alot of $$ so I just go month to month on supply at this time.

Forgive me if I missed it but can you give me a little rundown (or point me to the thread) where your protocol for your product is outlined? ie; dosage, if cycling is needed (I'm post menopause so probably not an issue, but if I need to worry about building up a tolerance, etc) what if anything should I supplement it with, and what did you use as a topical with it, if anything?

I'm on my 6th month of BO (3 months on, 1 month break in March, now on for another 3 months) and I also noogle but still no permanent growth. I do take both kelp and cayenne for body temp (along with my Rx Armor) bc of thyroid so any advise you would have that helped you with your thyroid issues would be greatly appreciated Wink

I was just getting ready to place my order so I get it for Monday when I wanted to look up something else and came across this thread,.... so,...
YES, interested and would like to order,! Wink

Hi, some of you have hit me up for BO a while ago. I did not have any. But I now have both Bountiful Breast and Grassfed New Zealand BO tonic if anyone is interested, pm me.

8 oz of BB left (8  bottles). @ $38 each.

Plenty of grassfed BO @$28 each.

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Hi ladies!
It's been a really long time since I've been on the forums!
sorry for any emails on here that may have gotten ignored I've just been going through a lot for the last year-and-a-half. mom's been diagnosed with cancerso you know how that goes, ugggggghhhh.

Just thought I'd update:
I still have some well aged bountiful breast tonic if anyone is interested this is the last batch, since I am no longer going to be making it.

This is a great way to try bountiful breast formula since it is quite pricey sometimes they have a sale if you can catch that. But if not, $56 (2 bottles) per month on some well aged tonic is great deal, you get so much more effective BO absorption. It's
also great to combine with any Bo capsules (@$28 for 1 bottle of bovine ovarian tincture)

And it's always free shipping and within the United States hit me up if you're out of the country. (also PayPal)

I also have my own bovine ovarian capsules if you're interested.

hope you all have had a great Thanksgiving it snowed here in the desert and it was so beautiful!

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