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Need help slipping my wife safe breast-enhancing mickies


(05-02-2014, 03:06)Missed Miss Wrote:  Why not just spend a lot of hours massaging her tits for her? Just tell her you just love "playing with them"?
Or you could tie her to a chair and MAKE her listen to the rockmellon tapes or other hypnotic/subliminal breast growing recordings.

Haha love it in some ways it could just be kinky or breast pump or slapping...honey I just thought it would be naughty if .....

(04-02-2014, 19:44)Edtar Wrote:  Hi Everyone,

Maybe somebody here can help me. My wife has nice 38DD breasts but I want them bigger. She doesn't. Is there some sort of safe drug or supplement that I can slip into her food or drink that is safe? I don't want to put her in any health risk. I do a lot of the cooking so it would be easy for me to do if the drug doesn't taste too bad.

Also, I don't like stretch marks on breasts so I don't want anything that makes them grow too fast. I don't want her to turn into a fatty either. She is very slim.



(04-02-2014, 21:47)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Soooo......she's willing to compromise for YOU because YOU want her to have larger boobs? And her compromise is for you stop being pudgy and lazy, which you shouldn't be anyway. Honestly, you are much of what is wrong with society today. You seem lucky to have her. 38DD? She's already huge AND you say she's skinny. You will get no advice nor sympathy here because honestly, you sir, are a dirtbag.
After reading through every post on this thread, this post is my favorite. Kudos to you for saying what I think many of us were thinking. Smile

WOW, just wow. I didn't read every post on here, I got to mid page 3 I think...

Coming from a woman who is independent, been through a bad marriage, been in the modeling industry, I've been both skinny and "thick"... I am just in shock by this poor excuse for a male. You are NO man. You sir are the type of man I just divorced. Self centered, selfish, egotistical, and no better than the dried up spit out gum on the sidewalk.

I am not here to increase my breasts because of any man, nor to attract one. My MAN loves me regardless. I'm here to even out my curves with my ass and hips.

It sounds to me like your wife deserves better than you, and honestly I hope she does what I did last year... I woke up and realized I was better, I deserved better than the BULLSHIT my ex husband put me through and I got the hell out of that toxic marriage. Many here know the struggles I was going through and it's because of a mindset like yours.

You truly DO NOT love your wife. If you did, you wouldn't care if she was a AA or a DD. You wouldn't care if tomorrow she had an accident and was paralyzed, you'd still love her and be with her. She obviously loves you, no doubt about that, she's putting up with an overweight, ungrateful, immature, poor excuse for a lover. Your penis size doesn't make you a good lover, your heart does. Oh no, my wife wants me to have to work and help provide for the household, she wants me to lose weight and have better health, my life is soooo horrible. GROW THE HELL UP!

I hope she wakes up and realized her true self worth and leaves your sorry ass.

(04-02-2014, 20:37)Edtar Wrote:  She said she'd consider having her breasts get bigger when I get a job and lose 30 lbs. So obviously she's willing to consider it. But I'm not willing to go to all that trouble without a firm commitment. Plus, I prefer being a stay-at-home dad.

This is almost so ridiculous to read that one would think you were just trolling on here....and yet I have met so many guys like yourself that I sadly believe you to be real. This dates back to strong women fighting for us to have equal rights, getting them and then oftentimes outshining men in their own fields. Now we're stuck with a slew of lazy, selfish douches like yourself who still want the dominance and power that men used to have but ALSO wanting to be the housewife! WOW

My gosh. So this is serious? I did think or hope that maybe this kooky, illegal sounding post was just a troll or a social networking experiment, what with all the talk of how social networking affects our, um, social lives :]
Edtar, may I suggest you consider some counseling? Besides the other oddly, surprising things that you mentioned, it seems that maybe you could use some help properly reorganizing your thoughts/actions. As for yourself and for your children, I think it may behoove the whole family to stabilize and reorganize some of the thoughts and expressions/actions that have brought you to this point. Children are sensitive, sometimes touched by something they don't even consciously perceive. I think it is beneficial to take caution with any distortions they may have to process into their rapidly moving llittle lives.
I think someone mentioned hormones. It definitely seems that your hormone panel could be vastly off-kilter. Also, there is a wide assortment of events in our lives that can cause astonishing effects in our thinking process and emotional/ social quotient. I think that counseling would be beneficial to you towards healing some of the issues that might result from these events, as our mind can really warp how we misdirect personal emotions into the outer world. Unfortunately, many of us adults, at some point in our lives, do get caught in a destructive sort of adolescent mentality. Luckily, a lot of goodness can work towards, well, growing up/maturing. There is a lot of hope and help out there. And on the legal/ethical side, I am glad you came to our community for quality, mature peer review before you took any potentially very unwise actions. I have personal experience with a friend who wanted to share a profound experience and "grow closer" with his long term girlfriend coupla years ago. Unbeknownst to her, he slipped her something "harmless." This girl doesn't even use pain-killers. She had a severe reaction. He is still on probation, but he is healing and getting his mind right. Here on the forums with all the research we do, we still have to watch our bodies. I was surprised to have a terrible reaction to a very low dose of an herb that I didn't consider would bother me.

Edtar, I wish y'all the best in dealing and especially Healing!
PS: Thank y'all in the forums for being real heroes here and helping fellow human doings out at Breast Nexus! Disaster averted! Pshew! Empathy, consideration, compassion, appreciation, and forgiveness--saving the world I hope!
PPS: I forgot love. Some people talk about they love something they got at Walmart and then return it later. People "love" ice-cream and television. Maybe that is love; I don't know. But it could just be like light or zero-calorie love. Alright, much love to y'all, and especially full-flavor Love from the Universe and from us to our "loved ones" Woot!

Can this sorry excuse for a man be blocked or something? I feel SO bad for your wife that she's stuck with the likes of you. I really hope she gets the courage to leave you one day and find someone who will love her and appreciate her for who she is and not her breast size. Most of the woman on here and not doing this to attract men either. We are doing this for ourselves. That's what is wrong with self entitled assholes like yourself you think everything's about you. Newsflash: it's not. You don't exactly seem like a catch. You should be praising the ground she walks on and be thankful that she hasn't left you. Oh and poor you your wife tried to make you lose weight because she loves you and wants you to live a long life. That is definitely reason to spike her food and possibly screw up her hormones. You have no idea what her hormone levels are and what you could do to her. You could wind up increasing her risk of breast cancer and having her get cysts or endometriosis from too much estrogen. I've had problems with estrogen dominance and have pmdd and endometriosis to show for it. Natural breast enhancement doesn't always mean safe. The fact that you would risk your wife like that for your own selfish needs says that you don't love really love her. You are a sorry excuse for a person and I really hope you either grow up and stop realizing everything's not about you and start loving your wife for who she is, or she finds someone who will. Since you are unlikely to listen to me anyways, try massaging her breasts with flaxseed oil or something. There is a list of massages like chi massages in the massage part of the forum. Massage does work btw. There are woman who have gone up a few cup sizes with it over time. You could turn it into bedroom play and act like that's the reason you are doing it. The only reason I am even offering you suggestions is because I know you're not going to listen anyways and I don't want you to hurt your wife by giving her something that will screw her hormones up. Hormones are NOT something to mess with. You can cause a lot of serious damage by having your hormones out of whack. If she has any problems with her periods maybe have her have her hormones checked and if somethings out of whack WORK WITH HER to fix the problem and her breasts might grow as a result of fixing a hormonal balance. Otherwise don't mess with herbs! You seriously have no idea how dangerous that could be for her to just give her a bunch of herbs without knowing what her hormone levels are.

I can't believe this page got to number four.

I'm f*@#ing appalled.

You Mr. Ed, are scum.

(Edited out) : I said something kind of nasty, had to tone down. I'm just absolutely horrified by the things this man has said.

This woman is your wife. This woman has told you she does not want bigger breasts. That should have been the end of the discussion.

Instead you play it off and say she should do it for you, for the sake of your happiness and your family, because you have temptations? And it's only fair because her families farm is where you were injured? Grow the F#&* UP!

I don't even know what else to say, cuz all I want to do is just rage and swear. I can't believe you even HAVE A FAMILY.
If you married the woman for her tits, then why aren't they satisfying you still? Why do you want more if they were the reason you married?
I think you guys should just divorce. Give her a chance to find someone who will appreciate her for her, and maybe you can go find one of those big breasted porn stars you were talking about. OR HERES AN IDEA! It's called pornography! Tempt yourself with material, and stop bothering her about it. You can find so many huge tit porn out there to suffice, and that way you won't cheat on the poor woman.

Ugh. I'm absolutely #&*#ing disgusted.

(04-02-2014, 19:44)Edtar Wrote:  Hi Everyone,

Maybe somebody here can help me. My wife has nice 38DD breasts but I want them bigger. She doesn't. Is there some sort of safe drug or supplement that I can slip into her food or drink that is safe? I don't want to put her in any health risk. I do a lot of the cooking so it would be easy for me to do if the drug doesn't taste too bad.

Also, I don't like stretch marks on breasts so I don't want anything that makes them grow too fast. I don't want her to turn into a fatty either. She is very slim.


This sounds like a joke.. That is supposed to be meant seriously?!?!
And 38 band and very slimHuh That doesn't sound slim at all..

(06-02-2014, 11:51)rateset Wrote:  
(04-02-2014, 19:44)Edtar Wrote:  Hi Everyone,

Maybe somebody here can help me. My wife has nice 38DD breasts but I want them bigger. She doesn't. Is there some sort of safe drug or supplement that I can slip into her food or drink that is safe? I don't want to put her in any health risk. I do a lot of the cooking so it would be easy for me to do if the drug doesn't taste too bad.

Also, I don't like stretch marks on breasts so I don't want anything that makes them grow too fast. I don't want her to turn into a fatty either. She is very slim.


This sounds like a joke.. That is supposed to be meant seriously?!?!
And 38 band and very slimHuh That doesn't sound slim at all..

I said that youd shed be either quite fat or over 6ft to be slim unless its hard to buy above a d cup there maybe if its just that she wears the wrong size if he buys her some 34ff(medium size band similar size cup). Bra and it fits her he will be happy because it sounds bigger

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