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I have no boobs


If you don't believe in nbe then why did you join breastnexus? And not once was à derogatory statement directed at you without it being an observation of your own behaviour. Why are you insulting people? You were given an answer with examples.
That answer was that our breasts grow and change through out our lives. That some people experience significant change in their twenties while others do not.
Your best indicator (though not always accurate) is to look at your female blood relative.
I have no idea why you persist to be saucy and rude when if you'd just read the responses you'd see that your question was answered in many different ways and you just weren't satisfied with it.

It's nice we don't get many trolls here huh?
Beckums don't worry shes a fake if she was real she could read and research the forum and grow whatever size she wanted but she's only interested in being rude.
Its not our problem we can all grow our perfect breast and but we cont help anyone who doesn't appreciate our advice.

Oh and the evidence you want comes in the form of experience via personal program pages. If that's not good enough for you and you need the science behind it, look up the endocrine system pages or finally gtfo of breastnexus and go read in to some scientific journals.
Many women use this website and gain a lot in the form of support, ideas, and motivation. If you cant appreciate any of those things then you Should carry on some where else.

Im really hoping this is actually à frustrated adolescent without learned coping skills and there for an inability to effectively express their émotions.
Even trolls tend to be clever. I only see sadness.

I joined a category for undeveloped boobs actually. All ofyou fuck off I am real you stupid bitches try growing a brain instead of bigger tits. I never got an answer actually.

Haha made my day Tongue
Maybe you should go and grow a brain because obviously yoh can't read - it is a natural breast enhancement forum. You're a troll. No one can tell you if your breasts will grow again from puberty, not even a doctor would be able to.

Can someone delete this sh**? ;-)

I'd sure consider breast pumping to start the process... I know a couple completely flat women locally who used a Noogleberry... one used it to stretch everything so she could have augmentation.... you can't have implants if there's no room for them..

I did answer your question. I said it was possible, after you asked. Somehow you ignored it.

2 or 3 others also said it was possible, several times. If you don't understand that, I don't know what to tell you.

In case you are real, have you considered fat grafting instead of implants?

I have small breasts as well and I felt like crap because they stopped growing but I realized they're not going to get bigger by being depressed about them so I looked into Natural Breast Enhancement. I started taking domperidone which does cause your breasts to produce milk and I started taking fenugreek which has been used for years and years to produce milk. I went up a cup size in less then 3 months and I have noticed they're still growing and becoming firmer and firmer (plus you get to shoot milk out of your boobs which is sweet) I went from an A cup to being able to fit into a small C

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