Poll: Do you feel numbness/tingling during or after pumping? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, but only when I use too much pressure.
Yes but only when I pump for longer sessions.
Yes, but only sometimes
Yes, during most of pumping sessions regardless or pressure or duration.
Yes but rarely.
No, never felt any such unusual sensation.
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REGARDING PUMPING Do your arms/legs go numb or tingle?


Those of you who are marking that you feel numbness every time while pumping, I urge you to stop pumping. You are doing to yourself the same thing I was doing to myself. We are doing this innocently, assured this is a safe practice with no permanent damage.

Hey Jennifer 

Did you have any kind of trauma, injuries or ongoing problems before you started using NB? I am not dismissing the possibility that NB could have been partly or wholly responsible for your condition. But if you had had problems prior to this, then maybe others with such problems could find this helpful.

I broke my left elbow when I was 20 and my nose when I was 25.  Both may contribute to the weakness of my left side, but I never had any symptoms until I began noogling.  Those things *could* create poor circulation, who knows.  The fact that my left breast was smaller tells me that maybe that side just doesn't move as quick.  That and I am right-hand dominant.

It seems like I have many years on a lot of the nooglers here.  And I would got hard (not in the literal sense but many hours) 3-4 days a week for several years.  I was extremely determined to grow.  But I was pretty confident I was doing this in an extremely safe way.

Oh I see. Yeah we can't know what the real cause is. And we are even more confused because of the lack of research on this product. I was reading up on things like nerve damage, trauma, treatments, possible causes, how it happens, circulations problems... I kind of got a bit frustrated at a point because we SHOULD NOT have to be thinking about it this much or be sitting here making assumptions. We are not researchers or doctors. The person who designed the product should have done the appropriate research in order to tweek and modify the product in order to make it safer. Also done more study in order to figure out the possible dangers. The product is effective but needs more work and research.
Don't be too hard on yourself, I really do think you used it like everybody else.  Back in the "happy noogling days" your routine didn't necessary stand out or seemed worrying.

I'm pretty confident I know the cause as I have never experienced numbness like this before I began pumping and it began becoming a more regular thing.  I remember the last time i pumped when my arm went numb and didn't come back for awhile & it kind of felt like a sizzle inside me at first and then all went numb. I think I had a very tired, weak vein that I possibly ruptured.  No clue though.

I get why you wouldn't wanna tell your doctor can't you make up some excuse so they look at your chest and arm pit area. Say that you had been wearing a bra regularly that's too tight or something. You didn't think of it as bit deal before as the numbness would go away but now it's worrying you.

I am saying this because if they figure out the root problem now then they can give you the appropriate treatment faster.

I already told him all about cupping along my chest, neck and armpit area today. He said this is beyond his expertise which is why I have been referred to specialist.

That's good. Hopefully they figure it out and get the proper treatment started soon.

Hope everything goes well with you. xx <3

Jenn! I've a question for you , I remember you grew your right breast just with massage, is it right? Which method did you use? and Do you believe massage helped to avoid worse consequences?


Yep, Which is why I know we don’t need the pump. My left side is just very stubborn. I could pump my right breast a couple times and it would grow like crazy. My left just took forever to grow. Very strange.  It may go back to poor circulation on my left side . But I would always massage both & the right kept growing with the left. I don’t have any name for the massages I did but I believe I used to describe it early on in my program with videos I copied. I did use some of Chiyomilk’s methods.

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