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Japanese Women Up 3 CUP SIZES in 1 to 2 years!


(08-07-2011, 12:58)shyfly Wrote:  what is a plateau? Smile

When you reach a state of little or no change after a time of activity or progress.

Yes I looked up the definitionBig Grin, I new what it meant but couldn't put it in words.

(08-07-2011, 14:38)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(08-07-2011, 12:58)shyfly Wrote:  what is a plateau? Smile

When you reach a state of little or no change after a time of activity or progress.

Yes I looked up the definitionBig Grin, I new what it meant but couldn't put it in words.

Thank you!

I would also like to know if the girl, chiyumilk, took ladies pueraria for 3 years straight, and how long did she take glamour to break the plateau?

did she take soy protein? I heard it also helps, what do you guys think?



I'm really keen to try her program! I'm taking PM but it looks like I've not been taking it properly as the directions on the bottle didn't say anything about taking a break, etc. Now my skin is completely broken out and I'm over a week late for my period! Oops! I'm really not that upset about skipping my period, though!

Anyways, I found this page that explains Chiyomilk's massage routine, supplements and everything from what I can tell. VERY interesting! The translation is a bit sketchy but I was wondering if anyone could explain that part to me so I can add it to the supplements list?

Thanks! R x

Hi again everyone, I was just wondering why is it that the japanese girl used weaker phytoestrogens on her non PM days, I am thinking of taking aguaje pills on my non pm days but based on what I've read aguaje is a high phytoestrogen. Do you think it will be alright?

Hi Shyfly,

There is no aguaje experience in the forum. This thread is just about it:

thanks Isabelle!

but do you think it'd be fine to use herbs with high phytoestrogen on non pm days with this routine? Im also thinking of using maca for hips ad butt, but some said that it will just cancel the PM or other herbs.

For maca with pm, you can just follow Susan's experience:

Ginie did a good job analysing Chiyomilk's program. Stop taking PM two days before you ovulate. If you take a phyto-estrogen during ovulation, make sure it's a weak one. Otherwise, you'll postpone ovulation, and lengthen your cycle.

Estrogen is naturally lowest between days 25 and 5. I think it's important to take a weak phyto-estrogen during those days too: you want progesterone to be higher than the estrogens at least between days 18 and 26, otherwise you'll end up with teenage breasts. I notice many PM users start well before day 5, which I assume is OK if growth is more important to you than shape.

Suppose you ovulate on day 14 (better check for yourself: thermometer, pen, and paper on your bedside cabinet). Then what can you do between day 15 and 24, when estrogen levels are not as low as between day 25 and 5? I suppose this is the time to try a phyto-estrogen of which you think it will be stronger than Chiyomilk's weak phyto-estrogen formula. I don't know how strong Aguaje is.

I may be alone in this, but I believe Chiyomilk's success is in stretching estrogen levels all the time, while respecting the natural cycle. In other words, use a strong PE when estrogen peaks in your cycle, and a weak one when natural estrogen slumps. Check Wahaika's drawing:

thanks for the info Isabelle!ill be finalizing my routine very soon. Thanks for your help Smile

Looking forward to seeing what you choose.

Pick your poison Big Grin

(25-07-2011, 21:04)Isabelle Wrote:  For maca with pm, you can just follow Susan's experience:

Ginie did a good job analysing Chiyomilk's program. Stop taking PM two days before you ovulate. If you take a phyto-estrogen during ovulation, make sure it's a weak one. Otherwise, you'll postpone ovulation, and lengthen your cycle.

Estrogen is naturally lowest between days 25 and 5. I think it's important to take a weak phyto-estrogen during those days too: you want progesterone to be higher than the estrogens at least between days 18 and 26, otherwise you'll end up with teenage breasts. I notice many PM users start well before day 5, which I assume is OK if growth is more important to you than shape.

Suppose you ovulate on day 14 (better check for yourself: thermometer, pen, and paper on your bedside cabinet). Then what can you do between day 15 and 24, when estrogen levels are not as low as between day 25 and 5? I suppose this is the time to try a phyto-estrogen of which you think it will be stronger than Chiyomilk's weak phyto-estrogen formula. I don't know how strong Aguaje is.

I may be alone in this, but I believe Chiyomilk's success is in stretching estrogen levels all the time, while respecting the natural cycle. In other words, use a strong PE when estrogen peaks in your cycle, and a weak one when natural estrogen slumps. Check Wahaika's drawing:

Hey Isabelle

I know I'm a pain in the arse....but I'm having a really hard time understanding your explanation. If I'm reading correctly, I have been doing this whole pm thing wrong.

I am taking PM on day 1-13, as day 14 is ovulation day. Then days 14-27 I have been taking FG, Hops. If you want progesterone to be higher between days 18-26 shouldn't I not be taking FG, and Hops on those days? I read somewhere that a lady didn't take any other herb, just Wild Yam cream days 15-27, and grew 2 cup sizes. So what would I do? If you could just give me a graph of what I should be taking what days, I would truly be grateful. Thanks. Smile

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