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wishfulthinking's Progress Page


Had loads of aches again today, here's hoping for a good result at the end of this cycle. *crosses fingers*

End of week Measurements (Cycle 4 Week 2)
Upper Bust: 32.2" (+0.6" since last measurement)
Centre Bust: 32.0" (+0.9" since last measurement)
Under Bust: 28.2" (+0.2" from last measurement)

I was holding the tape measure quite tightly too! Can't believe it, I really hope this lasts. With taking 2 Saw Palmetto capsules a day rather than 1, these are the most aches and pains I have felt since being on the programme, and I really feel a difference in the weight of my boobs as well, they might not look bigger but they do feel heavier.
Big Grin

did you gain weight?
because i have done a similar program and obivous growth
but i gained weight and its killing me so i stopped

switching to bovine

Brielle, so sorry I haven't replied sooner - i've just started uni so I haven't had chance to come on here! We don't have any weighing scales in the house so I have no idea if i've gained weight or not. Blush I'll have to buy some. To be honest I don't feel as if i've gained weight but then we all know how deceiving that can be! And my goal was to gain weight anyway, so perhaps the programme is a little more suitable for me than it is for you? Good Luck with the UB. Smile

Measurements for end of week (Cycle 4 Week 3):
Upper Bust: 31.8" (-0.4" since last measurement)
Centre Bust: 31.8" (-0.2" since last measurement)
Under Bust: 28.6" (+0.6" since last measurement)

Looks like i'm fluctuating a lot. I haven't had as many pains this week, still some there but not as much as before. These last few days have been a bit hard to massage as i've just started uni and i'm really busy!

End of Cycle 4 Measurements:

Upper Bust: 32.0" (+0.2" since last measurement)
Centre Bust: 32.0" (+0.2" since last measurement)
Under Bust: 29.1" (+0.5" since last measurement)

I haven't taken my herbs much this week, to be honest I just haven't got time to do it in the mornings and by the time I get home i'm too tired to do any massage. Not sure where i'm going to go from here. I'm going to give myself a break for a little while and come back when i'm ready.

congrats on the progress

still waiting for my NB to come
i might add on MACA and GABA but im not sure how they could
be of much help?

keep us updated!

I'm backkk! Big Grin
I have been missing NBE for a while now, and after massaging last night and loving how firm my boobs look after it, I have been inspired to try again.
Oh, and I may have accidently just ordered a Noogleberry. Rolleyes
Will update with stats and proposed programmes later, yay.

Soo, at the moment my centre bust is around 31", which is a bit of a loss, but i'm confident that i'll get things started again.

The programme I plan on getting to is:

Fenugreek 610mg x 2
Saw Palmetto 450mg x 2
Vitamin B Tablets x 1
L-Lysine 1000mg (more for immune system than anything else) x 1
Amino 1000 Complex x 1
'Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex' (Containing: Vit C, MSM, Omega 3,6,9) x 2
Red Clover Extract 500mg - 1ml in bottle of water twice a day

Noogleberry each night (not sure how long for yet)
Massage as usual, with addition of heat pack afterwards.

I have had constant aches in my LB over the last few days. This is a good sign for me as that is my smaller side. I haven't managed to buy the Red Clover extract yet, I am debating whether to try that or Wild Yam first?

My Noogleberry came this morning too Big Grin I briefly tried it out, but have no idea what i'm doing with it. Huh I could feel a slight pull when I pumped, but as soon as I pressed the release button I couldn't feel any 'release' of the suction or anything, so maybe I didn't have them on securely enough and wasn't actually creating a vacuum. I've just had a brief read up on the NB forum and i'll give it a better go tonight.

Overall feeling very confident about the whole thing, I am still loving how just massage alone gives them a very plump look. Cool

Had a few aches again over the last few days. Been noogling each day since i've got it - it's so addictive! I'm just finding it hard trying to fit it in with the folks around. I'm getting the red clover extract tomorrow hopefully, and am also thinking of ramping my fenugreek and saw palmetto intake to 3 capsules a day, but i'm not sure yet. I just feel as if the aches aren't quite enough if that makes sense.

So far still feeling very confident about the whole thing, the only downside is that i've discovered how bad my skin is whilst on the herbs. It's a small price to pay though. Big Grin

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