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Noogleberry Users, be aware of Permanent Indentations!!!


On a serious note Sara. If you really are only interested in fixing your chest do the obvious and go see a plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

Yep, I have changed my mind, I have wasted my whole day here, so I decide to take this whole day off. this is non of your biz.

If you were not the type of crazy useless people I do not think you should join in a group fight against one single person---me!

(25-03-2010, 00:21)gettingthere Wrote:  You've misspelt again.

"seld esteem"

I'm sorry but you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into your lower class status.

Don't worry I wont be replying on here again cause I simply can't be bothered and as Anastasia says, your not fooling anyone.

What really makes me laugh is that it was about 3 pages ago you said you weren't going to respond any more either but alas you still are.

It shows your maturity level along with your class

You are doing internet marketing, yep, I am sure only the highly educated ones have the honour to do such a professional job. Good!

And, yep, US Navy hires high school graduates? well, I am sure a person with a MBA degree would become a banker, certainly would not have joined the army.

(25-03-2010, 00:14)Anastasia916 Wrote:  gettingthere, I'm well aware this girl is not rich lol for the reasons you said, she gave us all a hard time so I was giving her a hard one, and it's very obvious by her standards of what she thinks a upper middle class person is that she is probably still living at home with her parents and has no clue about real life yet. I'm not going to respond to her anymore, but I will respond to you, Teeny and anyone else Smile Only way I will respond to the brat is if she does what I said on the NB forum for me to forgive her. I just don't believe in talking behind someone's back, so I'd rather do it where she can read it Wink

Ok, just got up from my nap. On vacation this week. Wow...Sarah. I thought you said you were done before I took my nap. Well apparently not. Gotta go eat. Later. By the way, It may be your thread. But, it is everyones forum. Ehm..Eves forum. You just don't treat people like you have here and expect to get away with it. That is why so many people reacted the way they did. You like to fight. Or you would have quit long ago. You want your threads left alone. OK, don't worry. Your on my ignore list. So have a good evening.

Where are you coming from? you are not invited, right? Eve a has the ultimate right to judge the whole situation, not a biased individuate like you.

(25-03-2010, 00:39)Andy Wrote:  Ok, just got up from my nap. On vacation this week. Wow...Sarah. I thought you said you were done before I took my nap. Well apparently not. Gotta go eat. Later. By the way, It may be your thread. But, it is everyones forum. Ehm..Eves forum. You just don't treat people like you have here and expect to get away with it. That is why so many people reacted the way they did. You like to fight. Or you would have quit long ago. You want your threads left alone. OK, don't worry. Your on my ignore list. So have a good evening.

00:09 am

Guys, I think Sara posted some vague sort of excuse on the nb forum...

I was not going to comment on this thread anymore but I just wanted to mention that I feel very bad for Teeny and Anastasia, they must be pretty upset by now and all the attacks were so completely out of the blue! I never understood people who look down on others, be it for their money, looks, age or whatever. I mean, we´re all just humans! And Teeny, your husband looks like a really nice guy, just be proud of him and don´t bother about convincing others, it´s none of their business anyway.

Let me make it clear, the statement I posted on Noogleberry forum was on Lucy's request, I have done this due to my respect for Lucy is a hard working person, regardless of my complain about this could be permanent indentations.

And my opinion of thoes lazy, useless, crazy, unreasonable and aggressive, ill-mannered oldies still stand.

If you want to join the group fight against me, you are too late. go and play with yourself

p.s. : I am sure the pic of her husband that posted by Teeny Tiny is taken many years ago, her husband looks much older on their wedding pic, one could imagine how a cheap labor would look like at age of 39.

(25-03-2010, 03:06)Bibi Wrote:  Guys, I think Sara posted some vague sort of excuse on the nb forum...

I was not going to comment on this thread anymore but I just wanted to mention that I feel very bad for Teeny and Anastasia, they must be pretty upset by now and all the attacks were so completely out of the blue! I never understood people who look down on others, be it for their money, looks, age or whatever. I mean, we´re all just humans! And Teeny, your husband looks like a really nice guy, just be proud of him and don´t bother about convincing others, it´s none of their business anyway.

Bibi, no need to feel bad hun, I'm just ignoring the ignorance. I'm a tough cookie and a big girl, trust me she hasn't even begun to ruffle my feathers, lol I'm not even mad, I've been pretty calm, I've been laughing at most of what the brat says. Everything that comes out of that brats mouth just shows how ignorant she really is, and I'm done with it, she gave a half assed apology on the NB forum, not even heart felt, it seemed forced. And she still insists on trash talking everyone, so yea, not talking to it. And for the record, I'm 22 and if 22 is an "oldie", then this thing must be under aged and shouldn't be using NBE products to begin with.

I was sorry for the way I expressed myself, and sorry for myself spent the whole day playing with the lowest lows. that is all! Cheap Lazy losers are still cheap lazy losers!

(25-03-2010, 06:22)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Bibi, no need to feel bad hun, I'm just ignoring the ignorance. I'm a tough cookie and a big girl, trust me she hasn't even begun to ruffle my feathers, lol I'm not even mad, I've been pretty calm, I've been laughing at most of what the brat says. Everything that comes out of that brats mouth just shows how ignorant she really is, and I'm done with it, she gave a half assed apology on the NB forum, not even heart felt, it seemed forced. And she still insists on trash talking everyone, so yea, not talking to it. And for the record, I'm 22 and if 22 is an "oldie", then this thing must be under aged and shouldn't be using NBE products to begin with.

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