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Let's get boobified!

il have a look why they cancel each other out cause that would be a pain in the ****![attachment=6134][attachment=6135]

Yeah, I had a product like that once. I stopped taking it when I found out. Basically they use the same enzyme to assimilate in your body. So, for instance, they say if your diet is high in omega 6, taking an omega 3 supplement won't matter because your body still can't assimilate much of it! So it's probably better to stick with omega 3.

(06-04-2014, 04:25)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Yeah, I had a product like that once. I stopped taking it when I found out. Basically they use the same enzyme to assimilate in your body. So, for instance, they say if your diet is high in omega 6, taking an omega 3 supplement won't matter because your body still can't assimilate much of it! So it's probably better to stick with omega 3.

Hmm ok, ignore my Pm then :p Guess I have to keep looking further - that's frustrating!!!!

(06-04-2014, 04:27)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(06-04-2014, 04:25)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Yeah, I had a product like that once. I stopped taking it when I found out. Basically they use the same enzyme to assimilate in your body. So, for instance, they say if your diet is high in omega 6, taking an omega 3 supplement won't matter because your body still can't assimilate much of it! So it's probably better to stick with omega 3.

Hmm ok, ignore my Pm then :p Guess I have to keep looking further - that's frustrating!!!!

LOL oops, was busy collecting links when you said this! Ignore my pm if you wish. The links basically tell you what I told you, but in far fancier terms.

(06-04-2014, 04:43)blessedbreasts Wrote:  
(06-04-2014, 04:27)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(06-04-2014, 04:25)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Yeah, I had a product like that once. I stopped taking it when I found out. Basically they use the same enzyme to assimilate in your body. So, for instance, they say if your diet is high in omega 6, taking an omega 3 supplement won't matter because your body still can't assimilate much of it! So it's probably better to stick with omega 3.

Hmm ok, ignore my Pm then :p Guess I have to keep looking further - that's frustrating!!!!

LOL oops, was busy collecting links when you said this! Ignore my pm if you wish. The links basically tell you what I told you, but in far fancier terms.

Its good sis, I replied ( I think) probably rambling on about how my head was spinning from all the information he he

LOL, yeah, it's a lot of info. Scientific stuff always takes a ton of concentration to understand.

Has anybody noogled/used a suction device even with ring marks from your last session? I went a little too hard with my Kangzhu cup on my right breast yesterday and now have a vivid red ring mark on my upper chest. I was hoping to water noogle tonight, as I have a nice ritual of taking a bath every Sunday night. I skipped my morning session. Will the mark still fade if I carefully use my cup tonight?

(06-04-2014, 19:39)blessedbreasts Wrote:  LOL, yeah, it's a lot of info. Scientific stuff always takes a ton of concentration to understand.

Has anybody noogled/used a suction device even with ring marks from your last session? I went a little too hard with my Kangzhu cup on my right breast yesterday and now have a vivid red ring mark on my upper chest. I was hoping to water noogle tonight, as I have a nice ritual of taking a bath every Sunday night. I skipped my morning session. Will the mark still fade if I carefully use my cup tonight?

AHH pure bliss!
Please tell me, what's it like having a bath in peace without having to hear:
"mummy where are you, mum, mum, MUMMMMM"
"Ella wheres my socks? Ella wheres my keys, Ella Im hungry"
"MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW my last meal was 30 minutes ago but im still hungry MEOW MEOW MEOW!!!!"

LOL just an average day in my house hold...

LOL "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW my last meal was 30 minutes ago but im still hungry MEOW MEOW MEOW!!!!" Hahahahaha!

Honestly, I'd trade all the peaceful bath times in the world for a hubby and some lovely children! Count your blessings!

Pretty sure we don't actually need omega 9 for anything. I read some studies suggesting that omega 3 is more likely to be stored in the hips and buttocks (and brain!) and 6 is more likely around the waist (idk if that means it's go to the breasts too? what is breast fat anyway? If I lose or gain one one personally the other tends to follow suit?). So you might wanna look into that a bit - it's what made me stop taking EPO. I was putting on belly fat for the first time around then and I was paranoid that was why (could also have been stress, spending days crouched on floor working instead of moving about, bad posture etc... :L)

(06-04-2014, 20:06)blessedbreasts Wrote:  LOL "MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW my last meal was 30 minutes ago but im still hungry MEOW MEOW MEOW!!!!" Hahahahaha!

Honestly, I'd trade all the peaceful bath times in the world for a hubby and some lovely children! Count your blessings!

He he I do BB. I thank god everynight for the wonderful family I have Wink (haven't made up my mind about the cat yet... but the rest of them yes :p)

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