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Anti-Aging diets


Hi friends.
[Image: pyramid_web.gif]

There are so many anti-aging diets on the market today that it's tough to figure out which ones are fads or gimmicks and which ones are safe and effective. Some promise to shave years off your age, while others promise results within as little as two weeks. The best way to determine which anti-aging diet is best for you is to get the straight facts about each diet from the premise to the plan to the "do's and don'ts."

I wouldn't say I have put much thought into anti aging diets, but would love to throw out there that grape seed extract does wonders for skin, age spots, and aches and pains. It's an awesome antioxidant that I couldn't function without since it keeps my psoriatic arthritis in check.

normal dosage is 50mg a day if yu're in good health and 300mg a day if you have health issues. LOVE IT!

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