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The law of Attraction


You're welcome hun. Have you watched the film "The Secret"? It's on Netflix if you have that, it's definitely worth a watch. It gives you the basics of the law, with loads of pointers when it comes to putting it into practice. It's inspirational if you're fully open to the idea Smile
I found out about LOA through a website called powerful intentions, there's loads of people on there with so much knowledge that are eager to help us newbies. All you have to do is ask! It's split into groups aswell, you can change your whole life not just your boobies Big Grin xxxx

Yay! I forgot about this thread as well. Y'all just totally refreshed my day. Some of the same issues, I have had. The boy! So many times the boy! Actually, the exact same boy... I wonder if we can change the boy through the law of attraction. Maybe more of a dream than a serious request. But I wonder about these things sometimes because it seems like the most important people in my life need a lot of healing. I happen to be a healer and very patient, but it also seems like at some point a sign that says, "Crazies welcome here," was attached to my forehead. Sigh. I believe and I receive, in all the good things, so many wonderfully, joyously good things the Divine Universal has for me. Thank you. Also ladies, I am practicing a prayer/ meditation/healing tradition (along with my arsenal of uplifting material) called
Ho'oponopono. It's pretty amazing among many things I have tried. I used to only know about the phrases and now I have strengthened the effect by adding the Ho'oponopono Cleaning tools that I learned about on Facebook. Maybe this can help some of y'all eliminate the blocks, resistance, guilt, feelings of unworthiness in attracting some of your best dreams too, in a more uplifting way Big Grin

Ooo that sounds brill, I'll definitely have a look into that Smile what a funky name! Haha xxxx

Thanks leanime for sharing the website. Looks like a neat forum Smile And yes, The Secret changed my life! If you can afford it, do buy the book as well. It should be available in major bookstores/amazon, as it is bestseller for many countries.

(16-04-2014, 16:18)Leanime Wrote:  You're welcome hun. Have you watched the film "The Secret"? It's on Netflix if you have that, it's definitely worth a watch. It gives you the basics of the law, with loads of pointers when it comes to putting it into practice. It's inspirational if you're fully open to the idea Smile
I found out about LOA through a website called powerful intentions, there's loads of people on there with so much knowledge that are eager to help us newbies. All you have to do is ask! It's split into groups aswell, you can change your whole life not just your boobies Big Grin xxxx

I'l be eagerly searching for this!!!!!!!!! Thanks for telling us the film Smile I need all the pointers I can get Smile

Ok i have a challenge for myself!!
Im need 100k!!! To fix our house and get me a nice new SUV!!!
So my challenge is going to be throw it out there in the universe for fuller boobs and 100 grand! Lol . Will hunt out "the secret" today and start applying this as of today!! Wink

Ps you guys will be the first to know if i get these things Big Grin

Ella, you don't NEED the $100k. You already HAVE the $100k Wink And remember to visualize how you would feel driving the SUV around, rolling down the windows, wind in your hair. How would the steering wheel look like? And your house! It's already fixed because you asked the universe for it Smile Do picture what it would be like. Good luck!

(19-04-2014, 01:50)loverstilly Wrote:  Ella, you don't NEED the $100k. You already HAVE the $100k Wink And remember to visualize how you would feel driving the SUV around, rolling down the windows, wind in your hair. How would the steering wheel look like? And your house! It's already fixed because you asked the universe for it Smile Do picture what it would be like. Good luck!

Thank you Smile
I will this Smile

Mmmm. I like like this thread so much. Yes! We do have even our best desires! Thank you y'all! It seems so much that people get bogged down in old, sad news. I am so glad that there are other people that also feel compelled and joyous in believing in miracles and wonderful things! It is a part of me that I have actually tried to shake because this world says otherwise, so often! But I am glad it is a part of me to believe that things can be better no matter what!
Everyday, in every way, my life is better and better! Hugz and kisses to y'all!

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