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I have no boobs


I started my period at 15 and started getting boobs. When I was 16 I was finally wearing a bra at a size 32b. I turned 19 a few months ago and my boobs look exactly the same as they did back then. No change at all I'm still a 32b. All my friends who had the same problem as me are now all c and d cups... so not fair. I already hate how I look and this doesn't help. Strangers say things to me all the time and I cry about how much I hate them nearly every day. In college I'd rather keep my hoodie on and zipped up even though I'm sweating just to stop others seeing how small I am. I can wear strapless things as it just falls down. I really want surgery cos I want to feel better about myself. What age do boobs stop developing????


Your breast literarily never stop changing. They fluctuate with weight gain and lost and hormonal changes, may it be birth control or pregnancy. I've read a lot of post on a subreddit called /r/abrathatfits about woman who's boobs grow well into their 30s.
There's nothing wrong with wanting them bigger but I know I feel so much better about mine when I'm wearing a cute bra that fits and is comfortable and just makes my boobs look good no matter what size.

Thanks for the reply. Doesn't make me feel any better though.

I've been told that they can grow right up til I'm 25... Kinda skeptical though, they've not grown in ages. Is there any evidence to support this????

Puberty is most likely over your fine to try nbe if your careful women's breast don't really grow that late without pregnancy birth control or weight gain or nbe most supplements say its OK for over 18s haha 25 only if you started your period at 18 otherwise no.
32b isn't that small anyway I'm sure you can make them bigger if you choose.

Made me feel worse thanks. And they are miniscule... I've been on birth control for 4 years and they haven't grown. My best bid is the growing will kick in again? Will it? I want a decent answer please?

You shouldn't feel bad. At least you know you have the option to improve then if you feel the need to.

Where do you live where strangers are commenting on the small size of your breasts? I'd kick someone right in the jaw if they decided to randomly comment on my mammaries.

I'm not sure what you want us to say to make you feel better... other than many girls have started out at a much smaller size than a 32 b and have had good results.

Your best bet is not them randomly growing again unless that has been the case in your family. Some people's breasts DO change throughout their lives. My friend had a hysterectomy in her late 30's and she shot up three cup sizes. My other friend had a child and went from a B cup to a DD and maintained that size. This is not the case with everyone. My mother went from an A to a D when she had me and lost it all after breastfeeding. No one can tell you what you're body is going to do. Since you are too young for herbs, you could try massage and positive thoughts. You're going to have to get past disliking them so much. I've said this before on another thread... get into the mind set of improving, not changing, what you have. You can also try pumping if you'd like.

What do I do to improve them? And I do feel bad people say crap to me every day :/

I live in Scotland. I'm never going to like them. Saving up for surgery. And I never want kids so having them is not an option.

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