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Sheep placenta?


Like a lot of people I study Chiyomilk's program. Pig placenta is really expensive and I have two questions.

One- Should placenta be taken with PM? I know you don't take PM and BO together. The site I read that talks about Chiyomilk's program listed BO to be taken along with PM as an alternative to the pig placenta.

Two- Can sheep placenta be used in the place of pig? I mean placenta is placenta and sheep is less than $10 vs nearly $40.

I don't know anything specific about sheep placenta but in Asia, placenta in general is considered a nutritious food. How do I know? I'm Asian haha and my mom likes to rant about the nutritional value of it all the time. The placenta doesn't really contain anything that would mess up your PM routine so you don't have to worry about that. Pig placenta is usually taken as a beauty supplement with collagen as an anti-ager. Collagen helps heal the skin and pig placenta is notorious for helping your skin turnover cycle. It also contains amino acids. I'm not 100% exactly sure why chiyomilk uses pig placenta and collagen to begin with but I think it has to do with the fact that both helps with cell regeneration and they also prevent sagging and stretch marks that might occur with breast enlargement. So to answer your question, no it won't disrupt PM. Bovine ovaries are different from placenta. It changes your hormone level where as placenta does NOT. Pig placenta is apparently closer to human DNA than sheep placenta. Sheep placenta is also used as a beauty supplement but I'm not sure why pig placenta is more popular. Personally, I use a beauty supplement powder that contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, soy isoflavones, and pig placenta all in one!! I haven't been using it very long since I just got it two days ago and it's a little expensive ($30 for a month's supply) but it's wayyyyy cheaper than the stuff chiyomilk is using. Collagen drinks are like $50 for ten bottles. I hope I didn't rant for too long. -_-

$30 a month is not that bad! Especially if there is a possibility it could aid in nbe or at least help my skin. I spend more than that buying all the crap my dermatologist has recommended me... which never works. Go figure. Thanks for the advice!

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