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Noogleberry Airlock


Hello everyone Smile So today is the first day of my third week of Brava; this means I can wear it for longer than 10 hours if I can, yay! I'm happy with it so far but as expected do not see much growth by the end of each day yet.
I did not get the chance to have my coach appointment until yesterday, and she said it will actually take me probably at least 20 weeks to see good growth because of various factors. It was actually the opposite of what I thought! She said because I am relatively young, have firm skin, and have never had children, it will take me longer! I also asked her about traveling and she said I should take the Brava with me, and like someone else said, to pack everything separately, and wherever I keep the Sport Box I should keep the manual so I can explain if they ask me about it at security. I am going on a national flight this week for one week and plan on bringing Brava with me- I know I will actually get more time in since I won't be dodging the roommate! However, I'm also going on an international trip too in a couple months for two weeks, and don't want to take any steps backward. The coach suggested I bring Brava with me for that as well but it was expensive and I'm afraid customs will mess it us. Plus I will be in a few sharing-a-bathroom situations. So now I'm thinking about buying another system such as Noogleberry (read so much good stuff!) to use on my international trip and also for when I haven't got at least 8.5 hrs into a Brava session.

So a few questions:
has anyone tried the Noogleberry airlock?
If so, can this also be worn for for 30 min 2 times a day or does it need more?
How long do the red marks from Noogleberry last?
Does anyone recommend a different product or anything specifically within Noogleberry options that is affordable?
Does Noogleberry come with a manual?

Thank you and happy pumping Smile


okay I'm a noogleberry user, and for me the red rings only last an hour or two after pumping, if I take a hot shower after pumping they are gone when I get out the shower. As far as noogleberry it is a manual pump, it is not an electric system like brava or bosom beauty. As far as pumping with noogleberry many see good results from just 1, 30 min session per day, this is because with noogleberry you can apply more pressure in your session than brava does. Brava works on a lower suction level for a longer session time. Now if you are already using brava, I would just get the noogleberry handpump and not any of the domes and just use it with your brava domes, or if you don't want to risk that because they are expensive then go with a set of noogleberry domes. I use the airlocks from noogleberry and I've been pumping going on a year this summer and I can put the airlock on and leave it forever if I want lol but that's if I do it at a low pressure. If I go at an intense pressure (not too much to cause pain though) then I only do 30 min to an hour. Again I am a more experienced pumper as far as time I have pumped so my breasts are use to this. I have also had a child and breastfed to that plays into it also. If you go with a noogleberry just take it easy and yes I think it would help when you can't use brava. How do you keep it from your room mate with as long as you have to wear it?

Thanks, Anastasia!

I'm going to look into Noogleberry soon! Do they ever have sales? I'm a sucker for discounts. And just curious, is there an average number of pumps that gets good suction without being too much?

I live in a split level house. My husband and I stay in the master bedroom which has its own bathroom connected. The roommate (ok- actually my sister in law!) is at the other end of the house and has her own bathroom there. When I get home from work, I prepare/heat up dinner for myself, and either put it in my room in a thermal bag to keep it warm or cold or I will eat it in the living room sometimes with the family if I have enough time before putting on Brava. I do not think she has really noticed anything because I almost exclusively stay in my room while I'm doing this, and a lot of days she's been out late studying anyway. On days where my husband and I know she will be out late, I wear a bathrobe over the Brava system, walk outside to the living room, and carry a square shaped throw pillow with me. If I hold the pillow against the domes, they make an impression so from the outside it looks like I'm just holding the pillow lightly against myself. We have a computer but no TV in our room, so one day my husband and I sat in the living room to watch a show. I put a blanket over myself up to above the domes as I sat on the couch, and held a light pillow over this, crossing my arms. SIL came home while we were watching our show and sat down next to us to watch the rest too. She was less than three feet away from me, and the sport box went off, making a vibrating noise! I thought the jig was up for sure. My plan was to say I was with a massage pillow. But she didn't notice! Seeing as how she lives with me I think she may find out eventually. I will be majorly embarrassed if she finds out, but I'm also hiding it from her because I think she will think I'm terrible for spending that much money. I don't buy many expensive things (hardly any actually) but one time she lectured me because I spent $60 at a grocery/discount store so if she knew how much I spent on this she may be really judgmental. I guess it's easier to not have to deal with the confrontation and there's also no real reason to.

Oh wow, $60 at a grocery store is not bad at all! We spend at least $300 a month sometimes $400 (that's when we entertain normally) but I am feeding 3 people and 3 pets (a big dog and 2 cats). Pet food and cat litter isn't cheap nowadays. And you'd be surprised how much a 5 year old growing boy eats! I really wouldn't think it's any of her business what you spend your money on nor how much of it you spend, you make it or if your husband helped you buy it, that's his decision also, it's none of her business, sorry that's how I feel. I hate people like that. Reminds me of a lady at my hubby's work, she is his superior but she's a total bitch. And here we don't get mail delivered to our houses it's in mail boxes and she's one of the people over that. Well being where I am there is not alot here, so most things I normally take and use I have to order (heck I just had to order my son 5 pairs of PJ's online cause he's growing so fast and they didn't have any PJ's in his size at the store here). Well she tried to tell my husband to tell me to stop ordering so much online cause we can't afford it. Once he told me that I wrote her a letter lol, in a calm and professional manner basically telling her to mind her own business. My husband makes decent money but of course not as much as she does because she is a higher up of course, but what she doesn't realize is the money I spend online is my own! I make money too! She's a moron. My husband and I both agreed his money would pay bills, buy groceries, and the rest goes into savings, my money we use for leisure like buying things we want and not need. And any left over I have goes to savings. We know how to manage money she's just an idiot, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. I think as long as you are paying your bills and manage money right it's non of your sister-in-laws business what you do with your money after that.

As far as sales go they do give noogleberry forum members discounts just make an account on the forum and start posting and you qualify for them. Depending on your level depends on how much of a discount you get. Level meaning like on here the more you post the higher your level goes on the forum. I think just being a forum member you get a 10% discount, if you post a good amount and get to regular member status you get a 20% discount, and for those like me that have been there a while an considered an "expert" member you get 30% off.

As far as number of pumps to create good suction, that varies from person to person, the rule of thumb is to pump until it feels tight and slightly uncomfortable but you shouldn't be feeling pain. If your breasts turn purple inside the domes you have pumped too much and need to release some air. The pumps have a release button on them. Some people get the pressure gauge for the pump, I think you need to contact Lucy about it to get it though. And they go by a certain pressure on the gauge that is suppose to be best. Lucy's email is

But yea, as I said before you can use the noogleberry pump with any domes, you don't have to use the noogleberry ones unless you want to, so you can still use your brava ones if you prefer them. Hope this helps.

Oh wow your hubby's boss sounds mean! If I were him, when she said, "You don't get paid that much" I would have answered, "now whose fault is that?" hahahaha! It's good that you're not letting it bother you, and it's really cool that you stuck up for yourself and your family by writing her a note. I will continue to hide, but if SIL finds out then oh well she knows, at least I will be able to walk around the house. Still won't be able to bend down too much or reach for anything very high or far away...

I have a job and bought it, not that I make much! Somehow I usually manage to save a bit every month, and have been contemplating this for the past year, since I first heard of Brava. I'm glad I made the decision. Somehow I've lost a little weight in the past couple weeks but my boobs haven't shrunk like they typically do when I loose weight. Maybe being cooped up in my room has prevented the late night snacking?

I joined the Noogleberry forum after reading so much about it on this forum. I guess I should stop just being a voyeur and post. Thanks for the information and it's good to know I'm not the only one who is dealing with judgmental people close to home! Not that I want you to have to deal with it either- you know what I mean Wink

He can't say that to her, cause it's not her fault either, he's in the military, my hubby is in the Navy, pay goes by rank. And yea, he can't say anything to her like that or he can get into big trouble. But I'm not in the military Big Grin the military doesn't own me, so I can say whatever the hell I want. I was already pissed at her and reported her for some other crap she did. She's an all around bitch that doesn't deserve to be over anyone.

And like I said, it was your money, it's your business what you do with it, if she doesn't like it, she can leave.

I heard some girls just suck up the air with their lips... I tried it and it's easy plus you can get more suction than with the smartbox, so I really don't see a use for another pump...However you still need an airlock... someone told me that they use one of those big black clips (for paper, the ones that have two little prongs that fold over the paper/docs) or you can buy a airlock valve at a aquarium/pet supply... OR you can get clamps for less than $5 each or the airlock for less than $13 at noogleberry Smile I'm inclined for the clamps, especially if one breast is bigger than the other and you want to even them out, you can just pump one Wink

cool, did not think of getting one for and aquarium! I'm happy with Brava so far, I'm just nervous about taking it on my international trip. But I don't want to loose progress so I'm thinking of getting a less expensive, non-electric system- the Brava coach explained that the only remotely "suspicious" item is the sport/smart box. I did end up getting that square trade warranty including the extra accidental damage insurance, but I still feel I would be risking a lot including damage bringing it through customs. Plus, on my vacation, I will not have 10+ hrs per night to devote, so I might at well get the noogleberry. I'm nervous about using possibly very uncomfortable domes from Noogleberry, but my understanding is the Brava domes are the most expensive part of the system!

So this week I will go on my within-country trip, and I am bringing Brava! Hopefully all will go well with no damage to the system... Hopeful31 aren't you going on a trip soon too? Did you decide to pack your domes in your check in or carry on? I am so indecisive and can think of reasons for both.

hopeful, though I love noogleberry, their airlock is good, but the clamp is not worth it. You can use any other type of clamp, like the one you said for documents would actually be better. I got one from noogleberry and it isn't very strong and after a few uses it kind of wears out. And with uneven breasts you can pump one more than the other using any type of clip or clamp the same way or you can do what I do and order more than one airlock. I have 4 airlocks. I have one on each of my domes, one on each of my L's and one on each of my XL's. The connector for both is on the T hose going to the pump. This is so I can pump each breast at an individual pressure and I can easily switch between domes without it being a hassle. I read the forum before ordering and realized that most people when they go from M to L or L to XL actually pull the tubing off each dome and put it back on each and every session and to be honest with you that would get on my nerves lol. It's already hard to find time to pump and do it quickly and put a shirt over it so my son doesn't accidentally see, nevermind trying to do all that!

Thank you Anastasia, that's a better idea, and I like the fact of not having to add anything cumbersome coz the airlocks are incorporated into the tubing Smile

DollyAmbition, there has been a change of plans :-/ I won't be traveling out of the country anymore, however this weekend I'm going on a group trip first camping :s and then in a hotel room with other people who don't know and I won't tell them about brava... so this presents another set of challenges Big Grin I'm already laughing thinking about how am I going to conceal the domes and the noise once the smartbox goes off in the middle of the night! Lol

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