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how to gain weight?


I need to gain at least 20 lbs for NBE to work.

My breast have shrunk back to 30 inches when i bend and 28 inches when i stand straight Sad it was 31 inches after one week of puerira! Ah well :-(

How can i gain weight?

ps . im 85 lbs

gaining weight isn't the easiest thing for me, either. one lovely summer, i got a bit addicted to grapefruit and before i knew it, i'd lost lbs. oops! Huh that summer i found out something more about grapefruit than i had wanted. i had a similar experience with oatmeal. i was eating oatmeal every morning and before long, i realized i had put on weight. i was so surprised but then i added 2+2 and got oatmeal.Blush it was so surprising because i'd tried to gain weight before without success. it's funny how our individual bodies will respond to different foods and dietary changes.

one of the many things i found out here on breastnexus that really floored me was this thing about hi-glycemic food items and the destructive impact they have on collagen. can't remember, atm, but apparently, either the high blood sugar or the insulin spike had a degrading affect on the collagen matrix or whatever. i need to go looking for that thread, again. it seems like every time i visit my mother, her eyes appear a tiny bit more sunken and i'd like to do what i can to protect the delicate integrity of soft tissue. anyway, that was a bit off topic. i wish i had more to offer. i've been consuming more protein and doing these walking lunges to gain some muscle at my bottom. sometimes, the changes we're looking for are impossible to see if you look daily but, little by little with persistence, the change happens. good luck with gaining the lbs you seek.


(13-06-2014, 15:02)FrenchBoobs Wrote:  I need to gain at least 20 lbs for NBE to work.

My breast have shrunk back to 30 inches when i bend and 28 inches when i stand straight Sad it was 31 inches after one week of puerira! Ah well :-(

How can i gain weight?

ps . im 85 lbs

Try this!

When I started NBE I started to gain weight (not a lot and mostly it went to my sodding tummy and hips) but a combo of 'eating more protein', oh and drink milk if you can.. and taking herbs made me gain weight - ps i took the herbs for the boobs not the other weight gain Sad
I think fenugreek did it for me and not necessarily to my boobs either but I found the first kg went downstairs then when I crept up to 1.5kgs + (didn't go much over that) but that's when It finally went up stairs a bit.

Taking vitamins specifically B vitamins helped me gain weight. They gave me the appetite to eat and I found myself eating even when I wasn't necessarily hungry. I also drink ensure plus. At least 2 bottles with anything else I may eat. I haven't weighed myself yet but I can tell by the way my clothes are fitting that I've gained. I'm going to continue this regiment until I'm happy with my weight.

I am drinking whey shakes after every meal with carbohydrates.
I only gained 3 kilo's in 6 months but i keep it up.

Well I like to cook I think that makes me enjoy eating much more because I used to be such a picky eater and only 90lbs as a teen and I stopped growing at 12 now I am 147lb and it doesn't look too big still, i gained weight drinking a bottle of full fat milk a day.
You could try using a food diary app like my fitness pal so you can keep track of calories burned and consumed.
Choose higher calorie and fat food options I know someone who made pancakes everyday to gain weight.

thanks for all the awesome replies

I'm buying Mutant Mass powder . It has 1000 calories per serving =)

expecting to gain 20 lbs this month =D

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