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Queastion about measuring


My breast measurements depend on my breath lol. When i breathe in while measuring, i measure 1 cm more. So should i breathe in or should i breathe out when i measure?

I think you should breathe in? So the measurement is the bigger one. I always thought of it like when you suck your stomach in to fit into pants lol- you shouldn't because then it'll be too small.

breathe with your stomach and not wiht your chest, that way youll know your real meassure

When I ordered the brava system, the coach told me to measure myself half way my breath... take a deep breath, on the exhalation stop when the air is half way out and take your measurement.. Smile

Thanks for your answers. I think it's best to measure on the halfway breathe, like hopeful said.

Your measurement indicate what size of bra you are going to wear. I will suggest breathing in as this will indicate the most comfortable bra size for you.

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