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The pump has improved any sagginess I had, and other members who are more mature say it improved theirs, so I don't feel it causes sagginess, but that's all up to you. I feel UB works, I feel it has made my results from NB more permanent faster than they would have been without it. But I think it can work by itself as well. There are times I couldn't pump but took UB and I still got pains and tingles from growing. So far with it I've grown 2 1/4 inches. I'm not very strict with watching my temp or doing the protein shakes, so if you are more strict at watching those you would probably get better results. I'm not in this for a race to get 3 cup sizes in such and such time. I'm actually happy with my size now, if I gain more good, if not that's okay with me. That's why I'm a little more laid back with the whole process then I should be.

I agree with Anastasia about using NB. I find it really helpful in my BO program.
Also just wanted to mention that there are also generic forms of BO like the one I'm taking, but it might be better/easier to go for the brands like BB or UB. Because then you don't need to take as many pills as these brands if you use generic.:s
Also I can understand the whole shipping being a bitch. I'm a poor college student in Japan and shipping can be a bitch, so I just save my money to order the stuff. (Only poor because my parents pay for my bills and such. They want me to focus on my studies instead of work part time and study.)

yeah i know what you say about being poor, tha was what worried me the most about having to buy BB, but my mom is the coolest and more open minded mom ever, and i talked to her about this, and she might give some financial suppor, in my boobie journey, if i present a proper case, and convince her about it.

Hehe, well you can definitely show here some of the people who have used BO on the forum here.
There is also a lot of good information on here that you can use to backup what you say to your mom.Tongue

I never asked my mom... I didn't tell her... Well I sort of did... she found out about the Noogle Berry because they accidentally shipped the rings to my US address (parents house) that is listed on my paypal. She thought it was silly at first, but then I explained to her and she kind of understood.
Funny because her first comment was "why would you want to make them bigger? Doesn't your boyfriend/fiance like them?" I don't care if he likes them, I want to like them more. At least I feel that I would be better with a cup or two bigger.

Anyways, good luck getting support from you mom on the financing for the pills. If BB is too expensive you can go for UB (Ultra Breast) which is what Anastasia uses.Or generic BO like Raw Female. At least that is working for me.

To present your case with your mom, simply show her the before and after pics of itsjust4fun, Cheryl (who is a male! and not only grew awesome boobs with BB and NB got hips and everything now), and of course my pics, I didn't take BB but I do take BO and I've gone up a cup size so far. You can show her all the info on the BB site and the UB site (though I think the UB site is lacking). Hope it works out for you.

so it seems like the one inch growth that the massaging and soya milk has given me took me out of the AA range, when messuring myself the first time my ribcage was 29, but when i messure myself again last night im 28, my guess is that maybe cos i ate like a pig that night it gave me that extra inch, so yeah my new messurements are:

28 ribcage
33 over the nipple
and 31.5 on top
my hips are 38( when i say hips i mean ass, cos i have no hips)
wich in turns makes me a 32ABig Grin

so yeah on that note congrats to myself 2 inches more and i could be a C, uvelibeable, also i dont want to have the hourglass shape aymore, ill need to be like a DD or a E to get that, so thank you, but no thank you.

Congrats on the growth! And lol yea to have that "hourglass" figure I'd have to be a 32DD which I know what that would look like, so if I get to that, that would be fine, but I'm going to stop after that. I'm 39 inches on the butt, 37 on the hips, so I know how ya feel, and I'm 28 inches underbust most the time, when I lose weight I'm at 27 inches. I started my NBE journey 32 inches on the bust and I'm now 36 1/4 inches, so if I can do it, you can do it. Congrats again and hope it continues.

Nessa--you have a very similar shape and look to mine. Except yours look bigger than mine, I think. Smile Similar measurements, too: I have a 28"-29" under bust, 33-33 1/2" bust, and a 39" butt. I'm bigger at 135 lbs, 5'6", and of course those extra 10 lbs I gained over the last year went straight to my latin booty and thighs, ugh. My goal is also C. I hope we both get 'em!

This inspired me to put up my program. It's been a few weeks and I'm not growing, grrr.

wow thanks, im glad this could inspired you Blush , and most pple take months, or even years to see any growth, i think the reason of my gaining that inch is that i went nuts on soya milk, i drank like five glasses daily, i know crazy, but it tasted so goo(i buyed a flavored one) and it helped with my digestion, but then i lost half an inch after my period(i HATE YOU period, cos u deflate my boobs), and now i grew another inch wich makes me a 33.5, hopefully after my period ill be a 33 :angel: , but i can´t help to wake up every morning and see if i lost any growth, thats the first thing that i do when i woke upBlush, also the soreness on my breast has been killing me, not even my own arms cant touch my breast, its so freaking sore, and i had some very, very,very, light pains on my aereola, wich means that theyre expanding,i know that, because that´s what happened when i was ``Growing´´, but i never really grew on that departmentDodgy.

ok so no i havent had any growth and my period havent even passed yet and im back to a 32, my original size, what i think it happened was that i didnt got any growth maybe i just got swollen, and because i stopped my massagues two weeks ago, now my boobs have deflatedSad.

But on the bright side, there are a lot of possibilities of me getting a job, i do hope they call me soon.And if i get a job ill buy my BB pills, how sad is that?? getting a job, on the sole purpose of buying my BB pills, lmao

AAAAnd on another note, today i was bored, and put three bras on at the same time, i messured myself and i was a 34.5 or 35, with all those bra on, and i started trying tops on like crazy, my room looks like a tornado ran over it, everything just looked so dam fine, and i felt soo hot, and i didnt look as skinny, they didnt look xtremely big, but they looked big, and just to think that i only need 2.5 or 3 inches to reach my goal.So i recomend you girls to do the same, so u know how you would look once you reached your goal, thats motivation to me

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