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Dedicated this time!


It's probably too soon to tell whether or not the program is working. Do you remember TigerLily from the old forum? She had one of the most significant results and she never really experienced major growing pains or growth spurts. And she grew with just massage and food. I think the reason why she got such magnificent results while so many others were struggeling is that she was super persistent and never skipped a day or slacked off the entire time. I think that was about a year or something.

Keep up the spirit Wink

I've been doing the wild yam and fenugreek thrice a day since Wednesday and today I've felt like I'm "filling out" my new bra better then when I got it or even Friday night. I also switched up my massage style. Instead of just doing the tigerlily fengshui method I'm starting with rotations for 15 minutes, then I follow up with TL/FS method and finish with a lymphatic breast massage.
My only issue that's come up lately is that I'm breaking out with red painful pimples that don't want to come to a head all over my chest and a little on my back and shoulder blades. I've had breakouts there before but they were more often then not innocent little white pimples that looked like raised bumps and didn't draw attention to themselves. I'm thinking my choice of massage oil may be the issue so when I'm done with this batch I'll rethink what i'm using. Maybe some of my unused facial mosturizers for acne!

So about a month ago my friend brought over a box of clothes that she was going to give to me and her little sister since none of it fit her anymore. At least 95% of the clothes was at least a medium and I'm an extra small so none of it fit me but I took a t-shirt that she got when we went to a john mayer concert together and a pink plaid tunic that was an extra large that I was hoping to get taken in. I usually don't like pink or plaid but the dress just spoke to me. Anyway, my mom's friend is a pretty great seamstress so she's taking it in for me and I went for a fitting yesterday. It was a little big in the chest but what I liked was that when I looked at myself was that I thought "when I fill this out I'm gonna look awesome!" So positive thinking at work yesterday!

So I measured myself tonight and I got 33 1/4 inches! Supremely excited! I may or may not have mentioned that I changed the way I massage. I do the rotations AliciaCatherine mentioned, then the tigerlily method, then the lymp clearing one if I feel extra motivated. Then a lot of heating pad! I drove down to spend th night at my boyfriend's and since the drive's half an hour I spent it massaging! Multitasking at it's best!

I've been feeling unbelievably unmotivated for the last two weeks. Today was probably the worst though- I didn't even try to get ready for class. I got up to turn off my alarm, went right back to bed and slept til 10:44. I didn't get to bed totally late, only midnight so I'm slightly concerned, but not totally freaked.

I waxed my arms today and feel so much better about myself. Next I'll work on my bikini line and feel totally sexy!Tongue I'm hoping to get a facial in the next few weeks and maybe a haircut before summer starts, my ends are getting really fluffy. The BF and I are celebrating our one year anniversary next tuesday and we're heading to seattle where a Sephora is conviently located so I'm thinking I'll splurge on some smudge-proof eyeliner and uber lengthening mascara.

I did a terrible job of massaging last night so hopefully I can make it up today and tomorrow. My wrists are getting stronger and I can get through more of my daily massages before they start hurting which I'm excited about.

Oh. My. Goodness.
I used the ebay massager for the first time in about a week and 2/3 of the way through my nipples started to itch like mad. When I took it off and put on the heating pad the itch spread all over. I'm kind of dying right now actually. Hopefully it's a good sign- I'd hate to sit through this itchyness and not get anything out of it.

Measured a solid 33 1/2" today! Headed down to my parents for mothers day weekend and I'll just pack my B cup bras for comfort but If this growth keeps up I'm gonna need to buy a new nude bra. It's my daily standby, and I like wearing it at work because then I'm sure nothing unproffesional is hanging out. I work at a restaurant and it'd hard to be taken seriously when you've got pink bra straps showing.

I'm getting sick of blaketalks. I love the beach part and the bit about the "magical plastic surgeon" but the crap leading up to it and after where he rambles and says random stuff about be sure to pay really bugs me. I wish I could go into that deep trance where I don't remember any of it because it is relaxing and it does help me get to sleep after.

I picked up some MSM yesterday and was thinking I'd replace saw palmetto with it once I run out. I'd like to separate the many pills I take into smaller intervals so I was thinking I'd do the MSM mid day when I take my second fenugreek and wild yam. Maybe just do my paxil, borage oil, WY and FS in the morning; MSM, EPO, WY, FS mid day and my multi, fish oil and WY & FS at night. That way I'm not sowing a whole bunch of stuff at once.

(30-04-2010, 04:00)crystalelle Wrote:  This is not NBE related but I will strongly advise you to get a medical practitioner to check on the lump though.

I know what the lump is! It's a ganglion cyst that apparently just sort of pops up around wrists and ankles on women 20 - 45 which I am. The younger you are the more likely it is to go away on it's own within a year. If not it's a super easy surgery to remove it. Now that I know what it is I've been showing it off- yeah I'm a little weird lol

Congrats on the growth, and yes the itchiness is a good sign, an annoying one but a good one none the less. It is itching because your skin is either A. preparing to stretch to prepare for the upcoming growth or B. the skin stretching is rapid at the same time of the growth.

My breasts itched like crazy during my pregnancy and I went from a 32A before pregnancy to a 34C during. So sounds to me like you are having a growth spurt. Just wait until you get the soreness and shooting pains from within the breasts so bad you can't sleep, that's what has happened and happened to me last night! What I'd suggest though is you put cocoa butter lotion on your breasts at least once a day (you can use it to massage with if you like) this is to prevent stretchmarks, generally when skin itches during growth it's because it's growing/stretching at too fast of a rate for your skin and could cause stretchmarks. I did get stretchmarks on my breasts during pregnancy, but didn't on my tummy, I put cocoa butter lotion on my tummy twice a day during pregnancy, but didn't on my breasts cause I didn't know I needed to. Hope you keep continuing to have growth, good luck!

(08-05-2010, 00:07)Anastasia916 Wrote:  What I'd suggest though is you put cocoa butter lotion on your breasts at least once a day
Thanks for the advice! My only issue is that my chest is really sensitive to pore-clogging ingredients and I'd be worried it'd make me break out.

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