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If u were me would u keep pumping?


So I posted a thread the other day about feeling a lump in my right boob.. and feeling my other one and it didnt have the same feeling it was all squishy.
I stopped pumping to rest my boob cuz it was feeling sore. its been about 3 days now and the lump is still a bit sore like when I touch it (or rub it for massage) so I left it alone. it sucks cuz for the last few days my boob as been very full. now today I notice its smaller.. just like how it looked before i pumped.. which sucks. and I want to pump again but im scared. I dont wanna rehurt my tissue or... idk. is it normal than pumping does that? I kinda wanted to test it out with my left boobh to see if the same thing would happen...

(26-07-2014, 05:59)AthenaGirl Wrote:  So I posted a thread the other day about feeling a lump in my right boob.. and feeling my other one and it didnt have the same feeling it was all squishy.
I stopped pumping to rest my boob cuz it was feeling sore. its been about 3 days now and the lump is still a bit sore like when I touch it (or rub it for massage) so I left it alone. it sucks cuz for the last few days my boob as been very full. now today I notice its smaller.. just like how it looked before i pumped.. which sucks. and I want to pump again but im scared. I dont wanna rehurt my tissue or... idk. is it normal than pumping does that? I kinda wanted to test it out with my left boobh to see if the same thing would happen...

im sorry but I don't think any lump in your boob should be taken lightly. if I were in your shoes I would not pump and wait till it went away. just my humble opinion. I wouldn't stress but id leave it and give it time to heal..

You maybe pumping too aggressively??? I have seen mentioned on Noogleberry's site that some pump for like 4hrs per day. I think more than an hr is too long, tissue needs rest time to rebuild and strengthen. It could be just a "deep" bruise? I would probably stop for a week and see if lump and discomfort shrinks. If it doesn't maybe a Doctor's visit is in order.

(26-07-2014, 18:06)iaboy Wrote:  You maybe pumping too aggressively??? I have seen mentioned on Noogleberry's site that some pump for like 4hrs per day. I think more than an hr is too long, tissue needs rest time to rebuild and strengthen. It could be just a "deep" bruise? I would probably stop for a week and see if lump and discomfort shrinks. If it doesn't maybe a Doctor's visit is in order.

No I actually don't think I ever even left it on after an hour .. I started off lightly... I did the 7:2 method and probably did it for the longest period of 40 mins... And I had good results. I feel like it did shrink and doesn't hurt anymore... Is it possible that there was a bump already in there and the pump inflated it?

Anything is possible, after all, we are here after being fixated with the idea of breasts and focusing more attention on them.

I would advise you to ask a doctor. Maybe it's just the breastgland.
I have a "lump" in both breasts, but that's s
just the gland.

(27-07-2014, 11:52)uhuccup Wrote:  I would advise you to ask a doctor. Maybe it's just the breastgland.
I have a "lump" in both breasts, but that's s
just the gland.

ya I need to wait for school to start again because I dont have insurance :/
when ud pump did it inflate ur gland?

I'm sorry but I don't pump very much, so I can't tell you that..
The gland stays there, i think it will always stay there - my doc said its normal.

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