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anyone try raw female yet?


has anyone tried this one yet?the "raw female" ovarian and uterus glandular concentrate. better/worse than just the ovarian glandular

I was thinking of throwing this in with my swanson BO.. haven't ordered it yet but if I do i'll let you know! <3

been on 'raw female ' for a couple of days now. have been following Lotus's advice about taking AA's 20 min prior to any phyto estrogen (in this case, glandular, i have stopped the pm for time being to use the raw female.)

to note;
nipples still sore and enlarging as well as itchy.breasts slightly larger and feel more fluid.definately jiggly
mood: highly emotional and cry very easy at stuff,feeling extremely empathetic to others.
feeling need to clean and arrange and shop for house (nesting instinct).

feel overall really good and in positive mood( placibo effect??)

This looks like a good supplement. Are you taking this with BO or did you substitute this to the plain Swansons BO?

(24-08-2014, 16:19)Koko Wrote:  This looks like a good supplement. Are you taking this with BO or did you substitute this to the plain Swansons BO?

i am taking just this because it already has b.o. in it as well as the raw uterus. i bought it off of swanson's website, but aslo found it here a bit cheaper as well (on sale, a dollar cheaper on sale than swanson's);

to note:

my areolas have started to darken and are a bit rounder than they previously were, more circular than before. breasts feel a bit heavier and fuller.

addenum: i have noticed an increased frequency and need to urinate,feeling as if i will wet myself if i dont go when promted immediatly by my body. my fluid intake has not changed. interesting....

i have also noticed a 'heightened' sense of smell. dad made a salad the other day and i could smell the cucumbers from ten feet away,i know..odd right?

also as i was going to my car to go to center of town, i became 'aware' of my buttocks, in particular the upper portion where they join the back. jeans do feel a bit more snug today.

i am curious as to the seemingly accelerated effects of this stuff and wonder if the 'philosopher's stone' of nbe has been found. highly unlikely but one can hope Rolleyes

i will remain on program i have started for duration of 7 months min with one month rest after the 7th month. the one month sabatical is to prove/disprove the continued aromatization of testosterone after stopping nbe w/bovine ovary. purported claims have insisted that after the 6 month period of usage people who try to stop transitioning by stopping usage dont ,due to 'permanent' aromatization of 't'.

i will try to borrow a camera to get some 'before' pics for show shortly. i will post them here. if i come across any further changes i will note them here.

one thing i have forgotten to add concerning sense of smell. my personal scent also seems to have changed a bit. originally i had a 'dusty scent' for lack of better description,now it seems a bit more floral like. of course i am refering to deodorants and perfumes changing scent. i believe my pheremones are changing perhaps.

i have also noticed a dietary shift. lately i have been craving more salads and fruits and veggies...cant express why,cause i dont have the faintest idea.


I'm not the only one! Since I started my glandular program my body seems more awake! touch is more intense, smells are increased, taste has changed, I'm also more teary but a happy kind. also have more motivation and nesting too.


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