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Correct bra size problem


Hi all. I bought a 30C bra from ASOS online shop. I really loved the perfect fit. Tight band and the underwire encompasses all of my breast tissue.

The problem is, I wore this bra for about 12 hours and at the end of the day my under bust was red from the tightness of the band and next day was red and itchy... Sad

I wanted to wear the correct bra size. But I'm afraid this will happen again. My usual bras are 32As and I'm wearing them now while waiting for my under bust to heal.

I suggest giving it about 3 wears to break it in. I've had to do that with some of my proper fitting bras. I've also purchased bra extenders to use the first few wears while breaking in a new bra to make it more comfortable.

Don't give up until you've worn it several times and remember that you might have to try several bras in the proper size before finding the right fit.

(24-08-2014, 16:26)Koko Wrote:  The problem is, I wore this bra for about 12 hours and at the end of the day my under bust was red from the tightness of the band and next day was red and itchy... Sad
like most new garments ,you should wash first before wearing. there are multiple chemicals that may be residual in the finished product. such as sizing,starches and leftover dyes. this may also be a contributing factor to the itchy/redness of your skin,perhaps a slight allergic reaction. (i used to work in textile industy)

such chemicals as Durabond ( a resin agent) are used to give fabrics a stiffness or 'cripsness' the helps prevent wrinkles,so it looks new and pretty on the shelves. wash and use fabric softner (fabric softner works in removing excess soaps from fabric and leaves clothes feeling 'softer'.) too many people use more soap than is actually needed in the machine, causing people to have allergic reaction to the soap-soaked clothes which are in direct contact of skin, so ...less is more.

remember;it only takes approximately fifteen minutes for something to be absorbed into the dermis (skin). so treat your skin kindly! Tongue

Thank you ladies!

I did think about wearing the bra extender next time.

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