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Any quick ways to gain weight??


Also, there's several different types of protein powder you can use instead of whey (but if you use whey, use isolate only or you'll end up with a little pot belly like I did). There's soy protein, rice protein, hemp protein, egg protein, ect. You can find them at probably GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, or at a whole foods or sprouts farmers market.

Haha! Yeah, I figured out why it wouldn't post my replies. It's because I was using emojis on my phone that aren't choices on this forum. Lol.

(11-11-2014, 18:43)Charlie_girl Wrote:  Some of the best weight gain foods are: lots of protein. I can't stress that enough! Chicken, eggs, beans, fish, Ham, turkey, lean red meat, ect. Also bananas, mango, pineapple, papaya, avacados, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, granola, whole milk, chocolate milk, cream, 1/2 and 1/2, ice cream, oils (like olive oil, flaxseed oil, sweet almond oil, etc), nuts, grains & brown rice, pasta, potatoes, natural nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, etc), cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, legumes, sunflower seeds (or oil), pumpkin seeds.

You can make your own weight gainer at home that's a hell of a lot healthier than store bought weight gainers. You can google "make your own weight gain shake" to find different recipes. But this is generally what I mix together: vanilla whey protein ISOLATE (isolate so you don't bloat), 1/2 banana, some honey, whole milk, throw some frozen or fresh mixed berries in there & some frozen or fresh kale or spinach, a tablespoon of olive oil (or similar), some ground almonds (almond meal), some dry rolled oats or ground up Quinoa, ground flax (flaxseed meal), maybe throw some alfalfa sprouts in there or 1/2 a little packet of those "perfect food raw green super food" packets & I just started adding brown rice flour (finely ground whole grain brown rice). Maybe add some chocolate syrup if I don't throw veggies in there. All of those can be found at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and even Kroger and Target started selling the flaxseed meal & almond meal and most of everything I use.

Right that's great ideas. I have my fitness pal on my new phone but never knew what it was about. Yes great idea about tracking what I eat calorie wise. I'l get onto that.

I am just that - eating heaps but wondering why its taking so long to gain weight so maybe I too am just "maintaining but not gaining"

Il look into the whey isolate too. I love whey but was worried it would irritate my gut and also slightly worried about the source of whey but here in NZ its pretty clean.

The smoothies is a good idea too cause I'm lazy and would rather just throw something together.

(11-11-2014, 18:51)Charlie_girl Wrote:  Also, there's several different types of protein powder you can use instead of whey (but if you use whey, use isolate only or you'll end up with a little pot belly like I did). There's soy protein, rice protein, hemp protein, egg protein, ect. You can find them at probably GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, or at a whole foods or sprouts farmers market.

I found a super green protein superfood blend with pea and some other plant based protein. In the past few days since I started taking it I have to admit im starting to get my pot back but ONLY THAT. I lost heaps on my boobs and waist but they will be the last to catch back up *grumbles*


I feel you. That's exactly what I was doing, gaining a belly and nothing else. Not only does weight training prevent that, but so does water. This sounded crazy to me, but I went to the gym one morning with my skinny body and a belly like I was 4-5 months pregnant. Lol. I asked my trainer what the heck was going on and he said "drink more water". I said "get out of here!" Lol. He said, "I promise, you drink 4 liters of water today and by tonight your stomach will be flat." HOLY CRAP was he right!! Not even kidding, my stomach was back to flat by that night. He said since I'm eating so many surplus calories, taking herbs and eating lots of protein, I need that much water. And that's why I try to get almost my body weight in ounces of water daily. It's not as hard as it sounds, and the easiest way for me to do it is by using a liter size bottle and just refill it throughout the day.

Smoothies make it so easy. You can get grains, fruit, veggies & protein all in one drink and depending on what you add to it, you can get a lot of calories too. So much better than eating a giant meal. Lol. Also, not sure how you're feeling about maca nowadays, but that and phytoestrogens (flax and fenugreek) is helping me gain in the right places. A lot of girls say maca + aguaje is an amazing combo for gaining weight & curves, but I haven't tried that yet.

(11-11-2014, 19:10)Charlie_girl Wrote:  Smoothies make it so easy. You can get grains, fruit, veggies & protein all in one drink and depending on what you add to it, you can get a lot of calories too. So much better than eating a giant meal. Lol. Also, not sure how you're feeling about maca nowadays, but that and phytoestrogens (flax and fenugreek) is helping me gain in the right places. A lot of girls say maca + aguaje is an amazing combo for gaining weight & curves, but I haven't tried that yet.

Yeh ive been on and off maca. When id go off for a week then go back on id seriously notice almost instant breast plumping but I fear its upsetting my tummy a bit so im back on my "off maca" stage.

I drink tonnes of water but it irritates my tummy more, making me more gassy, I think that's cause I gulp it down though, il try "sipping" more throught the day instead of guzzling - il start googling a smoothie maker, i have a juice but its a pain in the ass to clean so i don't use it too often.

Charlie did youre nutritionist give you any guide as to how much protein was "TOO MUCH" for your kidneys to process. I can google that info but i think you and i are pretty much the same body size wise so it'd be interesting to know your nutritionists input..


He actually didn't mention it and I didn't think to ask because at that time I didn't realize how important protein was for gaining weight and also for gaining muscle. But I've asked my trainer and did lots of searching on the body builder website and other health sites. It's based off of your weight. I don't know how much you weigh, but if you're about my weight, start off with around 60 grams of protein a day then each week bump it up. That'll be easier on your tummy than just jumping right into 90 grams a day. But you don't need that much unless your weight training. Without weight training, it's going to be harder for you to gain weight & gain weight in the right places instead of just your tummy.

By the way, protein makes you gassy & it makes the gas just downright smell like roadkill that was set on fire then got a dirty diaper & Indian food dumped on it. Lol. It's not the kind of gas that causes pain or anything, it just makes you toot a lot. Just make sure to drink a lot of water to help that.

Also, Gas X isn't what you want. All that does is combine all the little gas bubbles into larger gas bubbles to make the gas go away quicker, but it doesn't prevent gas. The only thing that prevents gas is actually Beano, so just drop it in some water in the morning or before you eat.

Once your body gets used to the extra protein, the gas will calm down. In the beginning, it's no fun for ANYONE, so grab some Beano. Haha

Sounds like your stomach is easily upset. Do you have IBS? Either way, you might want to start taking some probiotics (the refrigerated kind, not the kind on the shelves), and maybe look into digestive enzymes

You don't need an expensive smoothie maker. You can just use a blender. If you want. I use a magic bullet because that's all I have right now and it works fine. I'm sure there's better blenders that'll really purée everything though.

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