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Dedicated this time!


Hi aradiarising, I was just wondering if you could tell me what you put in the mixture you use for your massages? Also what sort of methods you use for massaging them? thanks Shy

Hi Sair1991!
I use an old clear 2 ounce bottle, empty at least 4, maybe 5 fenugreek capsules and fill it up the rest of the way with safflower oil (I bought some ages ago when I tried OCM and never used it)
Lately I've been massaging by moving my fingers up the outside of my breasts, up under my armpits, down between them/through the cleavage area, under them moving out and starting all over again. I do that for at least 10 minutes, sometimes 15 when I'm feeling especially motivated. Then I do a round of Tigerlily/Fengshui massage and apply a heating pad for awhile. Usually I'll play the rockmelon while I'm massaging and listen to a session of BlakeTalks with the heating pad, so it depends on the length of the session the length of time I apply heat.

I just finished a wiifit/sports active workout and my legs feel like jello which is kind of a cool feeling after yoga but after a ton of squats not so much. Anyways, the point I wanted to note was I felt noticable jiggling in my breasts, not enough to offset the jiggle in my butt but enough for me to cheerfully put some extra oomph into my lunges!

Thankyou. Very helpful Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Hopefully it was easy to understand sair- I was going through the motions trying to be thorough.

So I did another workout today and weighed myself since the balance board for wii works as a handy scale. Turns out I've lost 3 pound since I last played which was at least a month ago. It takes into account the weight of your clothes so if I went to the doctor I would be over 100 but still have lost the three pounds. I'm not super worried but I want to keep an eye on myself- last time I went away to college I lost 10 pounds which was like 10% of my body weight to depression. I'm on a generic form of paxil now and school's almost done so the stressor will be out of my life for 3 months which is probably why I'm not all that concerned right now.

I measured again today and got a smidgen more then 33 1/2"- at this point I feel a little like I'm just going through the motions until I get my noogleberry, which with any luck will be waiting for me on thursday when I head to the parents. I'm thinking I'll add an instant breakfast to my day, not only for the protein but also since I did lose a little weight it could be helpful in stopping any more loss. I wonder if the boob loss has anything to do with my weight loss.... never paid enough attention or had enough shrinkage to tell before now. Hmmm..... Must pay better attention to my body parts!

Ahhhhh!! Itchy nipples!! I was taking my (hellish) final and trying really hard not to scratch myself, especially since the room was packed since it's a test day.

Got my noogleberry! I hesitated about telling my parents what it was but my little brother and I were bonding so I went ahead and told him. He's 14 and usually has that teenage- everything's lame attitude so I said he could laugh but if he laughed I'd get to use it on him. He ended up thinking it was the coolest thing! That's what I get for underestimating my brother!

lmao, your baby bro seems to be pretty cool for his age, hahaha

I've been noogling two or three times a day since I got it. The third time I did it I overdid it and got bruises on the tops and bottoms of my breasts. I've been putting vics on it because it's what I've got at home that actually works well and it's been helping as well as preventing new ones if I accidently overpump.
I swelled an inch and a half on the one I overdid and I'm hoping I can get similar results. I feel super weird though walking around because my swelling's sticking around for a while and it's odd having a bounce when I don't wear a bra

LOL congrats on the bounce! I felt the same way when I got to a 32C, the bounce and jiggle at first can be weird, but you will get use to it, now that I'm a 32D... it does feel weird when I jump or exercise, but any other time, like just walking, it's not soo bad, but at first it was lol. Real boobies bounce and jiggle, and me starting as a AA it was definitely weird at first, but now I don't notice it, kind of like my butt jiggles.

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